[机翻] 什么是“非常特殊的情况”可以证明吉普赛人在绿化带的地点?
  • 《Journal of Planning & Environment Law》 2008年12期

摘要 : It is a complete understatement that local planning authorities and inspectors have found it difficult to apply the planning policies as to when a Gypsy site for stationing caravans should be allowed in the green belt. The number ... 展开

期刊名称 《Journal of Planning & Environment Law》
页码/总页数 p.1711-1713 / 3
语种/中图分类号 英语 / D  
关键词 green belt   gypsies   planning permission   planning policy guidance   temporary permissions   traveller sites   very special circumstances  
馆藏号 D-016