[机翻] 与雷达(微波)效应相关的流行病学证据
  • 《Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements》 1997年105卷Suppl.6期

摘要 : Public and occupational exposures to microwave (RF) radiation are of two main types. The first type of exposures are those connected with military and industrial uses and, to someextent, broadcast exposures. It is this type that m... 展开

作者 John R. Goldsmith  
期刊名称 《Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements》
页码/总页数 p.1579-1588 / 10
语种/中图分类号 英语 / X  
关键词 leukemia epidemiology   brain cancer epidemiology   nonionizing radiation epidemiology  
馆藏号 X-028