[机翻] 过量生物污染对半透膜装置吸收有机污染物影响不大
  • 《Chemosphere》 2006年65卷11期

摘要 : The effects of water flow rate and antifouling agents on the extent of biofouling and on the uptake of non-polar organic contaminants by semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were studied during four field experiments in the West... 展开

作者 Kees Booij   Ronald van Bommel   Anchelique Mets   Rob Dekker  
期刊名称 《Chemosphere》
页码/总页数 p.2485-2492 / 8
语种/中图分类号 英语 / X51  
关键词 SPMDs   PCBs   PAHs   organochlorine pesticides   passive sampling  
馆藏号 X-089