  • 《Zoological Research(Diversity and Conservation)》 2024年2期

摘要 : As hydropower development expands across lowland tropical forests,flooding and concomitant insular fragmentation have become important threats to biodiversity.Newly created insular landscapes serve as natural laboratories to inves... 展开

作者 Ana Filipa Palmeirim   Maíra Benchimol   Danielle Storck-Tonon   Anderson SBueno   Isabel LJones   Gilmar Klein   Carlos APeres  
期刊名称 《Zoological Research(Diversity and Conservation)》
期刊英文名称 《动物学研究(多样性与保护)(英文)》
页码/总页数 P.106-116 / 11
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / Q95  
关键词 Habitat loss   Hydropower dams   Landbridge   Local extinctions   Species-area relationships   Species diversity   Tropical forests  
DOI 10.24272/j.issn.2097-3772.2023.007
基金项目 supported byÁreas Protegidas da Amazônia(ARPA);Amazonas Distribuidora de Energia S.A.,and Associação Comunidade Waimiri Atroari;Rufford Foundation(grant number 13675-1);the Conservation Food and Health Foundation,and Idea Wild;National Geographic Society grant(NGS-93497C-22)awarded to CAP.I.J is funded through a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship(MR/T019018/1);M.B received a productivity grant from CNPq(304189/2022-7);European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No.854248(TROPIBIO)。