  • 《电子研究与应用》 2022年3期

摘要 : It is an effective means for merchants to carry out precision marketing and improve ROI by using historical user behavior data obtained from promotional activities in order to build a model to predict the repeat purchase behavior ... 展开

作者 Junchao Dong   Tinghui Huang   Liang Min   Wenyan Wang  
期刊名称 《电子研究与应用》
页码/总页数 P.12-19 / 8
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / TP1  
关键词 Data mining   Business intelligence   E-commerce   BERT   Multilayer perceptron  
基金项目 Shaanxi Provincial Education Science Regulations“Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”Project“Research on the Application of Educational Data Mining in Applied Undergraduate Teaching:A Case Study of‘Computer Application Technology’Course”(Project Number:SGH21Y0403);The 2020 Bureau of Shaanxi Provincial Sports Regular Project(Project Number:2021392);The Special Research Project of Xi’an Jiaotong University City College(Project Number:KCSZ01005)。