  • 《数学研究及应用:英文版》 2022年3期

摘要 : In this paper,we study the stability of the orthogonal equation,which is closely related to the results by W.Fechner and J.Sikorska in 2010.There are some differences that we consider the target space with theβ-homogeneous norm an... 展开

作者 Qi LIU   Linlin FU   Yongjin LI  
期刊名称 《数学研究及应用:英文版》
期刊英文名称 《数学研究及应用(英文版)》
页码/总页数 P.289-296 / 8
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / O177  
关键词 Hyers-Ulam stability   β-homogeneous F-spaces   quasi-Banach spaces   orthogonal additivity  
DOI 10.3770/j.issn:2095-2651.2022.03.007
基金项目 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11971493;12071491);the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2021qntd21)。