  • 《植物生态学报(英文版)》 2018年3期
作者 Joseph S.Diémé   Mayécor Diouf   Cristina Armas   Graciela MRusch   Francisco I.Pugnaire  
期刊名称 《植物生态学报(英文版)》
页码/总页数 P.375-384 / 10
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / O17  
关键词 Acacia tortilis   Adansonia digitata   Balanites aegyptiaca   Celtis integrifolia   Combretum glutinosum   Faidherbia albida   functional traits   Neocarya macrophyla   Sclerocarya birrea   Tamarindus indica   water stress  
DOI 10.1093/jpe/rtw140
基金项目 This work was carried out within the FUNCITREE Project,an EU 7FP(contract KBBE-227265);It was also partly funded by the Spanish MICINN(grant CGL2014-59010-R);J.S.D.received a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development(AECID).C.A.is grateful to the Spanish Government for her‘Ramón y Cajal’contract(RYC-2012-12277).
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