  • 《中国文献情报:英文版》 2012年2期

摘要 : Purpose: This paper aims to compare and rank the allocative efficiency of information resources in rural areas by taking 13 rural areas in Jiangsu Province, China as the research sample.Design/methodology/approach: We designed inp... 展开

作者 Jiannong ZHOU   Aidong PENG   Jing CUI   Shuiqing HUANG  
期刊名称 《中国文献情报:英文版》
期刊英文名称 《中国文献情报(英文版)》
页码/总页数 P.33-44 / 12
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / F320.1  
关键词 Rural information resources   Data envelopment analysis(DEA)   Cross-efficiency   Allocation of information resources   Allocative efficiency  
基金项目 jointly supported by National Soft Science Research Program(Grant No.:2011GXQ4D048);the Fundamental Research Foundation for the Central Universities(Grant No.:KYZ201133);the Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province(Grant No.:11TQB005)