序号 | 国际标准化组织编号 | 国际标准编号 | 国际标准英文名称 | 国际标准中文名称 |
1 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 2789:2013 | Information and documentation — International library statistics | 信息与文献 国际图书馆统计 |
2 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 9230:2007 | Information and documentation — Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications | 信息与文献 图书馆购买的纸质和电子资源价格参数确定 |
3 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 9707:2008 | Information and documentation — Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications | 信息与文献 图书、报纸、期刊及电子出版物的生产和发行统计 |
4 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO/TR 11219:2012 | Information and documentation - Qualitative conditions and basic statistics for library buildings — Space, function and design | 信息与文献 图书馆建筑的质量及其他基本要求 空间、功能及设计 |
5 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 11620:2014 | Information and documentation — Library performance indicators | 信息与文献 图书馆绩效指标 |
6 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO/TR 14873:2013 | Information and documentation — Statistics and quality issues for web archiving | 信息与文献 网络保存的统计及质量要求 |
7 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 16439:2014 | Information and documentation — Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries | 信息与文献 图书馆影响力评价的方法和程序 |
8 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 18461:2016 | International museum statistics | 国际博物馆统计 |
9 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 21246:2019 | Information and documentation —Key indicators for museums | 信息与文献 博物馆关键指标 |
10 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO 21248:2019 | Information and documentation — Quality assessment for national libraries | 信息与文献 国家图书馆的质量评估 |
11 | ISO/TC46/SC8 | ISO/TR 28118:2009 | Information and documentation — Performance indicators for national libraries | 信息与文献 国家图书馆绩效指标 |