序号 | 标准号 | 标准中文名称 | 标准英文名称 | 采用国际标准 | 备注 |
1 | GB/T 3793-1983 | 检索期刊条目著录规则 | Descriptive rules for entries of retrieval periodicals | 1984-04-01实施 | |
2 | GB/T 6447-1986 | 文摘编写规则 | Rules for abstracts and abstracting | ISO 214:1976 | 1987-06-01实施 |
3 | GB/T 7713-1987 | 科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式 | Presentation of scientific and technical reports,dissertations and scientific papers | 1988-01-01实施 | |
4 | GB/T 11668-1989 | 图书和其它出版物的书脊规则 | Spine titles on books and other publications | ISO 6357:1985 | 1990-06-01实施 |
5 | GB/T 13142-1991 | 书目信息交换用拉丁字母代码字符扩充集 | Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange | ISO 5426:1983,IDT | 1992-04-01实施 |
6 | GB/T 13141-1991 | 书目信息交换用希腊字母编码编码字符集 | Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange | ISO 5428:1984,IDT | 1992-04-01实施 |
7 | GB/T 3304-1991 | 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码 | Names of nationalities of China in romanization with codes | 1992-04-01实施,代替GB 3304-1982 | |
8 | GB/T 3259-1992 | 中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法 | Transliteration rules of Chinese phonetic Alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in Chinese | 1992-11-01实施,代替GB 3259-1982 | |
9 | GB/T 13418-1992 | 文字条目通用排序规则 | Character and entry filing principles | ISO 7154:1983,MOD | 1992-12-01实施 |
10 | GB/T 15693-1995 | 印刷型文献价格指数标准 | Standard for price index of printed document | 1996-04-01实施 | |
11 | GB/T 2659-2000 | 世界各国和地区名称代码 | Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions | ISO 3166-1:1997,EQV | 2001-03-01实施,代替GB/T 2659-1994 |
12 | GB/T 12450-2001 | 图书书名页 | Title leaves of books | ISO 1086:1991,EQV | 2002-08-01实施,代替GB/T 12450-1990 |
13 | GB/T 12451-2001 | 图书在版编目数据 | Cataloguing in publication data in the book | 2002-08-01实施,代替GB/T 12451-1990 | |
14 | GB/T 19688.1-2005 | 信息与文献 书目数据元目录 第1部分;互借应用 | Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 1:Interloan applications | ISO 8459-1:1988,IDT | 2005-10-01实施 |
15 | GB/T 19688.2-2005 | 信息与文献 书目数据元目录 第2部分;采访应用 | Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 2:Acquisitions applications | ISO 8459-2:1992,IDT | 2005-10-01实施 |
16 | GB/T 19688.3-2005 | 信息与文献 书目数据元目录 第3部分;情报检索 | Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 3:Information retrieval applications | ISO 8459-3:1994,IDT | 2005-10-01实施 |
17 | GB/T 19688.4-2005 | 信息与文献 书目数据元目录 第4部分;流通应用 | Information and Documentation--Bibliographic data element directory-Part 4:circulation applications | ISO 8459-4:1998,IDT | 2005-10-01实施 |
18 | GB/T 19689-2005 | 信息与文献 交互式文本检索命令集 | Information and Documentation-commands for interactive text searching | ISO 8777:1993,IDT | 2005-10-01实施 |
19 | GB/T 3792.6-2005 | 测绘制图资料著录规则 | Bibliographic description for cartographic materials | 2005-10-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.6-1986 | |
20 | GB/T 5795-2006 | 中国标准书号 | China Standard Book Number | ISO 2108:2005,EQV | 2007-01-01实施,代替GB/T 5795-1986,GB/T 5795-2002 |
21 | GB/T 7713.1-2006 | 学位论文编写规则 | Presentation of theses and dissertations | ISO 7144:1986,NEQ | 2007-05-01实施 |
22 | GB/T 20163-2006 | 中国档案机读目录格式 | China MARC format archives | 2006-10-01实施 | |
23 | GB/T 3792.2-2006 | 普通图书著录规则 | Bibliographical description for monographes | ISBD(M),NEQ | 2007-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.2-1985 |
24 | GB/T 22466-2008 | 索引编制规则(总则) | Guidelines for establishement of indexes (General) | ISO 999:1996,NEQ | 2009-04-01实施 |
25 | GB/T 3792.7-2008 | 古籍著录规则 | Bibliographical description for ancient Chines books | ISBD(A),MOD | 2009-01-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.7-1987 |
26 | GB/T 23732-2009 | 中国标准文本编码 | China Standard Text Code | ISO 21047(FDIS),MOD | 2009-11-01实施 |
27 | GB/T 18358-2009 | 中小学教科书幅面尺寸及版面通用标准 | General requrements of trim size and type area for primary and secondary school textbooks | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 18358-2001 | |
28 | GB/T 3792.3-2009 | 文献著录 第3部分:连续性资源 | Bibliographical description-Part 3:Continuing resources | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.3-1985 | |
29 | GB/T 13417-2009 | 期刊目次表 | Content list of periodicals | ISO 18:1981,MOD | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 13417-1992 |
30 | GB/T 13396-2009 | 中国标准录音制品编码 | China standard recording code | ISO 3901:2001,MOD | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 13396-1992 |
31 | GB/T 15418-2009 | 档案分类标引规则 | Guidelines for the archives classification indexing | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 15418-1994 | |
32 | GB/T 13191-2009 | 信息与文献 图书馆统计 | Information and documentation-Library statistics | ISO 2709:2006,IDT | 2009-09-01实施,代替GB/T 13191-1991 |
33 | GB/T 4894-2009 | 信息与文献 术语 | Information and documentation-Vocabulary | ISO 5127:2001,MOD | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 13143-1991,GB/T 4894-1985 |
34 | GB/T 23730.1-2009 | 中国标准视听作品号 第1部分:视听作品标识符 | China standard audiovisual number-Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier | ISO 15706-1:2002,MOD | 2009-11-01实施 |
35 | GB/T 23730.2-2009 | 中国标准视听作品号 第2部分:版本标识符 | China standard audiovisual number-Part 2: Version identifier | ISO 15706-2:2007,MOD | 2009-11-01实施 |
36 | GB/T 23733-2009 | 中国标准音乐作品编码 | China Standard Musical Work Code | ISO 15707:2001,MOD | 2009-11-01实施 |
37 | GB/T 23269-2009 | 信息与文献 开放系统互连 馆际互借应用服务定义 | Information and documentation-Open systems interconnection-Interlibrary loan application service definition | ISO 10160:1997,IDT | 2009-09-01实施 |
38 | GB/T 23270.1-2009 | 信息与文献 开放系统互连 馆际互借应用协议规范 第1部分:协议说明书 | Information and documentation-Open systems interconnection-Interlibrary loan application protocol specification-Part 1:Protocol specification | ISO 10161-1:1997,IDT | 2009-09-01实施 |
39 | GB/T 23270.2-2009 | 信息与文献.开放系统互连.馆际互借应用协议规范.第2部分:协议实施一致性声明(PICS)条文 | Information and documentation-Open systems interconnection-Interlibrary loan application protocol specification-Part 2:Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma | ISO 10161-2:1997,IDT | 2009-09-01实施 |
40 | GB/T 3792.9-2009 | 文献著录 第9部分:电子资源 | Bibliographical description-Part 9:Electronic resources | ISBD(ER):2004,NEQ | 2010-02-01实施 |
41 | GB/T 19688.5-2009 | 信息与文献 书目数据元目录.第5部分:编目和元数据交换用数据元 | Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 5:Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata | ISO 8459-5:2002,IDT | 2009-09-01实施 |
42 | GB/T 23731-2009 | GEDI-通用电子文档交换 | GEDI-Generic Electronic Document Interchange | ISO 17933:2000, IDT | 2009-11-01实施 |
43 | GB/T 3792.4-2009 | 文献著录 第4部分:非书资料 | Bibliographical description-Part 4:Non-book materials | ISBD:2007,NEQ | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.4-1985 |
44 | GB/T 3860-2009 | 文献主题标引规则 | Guidelines for determining the subjects and selecting the descriptors | ISO 5963:1985,NEQ | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3860-1995 |
45 | GB/T 3179-2009 | 期刊编排格式 | Presentation of periodicals | ISO 8:1977,MOD | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3179-1992 |
46 | GB/T 24422-2009 | 信息与文献 档案纸 耐久性和耐用性要求 | Information and documentation-Archival Paper -Requirements for permanence and durability | ISO 11108:1996,MOD | 2010-02-01实施 |
47 | GB/T 24424-2009 | 馆藏说明 | Holdings statements | ISO 10324:1997,NEQ | 2010-02-01实施 |
48 | GB/T 3792.1-2009 | 文献著录 第1部分:总则 | Bibliographical description-Part 1:General | ISBD(G):2004,NEQ | 2010-02-01实施,代替GB/T 3792.1-1983 |
49 | GB/T 24423-2009 | 信息与文献-文献用纸-耐久性要求 | Information and documentation-Paper for documents-Requirements for permanence | ISO 9706:1994,MOD | 2010-02-01实施 |
50 | GB/Z 25101-2010/ISO/TR 21449:2004 | 音乐、电影、视频、录音和出版产业内容传递与权益管理标识符和描述符的功能要求 | Content delivery and rights management-Functional requirements for identifiers and descriptors for use in the music, film, video, sound recording and publishing industries | ISO/TR 21449:2004,IDT | 2010-12-01实施 |
51 | GB/T 26163.1-2010/ISO 23081-1:2006 | 信息与文献 文件管理过程 文件元数据 第1部分:原则 | Information and documentation-Records management processes-Metadata for records-Part 1:Principles | ISO 23081-1:2006,IDT | 2011-06-01实施 |
52 | GB/T 25100-2010 | 信息与文献 都柏林核心元数据元素集 | Information and documentation-The Dublin Core metadata element set | ISO 15836:2009,MOD | 2010-12-01实施 |
53 | GB/T 26162.1-2010/ISO 15489-1:2001 | 信息与文献 文件管理 第1部分:通则 | Information and documentation-Records management-Part 1:General | ISO 15489-1:2001,IDT | 2011-06-01实施 |
54 | GB/T 27703-2011 | 信息与文献 图书馆和档案馆的文献保存要求 | Information and documentation-Document storage requirements for archive and library materials | ISO 111799:2003,MOD | 2012-05-01实施 |
55 | GB/T 27702-2011/ISO 23950:1998 | 信息与文献 信息检索(Z39.50)应用服务定义和协议规范 | Information and documentation--Information retrieval (Z39.50)--Application service definition and protocol specification | ISO 23950:1998,IDT | 2012-05-01实施 |
56 | GB/T 2901-2012 | 信息与文献 信息交换格式 | Information and documentation--Format for informatiion exchange | ISO 2709:2008,IDT | 2012-11-01实施 |
57 | GB/T 29182-2012 | 信息与文献 图书馆绩效指标 | Information and documentation-library performance indicators | ISO 11620:2008,IDT | 2013-06-01实施 |
58 | GB/T 3469-2013 | 信息资源的内容形式和媒体类型标识 | Content form and media type of information resource | 2014-04-15实施 | |
59 | GB/T 30108-2013 | 信息与文献 图书馆和档案馆的图书、期刊、连续出版物及其它纸质文献的装订要求 方法与材料 | Information and documentation--Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use--Methods and materials | ISO 14418:2003,MOD | 2014-04-15实施 |
60 | GB/T 7713.3-2014 | 科学技术报告编写规则 | Presentation of Scientific and technical report | ANSI/NISO Z39.18:2005,NEQ | 2014-11-01实施 |
61 | GB/T 15416-2014 | 科技报告编号规则 | Standard of scientific and technical reports number | 2014-11-01实施 | |
62 | GB/T 30535-2014 | 科技报告元数据规范 | Scientific and technical reports metadata specification | 2014-11-01实施 | |
63 | GB/T 30534-2014 | 科技报告保密等级代码与标识 | Codes and identification of secret level for scientific and technical reports | 2014-11-01实施 | |
64 | GB/T 7714-2015 | 信息与文献 参考文献著录规则 | Information and documentation— Rules for bibliographic references and citations to information resources | ISO 690:2010,NEQ | 2015-12-01实施 |
65 | GB/T 13190.1-2015 | 信息与文献 叙词表与其他词表的互操作 第1部分:用于信息检索的叙词表 | Information and documentation —Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies | ISO 25964-1:2011,MOD | 2015-12-01实施 |
66 | GB/T 32004-2015 | 信息与文献 纸张上书写、打印和复印字迹的耐久性和耐用性 要求和测试方法 | Information and documentation —Permanence | ISO 11798:1999,MOD | 2016-04-01实施 |
67 | GB/Z 32002-2015/ISO/TR 26122:2008 | 信息与文献 文件管理工作过程分析 | Information and documentation —Work process analysis for records | ISO/TR 26122:2008,IDT | 2016-04-01实施 |
68 | GB/T 32003-2015 | 科技查新技术规范 | Specification of scientific and technical novelty search | 2016-04-01实施 | |
69 | GB/T 32153-2015 | 文献分类标引规则 | Documentation-Methods for examining documents, determing their subjects, and selecting indexing terms | 2016-07-01实施 | |
70 | GB/T33268-2016 | 科技管理与评价奖励分类单元 | Evaluating and classifying forreward of science and technology | 2017-07-01实施 | |
71 | GB/T 33994-2017 | 信息和文献 WARC文件格式 | Information and documentation—WARC file format | ISO 28500:2009,IDT | 2018-02-01实施 |
72 | GB/T 34110-2017 | 信息与文献 文件管理体系 基础与术语 | Information and documentation—Management systems for records—Fundamentals and vocabulary | ISO 30300:2011,IDT | 2017-11-01实施 |
73 | GB/T 34112-2017 | 信息与文献 文件管理体系 要求 | Information and documentation—Management systems for records—Requirements | ISO 30301:2011,IDT | 2017-11-01实施 |
74 | GB/T 34832-2017 | 信息与文献 CNMARC的XML表示 | Information and documentation— ChinaMarcXchange | ISO 25577:2013,MOD | 2018-05-01实施 |
75 | GB/T 34836-2017 | 信息与文献 文字名称表示代码 | Information and documentation— Codes for the representation of names of scripts | ISO 15924:2004,MOD | 2018-05-01实施 |
76 | GB/T 34840.1-2017 | 信息与文献 电子办公环境中文件管理原则与功能要求 第1部分: 概述和原则 | Information and documentation—Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments—Part 1:Overview and statement of principles | ISO 16175-1:2010,MOD | 2018-02-01实施 |
77 | GB/T 34840.2-2017 | 信息与文献 电子办公环境中文件管理原则与功能要求 第2部分:数字文件管理系统指南与功能要求 | Information and documentation—Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments—Part 2:Guidelines and functional requirements for digital records management systems | ISO 16175-2:2011,MOD | 2018-04-01实施 |
78 | GB/T 34840.3-2017 | 信息与文献 电子办公环境中文件管理原则与功能要求 第3部分:业务系统中文件管理指南与功能要求 | Information and documentation—Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments—Part 3:Guidelines and functional requierments for records in business systems | ISO 16175-3:2010,MOD | 2018-04-01实施 |
79 | GB/T 35397-2017 | 科技人才元数据元素集 | Research and development talent metadata element set | 2018-04-01实施 | |
80 | GB/T 35430-2017 | 信息与文献 期刊描述型元数据元素集 | Information and documentation—Descriptive metadata elementset for periodical | 2018-04-01实施 | |
81 | GB/T 35433-2017 | 信息与文献 图书馆及相关组织的注册服务 | Information and documentation— Registry services for libraries and related organizations | ISO 2146:2010, MOD | 2018-04-01实施 |
82 | GB/T 36068-2018 | 中国机读馆藏格式 | China machine-readable catalogue format for holdings data | 2018-10-01实施 | |
83 | GB/T 36070-2018 | 地方志索引编制规则 | Guidelines for establishement of the local chronicles | 2018-10-01实施 | |
84 | GB/T 36067-2018 | 信息与文献 引文数据库数据加工规则 | Information and documentation—Specification for data processing of citation database | 2018-10-01实施 | |
85 | GB/T 9999.2-2018 | 中国标准连续出版物号 第2部分:ISSN | China standard serial number-Part 2:ISSN | ISO 3297:2007,MOD | 2019-04-01实施 |
86 | GB/T 36369-2018 | 信息与文献 数字对象唯一标识符系统 | Information and documentation—Digital object identifier system | ISO 26324:2012,IDT | 2019-01-01实施 |
87 | GB/T 9999.1-2018 | 中国标准连续出版物号 第1部分:CN | China standard serial number-Part 1:China serial number | 2018-10-01实施 | |
88 | GB/T 13190.2-2018 | 信息与文献 叙词表与其他词表的互操作 第2部分:与其他词表的互操作 | Information and documentation—Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularis-Part 2:Interoperability with other vocabularies | ISO 25964-2:2013,MOD | 2019-01-01实施 |
89 | GB/T 37965-2019 | Information and documentation—A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information | ISO 21127:2014,IDT | 2020-03-01实施 | |
90 | GB/T 3792-2021 | 信息与文献 资源描述 | Information and documentation—Resource description | International Standard Bibliographic Description(ISBD). Consolidated Edition | 2021-10-01实施,即将代替 GB/T3792.1-2009, GB/T3792.2-2006, GB/T3792.3-2009, GB/T3792.4-2009, GB/T3792.6-2005, GB/T3792.7-2008, GB/T3972.9-2009, GB/T 3469-2013 |