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    摘要 : The deviation of continuous and discrete complex random variables from the traditional proper and symmetric assumption to a generalized improper and asymmetric characterization (accounting correlation between a random entity and i... 展开

    摘要 : Ultra-high bandwidth, negligible latency and seamless communication are envisioned as milestones that will revolutionize the way by which societies create, distribute and consume information. The remarkable expansion of wireless d... 展开

    摘要 : Ultra-high bandwidth, negligible latency and seamless communication are envisioned as milestones that will revolutionize the way by which societies create, distribute and consume information. The remarkable expansion of wireless d... 展开

    摘要 : Augmenting ground-level communications with flying networks, such as the high-altitude platform system (HAPS), is among the major innovative initiatives of the next generation of wireless systems (6G). Given HAPS quasi-static posi... 展开

    摘要 : We propose two types of intelligent reflecting systems based on programmable metasurfaces and mirrors to focus the incident optical power towards a visible light communication receiver. We derive the required phase gradients for t... 展开

    摘要 : We propose two types of intelligent reflecting systems based on programmable metasurfaces and mirrors to focus the incident optical power towards a visible light communication receiver. We derive the required phase gradients for t... 展开

    摘要 : This paper proposes, and evaluates the benefits of, a hybrid central cloud (CC) and mobile edge computing (MEC) platform, especially introduced to balance the network resources for joint communication and computation. The transmis... 展开

    [机翻] iFrag:无线传感器网络中抗干扰的帧分割方案
    [期刊]   Ahmad Showail   Amr Elrasad   Ammar Meer   Anas Daghistani   Kamran Jamshaid   Basem Shihada   《Wireless Networks》    2014年20卷7期      共18页
    摘要 : Reliable data transmission is a fundamental challenge in resource-constrained wireless sensor networks. In current implementations, a single bit error requires retransmitting the entire frame. This incurs extra processing overhead... 展开

    [期刊]   Sahar Ammar   Osama Amin   Mohamed-Slim Alouini   Basem Shihada      2022年14卷5期      共17页
    摘要 : Solar energy is widely used for electricity generation, heating systems, and indoor environment daytime illumination. Indeed, large amounts of sunlight energy remain insufficiently used. In this work, we aim at employing sunlight ... 展开

    摘要 : With the prevalence of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) in many standards, e.g., IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, DVB-T, and DVB-T2, a number of variant modulation schemes based on OFDM have been proposed, which resort t... 展开
