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    [机翻] 帕米尔高原的构造帕米尔高原中部的地壳堆积、伸展塌陷和侧向挤压:1。几何学和运动学
    摘要 : Asian deep crust exposed in the Pamir permits determination of the amount, sequence, and interaction of shortening, extension, and lateral extrusion over 30km of crustal section during the India-Asia collision. In the Central Pami... 展开

    摘要 : Neogene, syn-collisional extensional exhumation of Asian lower-middle crust produced the Shakhdara-Alichur gneiss-dome complex in the South Pamir. The <1 km-thick, mylonitic-brittle, top-NNE, normal-sense Alichur shear zone (ASZ) ... 展开

    [机翻] 构建帕米尔高原中部的地壳堆积、伸展塌陷和侧向挤压:2。时间和费率
    摘要 : Geothermochronologic data outline the temperature-deformation-time evolution of the Muskol and Shatput gneiss domes and their hanging walls in the Central Pamir. Prograde metamorphism started before 35Ma and peaked at 23-20Ma, ref... 展开

    [机翻] 阿曼Al-Hajar山脉晚始新世隆升的地层学和低温热年代学支持
    [期刊]   Hansman, Reuben J.   Ring, Uwe   Thomson, Stuart N.   den Brok, Bas   Stuebner, Konstanze   《Tectonics》    2017年36卷11/12期      共29页
    摘要 : Uplift of the Al Hajar Mountains in Oman has been related to either Late Cretaceous ophiolite obduction or the Neogene Zagros collision. To test these hypotheses, the cooling of the central Al Hajar Mountains is constrained by 10 ... 展开
    关键词 : thermochronology   Oman   uplift   mountains   fission-track   (U-Th)   He    

    摘要 : A balanced cross-section spanning the Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Zone of southern Peru (13-15 degrees S) constrains similar to 130 km (38%) of Cenozoic orogen-normal SW-NE Andean deformation accommodated by thick- and thin-s... 展开
    关键词 : Altiplano   Andes   fold-thrust belts   Peru   inversion  

    [机翻] 帕米尔-西藏高原的构造帕米尔高原的地壳堆积、伸展塌陷和侧向挤压:3。亚洲深部地壳的温度气压和岩石年代学
    摘要 : Large domes of crystalline, middle to deep crustal rocks of Asian provenance make the Pamir a unique part of the India-Asia collision. Combined major-element and trace element thermobarometry, pseudosections, garnet-zoning deconst... 展开

    [机翻] 保加利亚西南部和希腊北部南罗多普核杂岩伸展和盆地形成的非同步时间
    摘要 : Upper crustal extensional structures range from steep normal faults to shallow-dipping detachments. The relationship between extension and formation of synkinematic hanging wall basins including their relative timing is not well u... 展开

    [机翻] 阿拉斯加东南部St.Elias syntaxis的冷却历史,由卵石大小的冰川碎屑的年代学和热年代学揭示
    摘要 : We investigate the spatiotemporal evolution of exhumation in the ice-covered St. Elias syntaxis area, southeast Alaska, using multiple thermochronometers and geochronometers from cobble-sized glacial detritus. Multiple thermochron... 展开

    摘要 : Greenschist to amphibolite grade Haimanta metasediments of the NW Himalaya preserve much of the prograde metamorphic history of Eohimalayan crustal thickening, which has been erased by Oligo-/Miocene migmatization elsewhere in the... 展开

    [机翻] 隆日巴断裂系的差异剥露:对青藏高原东部的启示
    摘要 : The deformation processes at work across the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau remain controversial. The interpretation of its tectonic history is often polarized between two deformation models: ductile flow in the lower crust... 展开
