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[机翻] 明确有效性的共识定义
[期刊]   Paul E. Newton   《Measurement》    2012年10卷1/4期      共29页
摘要 : The 1999 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing defines validity as the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests. Although quite explicit, there... 展开

[机翻] 质疑有效性的共识定义
[期刊]   Paul E. Newton   《Measurement》    2012年10卷1/4期      共13页
摘要 : The focus article provided me with an opportunity to unpack the consensus definition of validity and to explore its implications in the light of recent debates. I proposed an elaboration of the consensus definition, which was inte... 展开

[机翻] 概念化可比性
[期刊]   Paul E. Newton   《Measurement》    2010年8卷4期      共8页
摘要 : I am very grateful to the commentators for their observations and challenges: Baird, Coe, Cresswell, von Davier, and Walker. Most comments focused on aspects of my alternative framework for thinking about linking, so I will restri... 展开

[机翻] 低水平的调查如何告知高层关于有效性的判断?
[期刊]   Paul E. Newton   《Measurement》    2017年15卷1/4期      共4页
摘要 : In Talk and Gesture as Process Datay Bryan Maddox (a) demonstrates how video-ethnographic methods can inform our understanding of assessment events and (b) considers how evidence from talk and gesture can inform validation practic... 展开
