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    摘要 : In this paper we propose an exactly solvable model of a topological insulator defined on a spin-1/2 square decorated lattice. Itinerant fermions defined in the framework of the Haldane model interact via the Kitaev interaction wit... 展开
    关键词 : Exactly   insulator   lattice  

    [机翻] 自旋i量子链拓扑态间的相变
    [期刊]   Igor N. Karnaukhov   《Physical review》    2012年86卷7期      共5页
    摘要 : We study a spin- 1/2 chain with six sites per unit cell, in which four spins are located at the vertices of a tetragon and two spins within the center of the cell. There is exchange interaction along links. The model presented has... 展开
    关键词 : quantized spin models  

    [机翻] 非简并相互作用费米子链精确可解模型中的金属-绝缘体相变
    [期刊]   Igor N. Karnaukhov   《Physical review》    2010年81卷24期      共5页
    摘要 : A two parametric family of the models of two coupled nondegenerate fermion chains is proposed and solved by the means of the Bethe ansatz. We give a detailed analysis of the exact zero-temperature phase diagram at half filling for... 展开

    [机翻] 单壁碳纳米管中费米子配对的杂化机制
    摘要 : A two-band fermion model with boundary fields describing the band structure of a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) is proposed and solved exactly by the nested Bethe ansatz. The fermions, occupying two degenerate subbands that ... 展开

    [机翻] 具有边界跳跃和场的精确可解超对称t-J模型
    [期刊]   Igor N. Karnaukhov   《Physical review. B, Condensed Matter And Materials Physics》    2006年74卷11期      共5页
    摘要 : The supersymmetric t-J model with boundary hopping integrals and fields is proposed and solved exactly by means of the Bethe ansatz method. We find that for certain values of the boundary hopping integrals and fields the ground st... 展开

    [期刊]   Igor N. Karnaukhov   《Physics Letters, A》    2017年381卷23期      共4页
    摘要 : Highlights ? Proposed a new approach for description of phase transitions in topological insulators. ? Considered the mechanism of spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in topological insulators. ? The Haldane mo... 展开

    [机翻] 碳纳米管中固有的强相互作用的路德丁格液态
    摘要 : The electronic transport properties of single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) are characterized by the critical exponent Θ, describing the behavior of the single-particle spectral function near the Fermi energy as ρ(ω) ∝ |ω|~Θ. Exp... 展开

    [机翻] 配对杂化机制与重费米子态:具有强杂化相互作用的精确可解双带模型
    [期刊]   Igor N. Karnaukhov   《Physical review. B, Condensed Matter And Materials Physics》    2005年72卷9期      共4页
    摘要 : The two-band model describing strongly hybridized degenerated electron states in a chain is proposed and solved exactly by means of the Bethe ansatz. The fermions of the subbands interact with each other via one-particle and one-p... 展开
