摘要 :
The current article enhances the test validation process by addressing important issues with the quantifying construct validity (QCV) procedure. The QCV procedure is intended to help researchers systematically and objectively eval...
The current article enhances the test validation process by addressing important issues with the quantifying construct validity (QCV) procedure. The QCV procedure is intended to help researchers systematically and objectively evaluate the degree to which a pattern of convergent and discriminant validity correlations correspond to a priori hypotheses. Although the QCV procedure holds promise as a psychometric tool and has enjoyed some use, at least three factors have likely limited the frequency and accuracy of its use-questions regarding its role and utility in test validation, a lack of clarity about its key concepts, and a lack of integration with widely available statistical software. We address these important issues and provide psychometrically grounded recommendations for applying the QCV procedure. This work facilitates the understanding, computation, and useful application of the QCV procedure, and ultimately it is intended to enhance work in test validation.