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    摘要 : AIMS: Intensive 5-day educational interventions for people with Type 1 diabetes have shown improved outcomes in a number of European studies. The aim was to assess the effectiveness of a brief (2.5 days) psycho-educational interve... 展开
    关键词 : month   Cephalic index   Diabetes   Type 1  

    摘要 : There is no doubt that insulin therapy is effective in the management of people with diabetes. Indications for the use of insulin are agreed, but wide variations exist in the practice of starting people with diabetes on insulin. C... 展开

    [期刊]   Dromgoole P   《The Professional nurse》    2005年20卷5期      共3页
    摘要 : Illness can have a number of effects on diabetes, which require changes in management based on the individual patient's needs. Common effects of illness are discussed, together with strategies for regaining control. Where there is... 展开

    [期刊]   Dromgoole P   《The Professional nurse》    2004年19卷10期      共3页
    摘要 : The need to start insulin therapy for patients with Type 2 diabetes marks a significant turning point in disease progression. It can be an anxious time for patients, who may fear the thought of insulin treatment. This paper looks ... 展开
