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    [期刊]   Clark, Nicholas J.   Dixon, Philip M.   《The Annals of applied statistics》    2018年12卷1期      共21页
    摘要 : Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling is an extremely attractive way to model the spread of crime or terrorism data over a given region, especially when the observations are counts and must be modeled discretely. The spatiotempora... 展开

    摘要 : Increasing temperatures in the US Midwest are projected to reduce maize yields because warmer temperatures hasten reproductive development and, as a result, shorten the grain fill period. However, there is widespread expectation t... 展开

    [期刊]   Dixon, Philip M.   Thompson, Janette R.   Widrlechner, Mark P.   Kapler, Emily J.   《Biological invasions》    2015年17卷12期      共15页
    摘要 : Numerous predictive models have been developed to determine the likelihood that non-native plants will escape from cultivation and potentially become invasive. Given the substantial biological and economic costs that can result fr... 展开

    [机翻] 城市蝴蝶种群特征:有目的的点计数调查案例
    摘要 : Developing effective butterfly monitoring strategies is key to understanding how butterflies interact with urban environments, and, in turn, to developing local conservation practices. We investigated two urban habitat types (publ... 展开

    摘要 : Common Carp Cyprinus carpio and Bigmouth Buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus are widespread across the Midwest, where they can achieve high population densities in shallow lakes. Despite their contrasting statuses as invasive and native ... 展开

    [期刊]   Pareja, Rossina G.   Marquis, Grace S.   Penny, Mary E.   Dixon, Philip M.   《Maternal & child nutrition》    2015年11卷2期      共12页
    摘要 : Excessive demands on maternal nutritional status may be a risk factor for poor birth outcomes. This study examined the association between breastfeeding during late pregnancy (>= 28 weeks) and the risk of having a small-for-gestat... 展开

    摘要 : Detection of somatic mutations in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes using whole-exome sequencing (WES) is hampered by the high polymorphism of the HLA loci, which prevents alignment of sequencing reads to the human reference gen... 展开

    [期刊]   Yum, Man-Yu   Dixon, Philip M.   Birt, Diane F.   Hammer, Kimberly D.P.   《Phytochemistry》    2010年71卷7期      共10页
    摘要 : Hypericum perforatum extracts have been used to treat diseases, including mild-to-moderate depression and inflammatory conditions. It is particularly important to identify which constituents present in the H. perforatum extracts a... 展开

    摘要 : Accurate methods to predict the naturalization of non-native woody plants are key components of risk-management programs being considered by nursery and landscape professionals. The objective of this study was to evaluate four dec... 展开

    摘要 : Purpose Statistical equivalence testing is more appropriate than conventional tests of difference to assess the validity of physical activity (PA) measures. This article presents the underlying principles of equivalence testing an... 展开
