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    摘要 : The paper extends the classical Ant System (AS) algorithms by proposing a novel approach of exponential pheromone deposition by artificial ants ensuring a concentration gradient along solution paths. The stability analysis with a ... 展开

    [机翻] 一种组合分类器和聚类器的优化框架及其在非传导性半监督学习和转移学习中的应用
    摘要 : Unsupervised models can provide supplementary soft constraints to help classify new "target" data because similar instances in the target set are more likely to share the same class label. Such models can also help detect possible... 展开

    [期刊]   Ketan Ghosh   Bumba Chattopadyay   Tapas Maity   Ayan Acharya   《Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology》    2023年24卷8期      共30页
    摘要 : The advent and spread of novel coronavirus (nCoV) has posed a new public health crisis since December 2019. Several cases of unexplained pneumonia occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, only a month before the Chinese Spring fe... 展开

    摘要 : This contribution demonstrates how artificial ants can extract regular geometric shapes from grey scale images. We propose here two methods the first of which is a modified version of existing Ant System algorithm. The second meth... 展开

    [期刊]   Ayan Acharya   Joydeep Ghosh   Mingyuan Zhou   《SIGKDD explorations》    2018年Udisk期      共10页
    摘要 : The abundance of digital text has led to extensive research on topic models that reason about documents using latent representations. Since for many online or streaming textual sources such as news outlets, the number, and nature ... 展开
