摘要 :
COH (M) 4 is a medium duration (90-95 days) maize hybrid suited for cultivation both under rain fed (Sept.-Oct) and irrigated (June-July and Jan-Feb) conditions. It has a yield potential of 11422 kg of grains and 19.0 tonnes of fo...
COH (M) 4 is a medium duration (90-95 days) maize hybrid suited for cultivation both under rain fed (Sept.-Oct) and irrigated (June-July and Jan-Feb) conditions. It has a yield potential of 11422 kg of grains and 19.0 tonnes of fodder per hectare. This hybrid is moderately resistant to downy mildew disease and maize stem borer. It possesses desirable characters such as high starch (70.90 percent), protein (11.12 percent) and fat (5.08 percent). For hybrid seed production, the female UMI 90 X UMI 285(Fj) is to be sown first and 4 days after that, male parent UMI 112 can be sown with the ratio of 6:2. The cobs are fully covered with husk and the percentage of seed set is very high. Grains are bold, yellow in colour and flint in texture. It is recommended for cultivation in Tamil Nadu in the place of COH 3 maize hybrid.
摘要 :
A multicut fodder sorghum COFS 29 (TNS 30 X S. sudanense) was developed to meet long felt demand of the dairy farmers of Tamil Nadu. The new variety is having a yield potential of 170 t ha~(-1) of green fodder per year in five har...
A multicut fodder sorghum COFS 29 (TNS 30 X S. sudanense) was developed to meet long felt demand of the dairy farmers of Tamil Nadu. The new variety is having a yield potential of 170 t ha~(-1) of green fodder per year in five harvests (main crop + four ratoons) at 65-70 days intervals. It is tall in stature and produces 10-15 thin tillers, highly leafy with high palatability. It has more crude protein content than Co 27 and less crude fibre and HCN content. The Digestible Dry Matter and In vitro digestible dry matter are also higher than Co 27.
摘要 :
Based on per se performance, combining ability effects and genetic distance, the genotypes viz. ASD 20, CO 43, CR 1009, IET 15431, CB(DH) 95298 and TNAU 841434 were identified a best contributors for grain yield and other yield co...
Based on per se performance, combining ability effects and genetic distance, the genotypes viz. ASD 20, CO 43, CR 1009, IET 15431, CB(DH) 95298 and TNAU 841434 were identified a best contributors for grain yield and other yield contributing characters. The genotypes HA 891037 was early flowering in duration and had short plant stature. Additive gene action was found in the hybrids viz. CR 1009/AS 95035, CR 1009/IET 15341, CR 1009/CB(DH) 95298, CR 1009/IS 14 and CR 1009/ASD 20. Among the hybrids, CR1009/HA 891037, CR 1009/TNAU 841434, ADT 40/AS 95035, CO 43/ADT 43, CO 43/AS 95035, Improved White Ponni/IET 15341, Improved White Ponni/CB 97033 and Improved White Ponni/CB (DH) 95298 were selected as most promising hybrids based on, per se performance,sea effect and heterosis. These hybrids with non additive gene action can be used for exploitation of heterosis.
摘要 :
The range of variation for 14 different characters indicated wide differences among the genotypes. The magnitudes of GCV were more or less equivalent to PCV for most of the characters studied indicating the least influence of the ...
The range of variation for 14 different characters indicated wide differences among the genotypes. The magnitudes of GCV were more or less equivalent to PCV for most of the characters studied indicating the least influence of the environment. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean and high GCV were recorded for grain yield, Straw yield, ear head weight, number of secondary branches, number of primary branches and plant height indicating the presence of additive gene action for these traits. Number of primary and secondary branches, number of whorls, leaf width and length, number of leaves and plant height showed strong positive correlation with yield. Selection for number of whorls, primary and secondary branches, leaf length, number of leaves, plant height and ear head weight might be effective in achieving higher yield in red grain sorghum hybrids.
摘要 :
Subabul is one of the highly drought resistant tree fodders rich in protein. Its large scale cultivation was started in Tamil Nadu during 1979 with the introduction of improved cultivars like Hawaiian Giant and Giant lpil lpil fro...
Subabul is one of the highly drought resistant tree fodders rich in protein. Its large scale cultivation was started in Tamil Nadu during 1979 with the introduction of improved cultivars like Hawaiian Giant and Giant lpil lpil from Australia and thecrop spread very fast in Tamil Nadu. However, in 1988, a new pest psyllid Heteropsylla cubana appeared first in the east coast of Tamil Nadu and slowly spread westwards and northwards and devasted many areas. Insecticidal control could not be recommended since the produce is used as a green fodder for cattle and hence studies on identification of resistant lines was initiated and resulted in the introduction of a highly psyllid tolerant variety Pudia Soundal which is more suitable for the dry areas andwaste lands for augumenting fodder production. About 110 Leucaena accessions were received from CSIRO, Australia and was maintained at the Department of Forage Crops, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. These were screened for the pest reaction over four years. Five Leucaena diversifolia and two L. leucocephala types were identified as tolerant to the psyliid. Out of these, L. diversifolia. K. 186 (F.D. 1423) was selected as the best with high fodder yield and resistant to psyllid attack compared to the control variety Co 1. BaSed on the consistent performance in the station trials for four years, it was proposed for Adaptive Research Trials (ART) in seventeen districts of Tamil Nadu covering 39 trials from 1995 to 1998.
摘要 :
Sixty diverse genotypes of fodder cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp.) evaluated for the genetic diversity were grouped into 10 clusters indicating high genetic divergence among them. The clustering pattern showed that geographic...
Sixty diverse genotypes of fodder cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp.) evaluated for the genetic diversity were grouped into 10 clusters indicating high genetic divergence among them. The clustering pattern showed that geographic diversity is not anindex of genetic diversity. Based on the intercluster distance and cluster mean for various characters, it could be seen that the clusters I, II, IX and X were the most divergent from the other clusters. The genotypes from these clusters may possibly beutilized for hybridization programme. Dry matter yield, green fodder yield and plant height contributed highly towards the genetic divergence among the types studied.
摘要 :
An experiment was conducted at the Department of Forage Crops Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore for three consecutive years during 1993 to 1996, to study the effect of inorganic and biofertilizers on bajra-napier hybr...
An experiment was conducted at the Department of Forage Crops Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore for three consecutive years during 1993 to 1996, to study the effect of inorganic and biofertilizers on bajra-napier hybrid grass under irrigated condition. The results revealed that combined application of azospirillum + phosphobacterium along with 75 per cent of recommended dose of N and P fertilizers recorded higher plant height and number of tillers / plant besides more green as well as dry fodder yields. There was a saving of 25 per cent in the recommended dose of N arid P fertilizer due to addition of biofertilizer mixture with higher net return (Rs.71,147 ha~(-1)) and benefit: cost ratio (3.84) at the end of third year.
摘要 :
Dry seeds of Vigna marina Merr. and Siratro were exposed to different doses of gamma rays to study their effect on various plant characters like germination, seedling height, leaf number, number of branches and plant height. The r...
Dry seeds of Vigna marina Merr. and Siratro were exposed to different doses of gamma rays to study their effect on various plant characters like germination, seedling height, leaf number, number of branches and plant height. The results revealed that there was more reduction at higher doses compared to lower doses for all the characters for both the crops. The results obtained in the present study clearly indicate that different doses of gamma rays can be effectively utilized to create variability for various quantitative traits in both the crops.
摘要 :
A new high yielding guinea grass culture TNGG-5 was developed through hybridisation between Co-1 X Centenario and released as Co-2 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu. This new variety is shade tolerant, tall growing and profuse...
A new high yielding guinea grass culture TNGG-5 was developed through hybridisation between Co-1 X Centenario and released as Co-2 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu. This new variety is shade tolerant, tall growing and profusely tillering. It produces 80-100 tillers per clump and grows to a height of 275 cm. It has more number of longer and broader leaves and non lodging. It has a green fodder yield potential of 270 tonnes ha~(-1) year~(-1). The dry matter, crude protein and mineral content arehigher in the new variety than Co-1.
摘要 :
Leguminous plants produce and supply the major portion of the world's plant protein. This is utilized directly by man through the seed or grain consumption or indirectly by livestock feeding and subsequent consumption of livestock...
Leguminous plants produce and supply the major portion of the world's plant protein. This is utilized directly by man through the seed or grain consumption or indirectly by livestock feeding and subsequent consumption of livestock products. Legume forages are near equal to concentrates and are likely to be substitutes for the latter. Legumes can be grown as pure crop separately, cut and fed along with grasses in mixtures or can be grown with grasses or cereal fodders in a right proportion to get high yields coupled with high quality aspects. Keeping this in mind, this study was under taken to find out the suitable legume fodder crops for rainfed and irrigated conditions. Under irrigated condition, twelve legume types belonging to nine species wereevaluated at Department of Forage Crops, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore over a continuous period of two years during 1993-1995 adopting a randomized block design with three replications. The first cut was taken at the time of 50% flowering and subsequent cuts were taken 30 days after first cut. After each harvest, weeding was done and standard package of practices were followed. The green fodder yield recorded by these crops are presented in Table 1. Among all the legumes, hedge lucernevarieties, recorded higher green fodder yield. Highest yield was recorded by TNDV 9 (64.7 t ha~(-1)) followed by TNDV 1 (62.0 t ha~(-1)). Hedge lucerne is a perennial undershrub producing many upright branches bearing bibinnate compound leaves made of minute leaflets.