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[机翻] 北京市粗颗粒物污染的模拟研究:2008年夏季奥运会的区域源贡献和控制意义
摘要 : In the last 10 yr,Beijing has made a great effort to improve its air quality.However,it is still suffering from regional coarse particulate matter (PM_(10)) pollution that could be a challenge to the promise of clean air during th... 展开

[机翻] 氨在石墨烯和氧化石墨烯上吸附的第一性原理研究
[期刊]   Yue Peng   Junhua Li   《Frontiers of environmental science & eng》    2013年7卷3期      共9页
摘要 : Motivated by the recent realization of graphene sensor to detect gas molecules that are harmful to the environment, the ammonia adsorption on graphene or graphene oxide (GO) was investigated using first-principles calculation. The... 展开
