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In current IR approaches documents are retrieved only according to the terms specified in the query. The same answers are returned for the same query whatever the user and the search goal are. In reality, many other contextual fac...
In current IR approaches documents are retrieved only according to the terms specified in the query. The same answers are returned for the same query whatever the user and the search goal are. In reality, many other contextual factors strongly influence document's relevance and they should be taken into account in IR operations. This paper proposes a method, based on language modeling, to integrate several contextual factors so that document ranking will be adapted to the specific query contexts. We will consider three contextual factors in this paper: the topic domain of the query, the characteristics of the document collection, as well as context words within the query. Each contextual factor is used to generate a new query language model to specify some aspect of the information need. All these query models are then combined together to produce a more complete model for the underlying information need. Our experiments on TREC collections show that each contextual factor can positively influence the IR effectiveness and the combined model results in the highest effectiveness. This study shows that it is both beneficial and feasible to integrate more contextual factors in the current IR practice.
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Quality of service (QoS) is a major concern in the design and management of a composite service. In this paper, a systematic approach is proposed to calculate QoS for composite services with complex structures, taking into conside...
Quality of service (QoS) is a major concern in the design and management of a composite service. In this paper, a systematic approach is proposed to calculate QoS for composite services with complex structures, taking into consideration of the probability and conditions of each execution path. Four types of basic composition patterns for composite services are discussed: sequential, parallel, loop, and conditional patterns. In particular, QoS solutions are provided for unstructured conditional and loop patterns. We also show how QoS-based service selection can be conducted based on the proposed QoS calculation. Experiments have been conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Real-life graphs not only contain nodes and edges, but also have events taking place, e.g., product sales in social networks. Among different events, some exhibit strong correlations with the network structure, while others do not...
Real-life graphs not only contain nodes and edges, but also have events taking place, e.g., product sales in social networks. Among different events, some exhibit strong correlations with the network structure, while others do not. Such structural correlations will shed light on viral influence existing in the corresponding network. Unfortunately, the traditional association mining concept is not applicable in graphs because it only works on homogeneous data sets like transactions and baskets. We propose a novel measure for assessing such structural correlations in heterogeneous graph data sets with events. The measure applies hitting time to aggregate the proximity among nodes that have the same event. To calculate the correlation scores for many events in a large network, we develop a scalable framework, called gScore, using sampling and approximation. By comparing to the situation where events are randomly distributed in the same network, our method is able to discover events that are highly correlated with the graph structure. We test gScore's effectiveness by synthetic events on the DBLP coauthor network and report interesting correlation results in a social network extracted from TaoBao.com, the largest online shopping network in China. Scalability of gScore is tested on the Twitter network. Since an event is essentially a temporal phenomenon, we also propose a dynamic measure, which reveals structural correlations at specific time steps and can be used for discovering detailed evolutionary patterns.
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In this paper, traffic-aware sleeping control (SC) and power matching (PM) of a single base station (BS) in cellular networks are studied. The objective is to find the sleeping control and power matching configurations that achiev...
In this paper, traffic-aware sleeping control (SC) and power matching (PM) of a single base station (BS) in cellular networks are studied. The objective is to find the sleeping control and power matching configurations that achieve the Pareto optimal tradeoff between total power consumption and average delay. Two types of sleeping control schemes are considered: The BS goes to sleep whenever there is no active user, and wakes up when N users are assembled or after a period of multiple or single vacation time. We first discuss when to incorporate sleeping control into power matching energy efficiently. The explicit relationship between total power consumption and average delay with varying service rate is analyzed theoretically, indicating that sacrificing delay cannot always be traded for energy saving, and we also provide conditions under which the energy-optimal rate exists. Moreover, the optimal pair of sleeping parameter and service rate to achieve the optimal energy-delay tradeoff, and the energy consumption lower bound are also derived. Both the analytical and simulation results show that tolerable sacrifice of delay performance can be traded for substantial amount of energy saving given that careful designs were made according to our analysis.
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Frequency domain equalization (FDE), as a linear equalizing method, is widely adopted in many applications with either OFDM or single carrier (SC) modulation. This paper analyzes the the noise transfer effect, a case for noise col...
Frequency domain equalization (FDE), as a linear equalizing method, is widely adopted in many applications with either OFDM or single carrier (SC) modulation. This paper analyzes the the noise transfer effect, a case for noise colorization, after FDE. This process is investigated for CP-OFDM, ZP-OFDM and SC systems where SC is treated as a multi-carrier modulation with the number of subcarriers equal to 1. Based on this analysis and by assuming the de-mapping independence among subcarriers, the average channel capacity for the systems is derived. We have proved that the capacity of the CP-OFDM system is at least equal to that of ZP-OFDM in both low and high SNR scenarios and that the capacity of the SC system is no greater than that of either ZP-OFDM or CP-OFDM systems. In a multi-path channel, if the IDFT size of the OFDM symbol is not equal to the DFT size of the equalizer, the leakage of the enhanced noise in a deeply faded sub-channel will cause the loss of capacity in adjacent sub-channels and the overall average capacity is thus reduced.
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Two new ∧-shaped fluorene-based Troger's base (TB) analogues with aryl substitutions are successfully synthesized and their photophysical and electroluminescent properties are examined in detail. Both compounds exhibit strong flu...
Two new ∧-shaped fluorene-based Troger's base (TB) analogues with aryl substitutions are successfully synthesized and their photophysical and electroluminescent properties are examined in detail. Both compounds exhibit strong fluorescence emission in dilute solutions and aggregated states. Some abnormal photophysical behaviors have been observed; that is, the amorphous films of the two TB analogues show multiple blue-green emissions similar to the emissions of some polyfluorenes and oligofluorenes, while both the dilute solutions and the polycrystalline powders of two compounds show single blue-violet emission. Furthermore, the emissions of the amorphous film are obviously red-shifted in comparison with the polycrystalline powders. Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) using the two compounds as non-doped emitters with device structure of ITO/NPB (30 nm)/ TBFB-BP or TBFB-FB (40 nm)/TPBI (40 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (80 nm) were fabricated and high brightness (22047 cd/m~2 for TBFB-BP and 13434 cd/m~2 for TBFB-FB), high efficiency (2.78 cd/A, 1.82 lm/W for TBFB-BP and 2.76 cd/A, 1.93 lm/W for TBFB-FB) and low turn-on voltage (4.6 V for TBFB-BP and 4.5 V for TBFB-FB) were obtained. Our studies suggest that TB analogues could be excellent light emitting materials for OLED applications.
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We report a preparation of high-quality cubic PbTe nanocrystals and their assembly into both square-array, two-dimensional patterns and three-dimensional simple cubic super crystals. The influence of oleylamine in the nanocrystal ...
We report a preparation of high-quality cubic PbTe nanocrystals and their assembly into both square-array, two-dimensional patterns and three-dimensional simple cubic super crystals. The influence of oleylamine in the nanocrystal synthesis and core-shell formation through an anion-exchange mechanism was also studied. The simple cubic super crystals together with two-dimensional assembly patterns containing PbTe nanocubes and their core-shell building blocks were examined using TEM, SEM, AFM, XRD, SAXS, and FTIR. Such super crystals consisting of cubic structural building blocks may allow engineering of more complex materials from which novel properties may emerge.
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A verifiable image secret sharing scheme, which is based on the Thien-Lin scheme and the intractability of the discrete logarithm, is proposed in this paper. The new scheme can identify the cheaters no matter if she/he is the orig...
A verifiable image secret sharing scheme, which is based on the Thien-Lin scheme and the intractability of the discrete logarithm, is proposed in this paper. The new scheme can identify the cheaters no matter if she/he is the original secret image holder or the participant; because each participant chooses her/his own secret shadow by her/himself, the new system doesn't need a security channel; Due to the same fact, the secret shadow of each participant can be reused. In addition, the size of each shadow image, same as the Thien-Lin scheme, is smaller than that of the original secret image.
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We study ballistic thermal transport in Heisenberg spin chain with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Explicit expressions for transmission coefficients are derived for thermal transport in a periodic...
We study ballistic thermal transport in Heisenberg spin chain with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Explicit expressions for transmission coefficients are derived for thermal transport in a periodic spin chain of arbitrary junction length by a spin-wave model. Our analytical results agree very well with the ones from nonequilibrium Green's function method. Our study shows that the transmission coefficient oscillates with the frequency of thermal wave. Moreover, the thermal transmission shows strong dependence on the intrachain coupling, the length of the spin chain, and the external magnetic field. The results demonstrate the possibility of manipulating spin-wave propagation and magnetothermal conductance in the spin-chain junction by adjusting the intrachain coupling and/or the external magnetic field.
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Using first-principles methods, we systematically study the mechanism of defect formation and electronic structures for 3d transition-metal impurities (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) doped in silicon nanowires. We find that the formation ...
Using first-principles methods, we systematically study the mechanism of defect formation and electronic structures for 3d transition-metal impurities (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) doped in silicon nanowires. We find that the formation energies of 3d transition-metal impurities with electrons or holes at the defect levels always increase as the diameters of silicon nanowires decrease, which suggests that self-purification, i.e., the difficulty of doping in silicon nanowires, should be an intrinsic effect. The calculated results show that the defect formation energies of Mn and Fe impurities are lower than those of V, Cr, and Co impurities in silicon nanowires. It indicates that Mn and Fe can easily occupy substitutional site in the interior of silicon nanowires. Moreover, they have larger localized moments, which means that they are good candidates for Si-based dilute magnetic semiconductor nanowires. The doping of Mn and Fe atom in silicon nanowires introduces a pair of energy levels with t_2 symmetry. One of which is dominated by 3d electrons of Mn or Fe, and the other by neighboring dangling bonds of Si vacancies. In addition, a set of nonbonding states localized on the transition-metal atom with e symmetry is also introduced.