摘要 :
In a multiview video system, interactivity is important for users and should be considered in the design of multiview video coding (MVC). In this paper, we present an interactivity evaluation model for MVC schemes by using both we...
In a multiview video system, interactivity is important for users and should be considered in the design of multiview video coding (MVC). In this paper, we present an interactivity evaluation model for MVC schemes by using both weighted random graph and Markov approaches. The main factors that affect both the interactivity and rate-distortion (RD) performances of MVC schemes are analyzed and discussed in detail. By taking these factors into consideration, a new MVC scheme is proposed for high interactivity and RD gains. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has a significant interactivity gain with little coding loss, compared to the state-of-the-art benchmark. As an extension to RD performance analysis, the interactivity evaluation model can be used as a design tool of alternative schemes for a future interactive multiview video system.
摘要 :
In this paper, an improved quantization technology with low-complexity is presented for H.264/AVC video codec. Multiplication factors of H.264/AVC quantizer are modified. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the bit width of the qu...
In this paper, an improved quantization technology with low-complexity is presented for H.264/AVC video codec. Multiplication factors of H.264/AVC quantizer are modified. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the bit width of the quantization and substitute large bit-width multiplier by some small bit-width adders without noticeable rate-distortion degradation in integrated circuits (ICs) design. Quantization error introduced by the modified multiplication factors is not only theoretically but also experimentally analyzed. Quantizer is optimized on register transfer level of IC design, and under the same cell CMOS technology, about 75.2% area and 76.3% dynamic power consumption are saved in each quantization unit on average compared with original H.264/AVC quantization. Experimental video coding results show that the Bjontegaard delta peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and Bjontegaard delta bit rate between the improved and original H.264/AVC quantization are very slight, which means that the improved quantization scheme is approximately the same as the original quantization scheme of H.264/AVC in rate-distortion performance.
摘要 :
Color information is very important in setting the style of images. In this paper, a color correction method based on dominant color extraction is proposed to eliminate the color inconsistence between multi-view images. With the t...
Color information is very important in setting the style of images. In this paper, a color correction method based on dominant color extraction is proposed to eliminate the color inconsistence between multi-view images. With the theory of basic color categories, dominant colors from the categories are extracted for reference image and input image, and then the corresponding color mapping relationships are built. Experimental results show that the proposed method is quite effective.