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An extensive review is given of the results from literature on electron beam induced deposition. Electron beam induced deposition is a complex process, where many and often mutually dependent factors are involved. The process has ...
An extensive review is given of the results from literature on electron beam induced deposition. Electron beam induced deposition is a complex process, where many and often mutually dependent factors are involved. The process has been studied by many over many years in many different experimental setups, so it is not surprising that there is a great variety of experimental results. To come to a better understanding of the process, it is important to see to which extent the experimental results are consistent with each other and with the existing model. All results from literature were categorized by sorting the data according to the specific parameter that was varied (current density, acceleration voltage, scan patterns, etc.). Each of these parameters can have an effect on the final deposit properties, such as the physical dimensions, the composition, the morphology, or the conductivity. For each parameter-property combination, the available data are discussed and (as far as possible) interpreted. By combining models for electron scattering in a solid, two different growth regimes, and electron beam induced heating, the majority of the experimental results were explained qualitatively. This indicates that the physical processes are well understood, although quantitatively speaking the models can still be improved. The review makes clear that several major issues remain. One issue encountered when interpreting results from literature is the lack of data. Often, important parameters (such as the local precursor pressure) are not reported, which can complicate interpretation of the results. Another issue is the fact that the cross section for electron induced dissociation is unknown. In a number of cases, a correlation between the vertical growth rate and the secondary electron yield was found, which suggests that the secondary electrons dominate the dissociation rather than the primary electrons. Conclusive evidence for this hypothesis has not been found. Finally, there is a limited understanding of the mechanism of electron induced precursor dissociation. In many cases, the deposit composition is not directly dependent on the stoichiometric composition of the precursor and the electron induced decomposition paths can be very different from those expected from calculations or thermal decomposition. The dissociation mechanism is one of the key factors determining the purity of the deposits and a better understanding of this process will help develop electron beam induced deposition into a viable nanofabrication technique.
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The fractional Fokker-Planck equation has been used in many physical transport problems which take place under the influence of an external force field. In this paper we examine some practical numerical methods to solve a class of...
The fractional Fokker-Planck equation has been used in many physical transport problems which take place under the influence of an external force field. In this paper we examine some practical numerical methods to solve a class of initial-boundary value problems for the fractional Fokker-Planck equation on a finite domain. The solvability, stability, consistency, and convergence of these methods are discussed. Their stability is proved by the energy method. Two numerical examples are also presented to evaluate these finite difference methods against the exact analytical solutions.
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We review how a magnetic-resonance force microscope (MRFM) can be applied to perform ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy of individual submicron-size samples. We restrict our attention to a thorough study of the spin-wave eigenmo...
We review how a magnetic-resonance force microscope (MRFM) can be applied to perform ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy of individual submicron-size samples. We restrict our attention to a thorough study of the spin-wave eigenmodes excited in Permalloy (Py) disks patterned out of the same 43.3-nm-thin film. The disks have a diameter of either 1.0 or 0.5 μm and are quasisaturated by a perpendicularly applied magnetic field. It is shown that quantitative spectroscopic information can be extracted from the MRFM measurements. In particular, the data are extensively compared with complementary approximate models of the dynamical susceptibility: (ⅰ) a two-dimensional analytical model, which assumes a homogeneous magnetization dynamics along the thickness, and ⅱ) a full three-dimensional micromagnetic simulation, which assumes a homogeneous magnetization dynamics below a characteristic length scale c and approximates the cylindrical sample volume by a discretized representation with regular cubic mesh of lateral size c=3.9 nm. In our analysis, the distortions due to a breaking of the axial symmetry are taken into account; both models incorporating the possibility of a small misalignment between the applied field and the normal of the disks.
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The effect of β-iron intermetallics and porosity on the tensile properties in cast Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Mg alloys were investigated for this research study, using experimental and industrial 319.2 alloys, and industrial A356.2 allo...
The effect of β-iron intermetallics and porosity on the tensile properties in cast Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Mg alloys were investigated for this research study, using experimental and industrial 319.2 alloys, and industrial A356.2 alloys. The results showed that the alloy ductility and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) were subject to deterioration as a result of an increase in the size of P-iron intermetallics, most noticeable up to P-iron intermetallic lengths of ~100 μm in 319.2 alloys, or ~70 μm in A356.2 alloys. An increase in the size of the porosity was also deleterious to alloy ductility and UTS. Although tensile properties are interpreted by means of UTS vs. log elongation plots in the present study, the properties for all sample conditions were best interpreted by means of log UTS vs. log elongation plots, where the properties increased linearly between conditions of low cooling rate-high Fe and high cooling rate-low Fe. The results are explained in terms of the β-Al_5FeSi platelet size and porosity values obtained.
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The aim of this paper is to give a contribution within the mathematical modelling of the deformation and breakup of a droplet in a continuous immiscible liquid phase in impulsively started shear flow. Starting from the results of ...
The aim of this paper is to give a contribution within the mathematical modelling of the deformation and breakup of a droplet in a continuous immiscible liquid phase in impulsively started shear flow. Starting from the results of Cristini et al. [V. Cristini, S. Guido, A. Alfani, J. Blawzdziewicz, M. Loewenberg, Drop breakup and fragment distribution in shear flow, J. Rheol. 47 (5) (2003) 1283-1298] we extrapolate a general scheme for the whole breakage process, on the basis of which we formulate a procedure for the computation of the size distribution function at the end of the process.
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Mixtures of wastes were prepared to improve on the characteristics of the individual ingredients as Technosols, with special attention given to heavy metal extractability. An anaerobic digested sewage sludge and a CaO-treated aero...
Mixtures of wastes were prepared to improve on the characteristics of the individual ingredients as Technosols, with special attention given to heavy metal extractability. An anaerobic digested sewage sludge and a CaO-treated aerobic sludge were used. A mixture of the two sludges (50:50 DW basis) was also prepared to provide a third type of sludge. The residues were mixed with other types of waste, such as fly ash, Linz-Donowitz slag, foundry sand, shot blasting machine scrap, fettling and barley straw. Extractability of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn by 0.01 M CaCl_2 extraction (Me_(CaCl_2)) was carried out, and leachability of these elements was estimated by acidification of an aqueous suspension of the mixtures with 0.5 N acetic acid (Me_(acetic)). The total concentrations of the metals were also determined (Me_T). The Me_(CaCl_2)/Me_T ratios for Cu and Ni (means: 4.0% and 3.1%) were higher than those for Cr and Zn (means: 0.07% each). The mean Me_(acetic)/Me_T ratios followed the order Ni, Zn, Cu, and Cr (19.5%, 4.1%, 3.7%, and 0.09%, respectively). The results highlight the existence of complex interactions among organic matter solubility, pH and heavy metal extractability.
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Results of experimental studies and the modelling of heating and evaporation of monodisperse ethanol and acetone droplets in two regimes are presented. Firstly, pure heating and evaporation of droplets in a flow of air of prescrib...
Results of experimental studies and the modelling of heating and evaporation of monodisperse ethanol and acetone droplets in two regimes are presented. Firstly, pure heating and evaporation of droplets in a flow of air of prescribed temperature are considered. Secondly, droplet heating and evaporation in a flame produced by previously injected combusting droplets are studied. The phase Doppler anemometry technique is used for droplet velocity and size measurements. Two-colour laser induced fluorescence thermometry is used to estimate droplet temperatures. The experiments have been performed for various distances between droplets and various initial droplet radii and velocities. The experimental data have been compared with the results of modelling, based on given gas temperatures, measured by coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy, and Nusselt and Sherwood numbers calculated using measured values of droplet relative velocities. When estimating the latter numbers the finite distance between droplets was taken into account. The model is based on the assumption that droplets are spherically symmetrical, but takes into account the radial distribution of temperature inside droplets. It is pointed out that for relatively small droplets (initial radii about 65 μm) the experimentally measured droplet temperatures are close to the predicted average droplet temperatures, while for larger droplets (initial radii about 120 μm) the experimentally measured droplet temperatures are close to the temperatures predicted at the centre of the droplets.
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The transfer of nutrients from agricultural land to waters attracts the attention of policy makers as well as scientists as it plays an increasingly significant role in affecting the water environment. It is therefore essential to...
The transfer of nutrients from agricultural land to waters attracts the attention of policy makers as well as scientists as it plays an increasingly significant role in affecting the water environment. It is therefore essential to first understand the nutrient flow in agricultural systems and then correspondingly formulate a series of cost-effective policies and best management practices (BMPs). On the basis of an emission inventory analysis (EIA) and a nutrient full balance (NFB) calculation, this paper presents a partial substance flow analysis (SFA) method, as well as an Agricultural Phosphorus Flow Analysis (AgiPhosFA) model, to describe the phosphorus (P) flow in the agricultural systems in China and assess the impact of human activities on waters driven by agriculture and rural life. It is estimated that average P input and output were 28.9 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) and 14.2 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) respectively in China in 2004, while the total P utilization efficiency (Plant uptake P/P input) in agriculture was 45.7% leading to an average P surplus of 14.7 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1). Excessive P application through mineral fertilizer in the arable farming system has led to the accumulation of soil P and constituted a risk to the recipient water quality, whereas the grassland grazing system is confronted with a severe P deficit problem which has resulted in widespread grass degradation. Therefore it may be an efficient way to mitigate the problems simultaneously by regulating and balancing the P flows between the two systems. Uncertainties of the method and model are also discussed in terms of model conceptualization, data and parameters, and spatial and temporal variability.
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The aim of this paper is to suggest a unified test method that allows investigation into the different effects and contribution of water damage and temperature cycles on fatigue performance of asphalt mixtures by means of a CoAxia...
The aim of this paper is to suggest a unified test method that allows investigation into the different effects and contribution of water damage and temperature cycles on fatigue performance of asphalt mixtures by means of a CoAxial Shear Test (CAST). A continuum damage approach, based on the elasticity theory, is chosen to determine the damage level of each tested specimen. The proposed mathematical model allows the simulation of the modulus evolution in the fatigue test and takes into account the temperature cycles. In this way, a unique scalar damage factor determines the damage process severity in each specimen and allows a rational comparison between each different condition.
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The objective of this study was to investigate the potential differences among Holstein-Friesian (HF), Montbeliarde (MB), Normande (NM), Norwegian Red (NRF), Montbeliarde × Holstein-Friesian (MBX), and Normande × Holstein-Friesi...
The objective of this study was to investigate the potential differences among Holstein-Friesian (HF), Montbeliarde (MB), Normande (NM), Norwegian Red (NRF), Montbeliarde × Holstein-Friesian (MBX), and Normande × Holstein-Friesian (NMX) across 2 seasonal grass-based systems of milk production. The effects of breed and feeding system on milk production, body weight, body condition score, fertility performance, hormone parameters, ovarian function, and survival were determined by using mixed model methodology, generalized linear models, and survival analysis. The 5-yr study comprised up to 749 lactations on 309 cows in one research herd. The HF produced the greatest yield of solids-corrected milk, the MB and NM produced the least yields, and NRF, MBX, and NMX were intermediate. The NRF had the lowest body weight throughout lactation, the NM had the highest, and the other breeds were intermediate. Body condition score was greatest for MB and NM, least for HF, and intermediate for NRF, MBX, and NMX. The HF had a lower submission rate and overall pregnancy rate compared with the NRF. The NRF survived the longest in the herd, the HF survived the shortest, and the NM, MB, MBX, and NMX were intermediate. Breed of dairy cow had no effect on selected milk progesterone parameters from 5 d postpartum until 26 d after first artificial insemination. Breed of dairy cow did not influence insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 around parturition or at the start of the breeding season. Animals offered a high-concentrate diet had greater milk yield, but they did not have improved reproductive performance. Differences observed between the different breeds in this study are a likely consequence of the past selection criteria for the respective breeds.