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The purpose of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of applying a model-based quantum clustering (QC) algorithm on thermograms of functional modes in WiFi circuits. As unsupervised clustering algorithm, it can work on clusters of...
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of applying a model-based quantum clustering (QC) algorithm on thermograms of functional modes in WiFi circuits. As unsupervised clustering algorithm, it can work on clusters of any shape and does not require any prior information. QC proves its efficacy for many applications, it has been tested, in this work, and compared with other algorithms which suffer randomness according to initialization. The tests are conducted on thermograms of an electronic chip in different operation modes. The benefits of QC are confirmed through performance analysis of clustering algorithms. Robustness analysis is also conducted against white-Gaussian noise clustering and so on classification of actual WiFi circuit operation modes based on thermograms.
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Analog circuit fault diagnosis is challenging due to the parametric deviation and the difficulty in signal quantizing. There still lacks effective approaches to provide reliable fault detection and classification results for a com...
Analog circuit fault diagnosis is challenging due to the parametric deviation and the difficulty in signal quantizing. There still lacks effective approaches to provide reliable fault detection and classification results for a comprehensive diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a fault diagnosis methodology based on a new classification model called Quantum Clustering based Multi-valued Quantum Fuzzification Decision Tree (QC-MQFDT). QC-MQFDT incorporates the adaptive fuzzification method to discretize continuous-valued data. The fuzzification mechanism is devised by incorporating quantum clustering (QC) as well as the quantum membership function (QMF), where the former has the ability to sense the internal dependencies of data, and the latter uses the number of energy levels to approximate the optimal shape for fuzzy membership functions. The QF-C4.5 algorithm is developed as the decision tree learning algorithm, which employs quantum fuzzy entropy (QFE) to evaluate the information in the target variable space. The proposed method is validated using both simulated data and the real time data for the application studies of two benchmark analog circuits. The classification performances are discussed and the diagnostic capability of the model is verified through the application studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Quantum mechanism, which has received widespread attention, is in continuous evolution rapidly. The powerful computing power and high parallel ability of quantum mechanism equip the quantum field with broad application scenarios a...
Quantum mechanism, which has received widespread attention, is in continuous evolution rapidly. The powerful computing power and high parallel ability of quantum mechanism equip the quantum field with broad application scenarios and brand-new vitality. Inspired by nature, intelligent algorithm has always been one of the research hotspots. It is a frontier interdisciplinary subject with a perfect integration of biology, mathematics and other disciplines. Naturally, the idea of combining quantum mechanism with intelligent algorithms will inject new vitality into artificial intelligence system. This paper lists major breakthroughs in the development of quantum domain firstly, then summarizes the existing quantum algorithms from two aspects: quantum optimization and quantum learning. After that, related concepts, main contents and research progresses of quantum optimization and quantum learning are introduced respectively. At last, experiments are conducted to prove that quantum intelligent algorithms have strong competitiveness compared with traditional intelligent algorithms and possess great potential by simulating quantum computing.
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In this letter, we propose an n-type vertical transition bound-to-continuum Ge–SiGe quantum cascade structure utilizing electronic quantum wells in the $L$ and $Gamma$ valleys of the Ge layers. The optical transition levels are l...
In this letter, we propose an n-type vertical transition bound-to-continuum Ge–SiGe quantum cascade structure utilizing electronic quantum wells in the $L$ and $Gamma$ valleys of the Ge layers. The optical transition levels are located in the quantum wells in the $L$ valley. Under a bias of 80 kV/cm, the carriers in the lower level are extracted by miniband transport and $L-Gamma$ tunneling into the subband in the $Gamma$ well of the next period. And then the electrons are injected into the upper level by ultrafast intervalley scattering, which not only effectively increases the tunneling rate and suppresses the thermal backfilling of electrons, but also enhances the injection efficiency of the upper level. The performance of the laser is discussed.
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Unconditionally secure message authentication is an important part of quantum cryptography (QC). In this correspondence, we analyze security effects of using a key obtained from QC for authentication purposes in later rounds of QC...
Unconditionally secure message authentication is an important part of quantum cryptography (QC). In this correspondence, we analyze security effects of using a key obtained from QC for authentication purposes in later rounds of QC. In particular, the eavesdropper gains partial knowledge on the key in QC that may have an effect on the security of the authentication in the later round. Our initial analysis indicates that this partial knowledge has little effect on the authentication part of the system, in agreement with previous results on the issue. However, when taking the full QC protocol into account, the picture is different. By accessing the quantum channel used in QC, the attacker can change the message to be authenticated. This, together with partial knowledge of the key, does incur a security weakness of the authentication. The underlying reason for this is that the authentication used, which is insensitive to such message changes when the key is unknown, becomes sensitive when used with a partially known key. We suggest a simple solution to this problem, and stress usage of this or an equivalent extra security measure in QC.
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In order to protect and secure the sensitive data over the internet, the current data security methods typically depend on the cryptographic systems. Recent achievements in quantum computing is a major challenge to such cryptograp...
In order to protect and secure the sensitive data over the internet, the current data security methods typically depend on the cryptographic systems. Recent achievements in quantum computing is a major challenge to such cryptography systems. In this way, the quantum key distribution (QKD) technique evolves as a very important technique which gives un-conditional data security. This technique is based on the laws of quantum physics for its security. This article gives a detailed description of the QKD technique. This technique secures the encryption key delivery between the two authenticated parties from the unauthorized access. In the next phase, quantum cryptography model is discussed. Finally, some important application areas and limitations of this technology are be discussed.
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For matrix product states(MPSs) of one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains, we investigate a new kind of conventional quantum phase transition(QPT). We find that the system has two different ferromagnetic phases; on the line of the two fe...
For matrix product states(MPSs) of one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains, we investigate a new kind of conventional quantum phase transition(QPT). We find that the system has two different ferromagnetic phases; on the line of the two ferromagnetic phases coexisting equally, the system in the thermodynamic limit is in an isolated mediate-coupling state described by a paramagnetic state and is in the same state as the renormalization group fixed point state, the expectation values of the physical quantities are discontinuous, and any two spin blocks of the system have the same geometry quantum discord(GQD) within the range of open interval (0, 0.25) and the same classical correlation(CC) within the range of open interval (0, 0.75) compared to any phase having no any kind of correlation. We not only realize the control of QPTs but also realize the control of quantum correlation of quantum many-body systems on the critical line by adjusting the environment parameters, which may have potential application in quantum information fields and is helpful to comprehensively and deeply understand the quantum correlation, and the organization and structure of quantum correlation especially for long-range quantum correlation of quantum many-body systems.
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The voltage tunability of three types of quantum cascade laser designs is investigated. The tuning coefficients and tuning ranges of electroluminescence and laser emission from all designs are measured and compared with the calcul...
The voltage tunability of three types of quantum cascade laser designs is investigated. The tuning coefficients and tuning ranges of electroluminescence and laser emission from all designs are measured and compared with the calculated results. A reduced tunability was observed in all lasers above threshold. This is attributed to the decrease of resistance across the laser active region (AR) as the photon density increases. A resumed tunability high above threshold occurs in all lasers with anticrossed injector ground and upper laser states. Lasers based on the anticrossed diagonal transition are tunable above threshold, with a tuning range of about 30 cm-1 (~3% of the laser emission wavenumber), i.e., a tuning rate of 750 cm-1 V-1middotperiod-1 of the AR and the injector.
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A computational and experimental analysis of rollover in high-performance $lambda sim {hbox {8}}mu$m quantum-cascade (QC) lasers is presented. In addition to conventional, thermal rollover, which is also a common cause of power ro...
A computational and experimental analysis of rollover in high-performance $lambda sim {hbox {8}}mu$m quantum-cascade (QC) lasers is presented. In addition to conventional, thermal rollover, which is also a common cause of power rollover in diode lasers, “Stark-effect” rollover is observed. While both effects can occur in the same QC laser design, thermal and Stark-effect rollover are shown to be the dominating factor for high-temperature continuous wave operated, and pulsed low-temperature operated and low-doped lasers, respectively. Additionally, the role of the continuum above the wells and barriers is discussed for both effects.