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    [期刊]   Colucci, Giuseppe   Giacosa, Francesco   《Quantum information & computation》    2021年21卷1/2期      共15页
    摘要 : In this work we present an algorithm to perform algorithmic differentiation in the context of quantum computing. We present two versions of the algorithm, one which is fully quantum and one which employees a classical step (hybrid... 展开

    摘要 : The key point of introducing quantum genetic algorithm to a quantum backpropagation neural network model is to overcome local stagnation problem which used to be Achilles' heel. In this paper, we propose a new quantum backpropagat... 展开

    摘要 : Abstract The aim of this study is to present a novel application of Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation (LMB) to investigate numerically the solution of functional differential equations (FDE) arising in quantum calculus models (... 展开

    摘要 : An energy-efficient adiabatic learning neuro cell is proposed. The cell can be used for on-chip learning of adiabatic superconducting artificial neural networks. The static and dynamic characteristics of the proposed learning cell... 展开

    [机翻] 利用量子神经网络校正纠缠见证中的反常相位振荡
    摘要 : Entanglement of a quantum system depends upon the relative phase in complicated ways, which no single measurement can reflect. Because of this, “entanglement witnesses” (measures that estimate entanglement) are necessarily limit... 展开

    [期刊]   Allen, T.J.   Keng-Shen Hung   《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks》    1996年7卷2期      共13页
    摘要 : This paper describes how the fault tolerance of the backpropagation algorithm can be used to accommodate the realistic (nonideal) transfer characteristics of the optical communication links used, between neural layers, in optoelec... 展开

    摘要 : In the Present work, Parallel Backpropagation Artificial Networks are employed to optimize and predict the various system parameters of a semiconductor nanodevice. Segregation of the total training range can be obtained by employi... 展开

    [机翻] 用神经网络建立分子束外延过程模型
    摘要 : This paper presents the systematic characterization of the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) process to quantitatively model the effects of process conditions on film qualities. A five-layer, undoped AlGaAs and InGaAs single quantum we... 展开
