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Cognitive radio has emerged as an essential recipe for future high-capacity, high-coverage multitier hierarchical networks. Securing data transmission in these networks is of the utmost importance. In this paper, we consider the c...
Cognitive radio has emerged as an essential recipe for future high-capacity, high-coverage multitier hierarchical networks. Securing data transmission in these networks is of the utmost importance. In this paper, we consider the cognitive wiretap channel and propose multiple antennas to secure the transmission at the physical layer, where the eavesdropper overhears the transmission from the secondary transmitter to the secondary receiver. The secondary receiver and the eavesdropper are equipped with multiple antennas, and passive eavesdropping is considered where the channel state information (CSI) of the eavesdropper's channel is not available at the secondary transmitter. We present new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic secrecy outage probability. Our results reveal the impact of the primary network on the secondary network in the presence of a multiantenna wiretap channel.
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In this paper, we provide secrecy metrics applicable to physical-layer coding techniques with finite blocklengths over Gaussian and fading wiretap channel models and analyze their secrecy performance over several cases of concaten...
In this paper, we provide secrecy metrics applicable to physical-layer coding techniques with finite blocklengths over Gaussian and fading wiretap channel models and analyze their secrecy performance over several cases of concatenated code designs. Our metrics go beyond some of the known practical secrecy measures, such as bit error rate and security gap, so as to make lower bound probabilistic guarantees on error rates over short blocklengths both preceding and following a secrecy decoder. Our techniques are especially useful in cases where application of traditional information-theoretic security measures is either impractical or simply not yet understood. The metrics can aid both practical system analysis, including cryptanalysis, and practical system design when concatenated codes are used for physical-layer security. Furthermore, these new measures fill a void in the current landscape of practical security measures for physical-layer security coding and may assist in the wide-scale adoption of physical-layer techniques for security in real-world systems. We also show how the new metrics provide techniques for reducing realistic channel models to simpler discrete memoryless wiretap channel equivalents over which existing secrecy code designs may achieve information-theoretic security.
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Discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) is a generalization of discrete Fourier transform. There are a number of DFRFT proposals, which are useful for various signal processing applications. This paper investigates practical...
Discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) is a generalization of discrete Fourier transform. There are a number of DFRFT proposals, which are useful for various signal processing applications. This paper investigates practical solutions toward the construction of unconditionally secure communication systems based on DFRFT via cross-layer approach. By introducing a distort signal parameter, the sender randomly flip-flops between the distort signal parameter and the general signal parameter to confuse the attacker. The advantages of the legitimate partners are guaranteed. We extend the advantages between legitimate partners via developing novel security codes on top of the proposed cross-layer DFRFT security communication model, aiming to achieve an error-free legitimate channel while preventing the eavesdropper from any useful information. Thus, a cross-layer strong mobile communication secure model is built.
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In this paper, we propose a physical-layer secret key generation scheme for multiantenna legitimate nodes with the help of multiple untrusted relays, equipped with multiple antennas. The untrusted relays conform to the relaying tr...
In this paper, we propose a physical-layer secret key generation scheme for multiantenna legitimate nodes with the help of multiple untrusted relays, equipped with multiple antennas. The untrusted relays conform to the relaying transmission protocol of legitimate nodes, but they also eavesdrop the confidential information of an legitimate transmitter. The key generation scheme is designed with zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimators for non-, partially, and fully colluding modes of untrusted relays. Furthermore, we propose a scheme adaptive to channel coherence time. Specifically, to achieve a higher secret key rate (SKR) within the channel coherence time, the number of relay and legitimate nodes’ antennas are optimally determined and the most suitable antennas are selected for the key generation. Our results show that the proposed scheme achieves a higher SKR than a prior work, and non- and partially colluding modes provide a higher SKR than the fully colluding mode through the proposed scheme. We also verify that exploiting more antennas of untrusted relays does not always enhance the SKR by showing the existence of the optimal number of antennas of the relays participating in the scheme.
摘要 :
Physical-layer key agreement is used to generate a shared key between devices on demand. Such schemes utilize the characteristics of the wireless channel to generate the shared key from the device-to-device channel. As all charact...
Physical-layer key agreement is used to generate a shared key between devices on demand. Such schemes utilize the characteristics of the wireless channel to generate the shared key from the device-to-device channel. As all characteristics are time-dependent and location-dependent, it is hard for eavesdroppers to get the key. However, most research works in this area use passive attack models whereas active attacks that aim at manipulating the channel and key are also possible. Physical-layer key agreement with User Introduced Randomness (PHY-UIR) is a solution similar to the Diffie-Hellman protocol against such a kind of active attack. The users (devices) introduce their own randomness to help to prevent active attacks. In this paper, we analyze the possibility of launching a session hijacking attack on PHY-UIR to allow an attacker to control the shared key established. The session hijacking attack manipulates the key agreement through a man-in-the-middle interaction and forces legitimate devices to run the PHY-UIR protocol with the attacker. Our simulation and experiment results validate our attack and show the high performance of our attack on manipulating the generated key. We also propose PHY-UIR$ <^>{+}$ where devices simultaneously exchange information about the established shared keys, which allows them to detect whether they have agreed to different keys with a third party.
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In this Letter, we propose a secure orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission scheme based on chaotic encryption and noise-masking key distribution. With the implementation of a three-dimensional digital chaot...
In this Letter, we propose a secure orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission scheme based on chaotic encryption and noise-masking key distribution. With the implementation of a three-dimensional digital chaotic system, the security performance is effectively enhanced by scrambling the phase, symbol, and subcarrier frequency of the OFDM signal. The proposed noise-masking key distribution can mask the key information of the chaotic system into noise and transmit it with the chaotic encrypted signal simultaneously. By this mechanism, the legal receiver can realize uninterrupted authentication and decryption even if the key is constantly updated. Transmission of a 62.2-Gb/s quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) and 124.4-Gb/s 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) OFDM signal over a 2-km 7-core fiber using the proposed scheme is experimentally demonstrated. The results show that the proposed scheme can realize security enhancement and cost-effective key distribution without significant bit error ratio (BER) performance degradation. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group
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We investigate a relay network where a multi-antenna source can potentially utilize an unauthenticated (untrusted) relay to augment its direct transmission of a confidential message to the destination. Since the relay is untrusted...
We investigate a relay network where a multi-antenna source can potentially utilize an unauthenticated (untrusted) relay to augment its direct transmission of a confidential message to the destination. Since the relay is untrusted, it is desirable to protect the confidential data from it while simultaneously making use of it to increase the reliability of the transmission. We present a low-complexity scheme denoted as imbalanced beamforming based on linear beamforming and constellation mapping that ensures perfect physical-layer security even while utilizing the untrusted relay. Furthermore, the security of the scheme holds even if the relay adopts the conventional decode-and-forward protocol, unlike prior work. Simulation results show that the proposed imbalanced signaling maintains a constant BER of 0.5 at the eavesdropper at any SNR and number of source antennas, while maintaining or improving the detection performance of the destination compared to not utilizing the relay or existing security methods.
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In this letter, we consider an amplify-and-forward-relay-aided secure multicarrier communication between two nodes with an eavesdropper. We solve the sum secrecy rate maximization problem by solving the following two problems: 1) ...
In this letter, we consider an amplify-and-forward-relay-aided secure multicarrier communication between two nodes with an eavesdropper. We solve the sum secrecy rate maximization problem by solving the following two problems: 1) subcarrier usage policy at the source and the relay; and 2) power allocation among subcarriers between the source and the relay under a total system power constraint. We provide a suboptimal closed-form solution to the problem that involves mixed-integer variables and a nonlinear fractional function. The numerical results demonstrate an improved sum rate by the proposed scheme over a scenario without relay.
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We propose a new framework for determining the wiretap code rates of single-input–single-output multiantenna eavesdropper wiretap channels when the capacity of the eavesdropper's channel is not available at the transmitter. In ou...
We propose a new framework for determining the wiretap code rates of single-input–single-output multiantenna eavesdropper wiretap channels when the capacity of the eavesdropper's channel is not available at the transmitter. In our framework, we introduce the effective secrecy throughput (EST) as a new performance metric that explicitly captures the two key features of wiretap channels, namely, reliability and secrecy. Notably, the EST measures the average rate of the confidential information transmitted from the transmitter to the intended receiver without being eavesdropped on. We provide easy-to-implement methods to determine the wiretap code rates for two transmission schemes: 1) adaptive transmission scheme in which the capacity of the main channel is available at the transmitter and 2) fixed-rate transmission scheme in which the capacity of the main channel is not available at the transmitter. Such determinations are further extended into an absolute-passive eavesdropping scenario where even the average signal-to-noise ratio of the eavesdropper's channel is not available at the transmitter. Notably, our solutions for the wiretap code rates do not require us to set reliability or secrecy constraints for the transmission within wiretap channels.
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In this letter, we propose a secure beamforming scheme for physical layer network coding (PNC)-based multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) two-way relaying system. The relay node performs PNC mapping. An eavesdropper is attempting...
In this letter, we propose a secure beamforming scheme for physical layer network coding (PNC)-based multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) two-way relaying system. The relay node performs PNC mapping. An eavesdropper is attempting to intercept the user information. The channel state information (CSI) of the user-to-eavesdropper channel is imperfect at the user nodes. A robust optimization problem is formulated to design beamforming vectors at the user nodes and relay. The problem is non-convex, and an algorithm is proposed to solve that. In the numerical analysis, we discuss the convergence of the proposed algorithm and the impact of the CSI error on the performance.