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    摘要 : The performance of most speech enhancement algorithms declines under low-SNR conditions because of residual noise (or speech distortion) and the degradation of voice activity detector (VAD) performance. We therefore propose a spee... 展开

    [机翻] 基于噪声特征空间投影的语音增强
    [期刊]   Dongwen YING   Masashi UNOKI   Xugang LU   Jianwu DANG   《IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems》    2009年92卷5期      共9页
    摘要 : How to reduce noise with less speech distortion is a challenging issue for speech enhancement. We propose a novel approach for reducing noise with the cost of less speech distortion. A noise signal can generally be considered to c... 展开

    [机翻] 混响噪声环境下多干扰语音信号的多信道特征空间波束形成
    摘要 : In many practical environments we wish to extract several desired speech signals, which are contaminated by nonstationary and stationary interfering signals. The desired signals may also be subject to distortion imposed by the aco... 展开

    [期刊]   Yan, Lu   Piao, Shengchun   Xu, Feng   Yang, Juan   《Electronics Letters》    2019年55卷22期      共3页
    摘要 : The capability of orthogonal projection (OP) approach degrades severely in the presence of array model mismatch, especially when the training samples are mixed with the strong desired signal. Therefore, an improved OP robust adapt... 展开

    [机翻] 用摄动理论计算扩散张量的形态相似性
    摘要 : Computing the morphological similarity of diffusion tensors (DTs) at neighboring voxels within a DT image, or at corresponding locations across different DT images, is a fundamental and ubiquitous operation in the postprocessing o... 展开
