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We study the real-time dynamics of the Kondo effect after a quantum quench in which a magnetic impurity is coupled to two metallic Hubbard chains. Using an effective field theory approach, we find that for noninteracting electrons...
We study the real-time dynamics of the Kondo effect after a quantum quench in which a magnetic impurity is coupled to two metallic Hubbard chains. Using an effective field theory approach, we find that for noninteracting electrons the charge current across the impurity is given by a scaling function that involves the Kondo time. In the interacting case, we show that the Kondo time decreases with the strength of the repulsive interaction and the time dependence of the current reveals signatures of the Kondo effect in a Luttinger liquid. In addition, we verify that the relaxation of the impurity magnetization does not exhibit universal scaling behavior in the perturbative regime below the Kondo time. Our results highlight the role of nonequilibrium dynamics as a valuable tool in the study of quantum impurities in interacting systems.
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Using an exactly solvable model, we study the low-energy properties of a one-dimensional spinless electron fluid contained in a quantum-mechanically moving wire located in a static magnetic field. The phonon and electric currents ...
Using an exactly solvable model, we study the low-energy properties of a one-dimensional spinless electron fluid contained in a quantum-mechanically moving wire located in a static magnetic field. The phonon and electric currents are coupled via Lorentz force and the eigenmodes are described by two independent boson fluids. At low energies, the two boson modes are charged while one of them has excitation gap due to back-reaction of the Lorentz force. The theory is illustrated by evaluating optical absorption spectra. Our results are exact and show a non-perturbative regime of electron transport.
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We report measurements on ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) in low-resistance contact to nonsuperconducting metallic pads, at low voltage and at temperatures down to 13 mK. Large resistance drops and strong non-linear...
We report measurements on ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) in low-resistance contact to nonsuperconducting metallic pads, at low voltage and at temperatures down to 13 mK. Large resistance drops and strong non-linearities in the IV characteristics are observed below 0.4 K. These features, which disappear in magnetic field in the Tesla range, strongly suggest the existence of superconductivity in ropes of SWNT. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 13]
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We complete the proof started in Benfatto et al. (2014) of the universal Luttinger liquid relations for a general model of spinning fermions on a lattice, by making use of the Ward identities due to asymptotically emerging symmetr...
We complete the proof started in Benfatto et al. (2014) of the universal Luttinger liquid relations for a general model of spinning fermions on a lattice, by making use of the Ward identities due to asymptotically emerging symmetries. This is done by introducing an effective model verifying extra symmetries and by relating its critical exponents to those of the fermion lattice gas by suitable fine tuning of the parameters.
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It is shown how Luttinger liquids may be studied using sea-bosons. The main advantage of the sea-boson method is its ability to provide information about short-wavelength physics in addition to the asymptotics and is naturally gen...
It is shown how Luttinger liquids may be studied using sea-bosons. The main advantage of the sea-boson method is its ability to provide information about short-wavelength physics in addition to the asymptotics and is naturally generalizable to more than one dimension. In this article, we solve the Luttinger model and the Calogero-Sutherland model, the latter in the weak-coupling limit. The anomalous exponent we obtain in the former case is identical to the one obtained by Mattis and Lieb. We also apply this method to solve the two-dimensional analog of the Luttinger model and show that the system is a Landau-Fermi liquid. Then we solve the model of spinless fermions in one dimension with long-range (gauge) interactions and map the Wigner crystal phase of the system.
摘要 :
We investigate a 1D fermion model with boundary impurity. When the boundary impurity coupling coefficients fullfil some special relations, this model is integrable. The integrable condition can be determined by the self-consistent...
We investigate a 1D fermion model with boundary impurity. When the boundary impurity coupling coefficients fullfil some special relations, this model is integrable. The integrable condition can be determined by the self-consistent condition. Furthermore, the eigenvalue and the Bethe ansatz equation are also obtained by using the coordinate Bethe ansatz method, thus the ground state properties is discussed in some special case. [References: 17]
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Coupled-wire constructions have been widely applied to quantum Hall systems and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. In this Letter, we use the coupled one-dimensional nonchiral Luttinger liquids with domain-wall structure...
Coupled-wire constructions have been widely applied to quantum Hall systems and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. In this Letter, we use the coupled one-dimensional nonchiral Luttinger liquids with domain-wall structured mass terms as quantum wires to construct crystalline higher-order topological superconductors (HOTSCs) in two-dimensional (2D) interacting fermionic systems by two representative examples: a D4-symmetric class-D HOTSC and a C4-symmetric class-BDI HOTSC, with Majorana corner modes on the edge. Furthermore, based on the coupled-wire constructions, the quantum phase transitions between different phases of 2D HOTSCs by tuning the interwire coupling are investigated in a straightforward way.
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We study theoretically the parallel quantum wires of the experiment by Auslaender et al. ( Science, 308 ( 2005) 88) at low electron density. It is shown that a Hall effect as observed in two- or three-dimensional electron systems ...
We study theoretically the parallel quantum wires of the experiment by Auslaender et al. ( Science, 308 ( 2005) 88) at low electron density. It is shown that a Hall effect as observed in two- or three-dimensional electron systems develops as the wires enter the spin-incoherent regime of small spin bandwidth. This together with magnetic-field-dependent tunneling exponents clearly identifies spin incoherence in such experiments and it serves to distinguish it from disorder effects.
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Interchain hopping in systems of coupled chains of correlated electrons is investigated by exact diagonalization and quantum Monte Carlo methods. For two weakly coupled Hubbard chains at commensurate densities (e.g., n=1/3), the s...
Interchain hopping in systems of coupled chains of correlated electrons is investigated by exact diagonalization and quantum Monte Carlo methods. For two weakly coupled Hubbard chains at commensurate densities (e.g., n=1/3), the spitting at the Fermi level between bonding and antibonding bands is strongly reduced (but not suppressed) by repulsive interactions extending to a few lattice spacings. The magnitude of this reduction is directly connected to the exponent ct of the one-dimensional Luttinger liquid. However, we show that the incoherent part of the single-particle spectral function is much less affected by the interchain coupling. This suggests that incoherent interchain hopping could occur for intermediate alpha values. [References: 24]
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Recently, superconductivity has been observed in multi-walled carbon nanotubcs with a sharp transition in the resistance at 12K. Motivated by this novel finding, we investigate the superconductivity of these structures by using a ...
Recently, superconductivity has been observed in multi-walled carbon nanotubcs with a sharp transition in the resistance at 12K. Motivated by this novel finding, we investigate the superconductivity of these structures by using a renormalization group approach developed to study a collection of many coupled one-dimensional electron systems. By enlarging the number of one-dimensional coupled systems, we draw a connection between the superconductivity of these systems and the more conventional one in the doped compounds of graphite. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.