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We show that backflow correlations in the variational wave function for the Hubbard model greatly improve the previous results given by the Slater-Jastrow state, usually considered in this context. We provide evidence that, within...
We show that backflow correlations in the variational wave function for the Hubbard model greatly improve the previous results given by the Slater-Jastrow state, usually considered in this context. We provide evidence that, within this approach, it is possible to have a satisfactory connection with the strong-coupling regime. Moreover, we show that, for the Hubbard model on the lattice, backflow correlations are essentially short range, inducing an effective attraction between empty (holons) and doubly occupied sites (doublons). In the presence of frustration, we report the evidence that the metal to Mott-insulator transition is marked by a discontinuity of the double occupancy, together with a similar discontinuity of the kinetic term that does not change the number of holons and doublons, while the other kinetic terms are continuous across the transition. Finally, we show the estimation of the charge gap, obtained by particle-hole excitations a la Feynman over the ground-state wave function.
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The electronic transport properties of single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) are characterized by the critical exponent Θ, describing the behavior of the single-particle spectral function near the Fermi energy as ρ(ω) ∝ |ω|~Θ. Exp...
The electronic transport properties of single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) are characterized by the critical exponent Θ, describing the behavior of the single-particle spectral function near the Fermi energy as ρ(ω) ∝ |ω|~Θ. Experimentally obtained Θ values have been reported in the range of 0.43-0.48 for metallic SWNTs. However, these values are much larger than the theoretical upper limit of the exponent, Θ_(max)=1/8, for the Hubbard model. Here, we show that the observed electronic transport properties can be explained by taking into account a specific hard-core Coulomb interaction. For a many-body system with a hard-core potential, we analytically calculate the critical exponents using the Bethe ansatz and conformal field theory. We find strongly interacting Luttinger liquid states that are characterized by large Θ values, consistent with the empirical results, suggesting that these states are actually realized in metallic SWNTs and organic conductors.
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We provide a setup for generalizing the two-dimensional pseudospin 5 = 1/2 Dirac equation, arising in graphene's honeycomb lattice, to general pseudospin 5. We engineer these band structures as a nearest-neighbor hopping Hamiltoni...
We provide a setup for generalizing the two-dimensional pseudospin 5 = 1/2 Dirac equation, arising in graphene's honeycomb lattice, to general pseudospin 5. We engineer these band structures as a nearest-neighbor hopping Hamiltonian involving stacked triangular lattices. We obtain multilayered low-energy excitations around half-filling described by a two-dimensional Dirac equation of the form H = _(uF)S · p, where S represents an arbitrary spin S (integer or half-integer). For integer 5, a flat band appears, the presence of which modifies qualitatively the response of the system. Among physical observables, the density of states, the optical conductivity, and the peculiarities of Klein tunneling are investigated. We also study Chern numbers as well as the zero-energy Landau-level degeneracy. By changing the stacking pattern, the topological properties are altered significantly, with no obvious analog in multilayer graphene stacks.
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We present a numerical study of the SU(3) Heisenberg model of three-flavor fermions on the triangular and square lattice by means of the density-matrix renormalization group and infinite projected entangled-pair states. For the tr...
We present a numerical study of the SU(3) Heisenberg model of three-flavor fermions on the triangular and square lattice by means of the density-matrix renormalization group and infinite projected entangled-pair states. For the triangular lattice we confirm that the ground state has a three-sublattice order with a finite ordered moment which is compatible with the result from linear flavor wave theory (LFWT). The same type of order has recently been predicted also for the square lattice [T. A. T6th et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 265301 (2010)] from LFWT and exact diagonalization. However, for this case the ordered moment cannot be computed based on LFWT due to divergent fluctuations. Our numerical study clearly supports this three-sublattice order, with an ordered moment of m = 0.2-0.4 in the thermodynamic limit.
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Extreme correlations arise as the limit of strong correlations, when the local interaction constant U goes to infinity. This singular limit transforms canonical fermions to noncanonical Hubbard-type operators with a specific grade...
Extreme correlations arise as the limit of strong correlations, when the local interaction constant U goes to infinity. This singular limit transforms canonical fermions to noncanonical Hubbard-type operators with a specific graded Lie algebra replacing the standard anticommutators. We are forced to deal with a fundamentally different and more complex lattice field theory. We study the t-J model, embodying such extreme correlations. We formulate the picture of an extremely correlated electron liquid, generalizing the standard Fermi liquid. This quantum liquid breaks no symmetries, and has specific signatures in various physical properties, such as the Fermi-surface volume and the narrowing of electronic bands by spin- and density-correlation functions. We use Schwinger's source field idea to generate equations for the Green's function for the Hubbard operators. A local (matrix) scale transformation in the time domain to a quasiparticle Green's function is found to be optimal. This transformation allows us to generate vertex functions that are guaranteed to reduce to the bare values for high frequencies, i.e., are "asymptotically free." The quasiparticles are fractionally charged objects, and we find an exact Schwinger-Dyson equation for their Green's function, i.e., the self-energy is given explicitly in terms of the singlet and triplet particle-hole vertex functions. We find a hierarchy of equations for the vertex functions, and further we obtain Ward identities so that systematic approximations are feasible. An expansion in terms of the density of holes measured from the Mott Hubbard insulating state follows from the nature of the theory. A systematic presentation of the formalism is followed by some preliminary explicit calculations. We find a d-wave superconducting instability at low T that formally resembles that found in the resonating valence-bond theory, but with a much reduced T_c.
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We present the detailed formalism of the extremely correlated Fermi liquid theory, developed for treating the physics of the t-J model. We start from the exact Schwinger equation of motion for the Green's function for projected el...
We present the detailed formalism of the extremely correlated Fermi liquid theory, developed for treating the physics of the t-J model. We start from the exact Schwinger equation of motion for the Green's function for projected electrons, and develop a systematic expansion in a parameter X, relating to the double occupancy. The resulting Green's function has a canonical part arising from an effective Hamiltonian of the auxiliary electrons, and a caparison part playing the role of a frequency-dependent adaptive spectral weight. This adaptive weight balances the requirement at low co of the invariance of the Fermi volume, and at high co of decaying as c_0/iω, with a correlation-depleted c_0 < 1. The effective Hamiltonian H_(eff) describing the auxiliary fermions is given a natural interpretation with an effective interaction V_(eff) containing both the exchange J_(ij) and the hopping parameters t_(ij). It is made Hermitian by adding suitable terms that ultimately vanish, in the symmetrized theory developed in this paper. Simple but important shift invariances of the t-J model are noted with respect to translating its parameters uniformly. These play a crucial role in constraining the form of V_(eff) and also provide checks for further approximations. The auxiliary and physical Green's function satisfy two sum rules, and the Lagrange multipliers for these are identified. A complete set of expressions for the Green's functions to second order in X is given, satisfying various invariances. A systematic iterative procedure for higher order approximations is detailed. A superconducting instability of the theory is noted at the simplest level with a high transition temperature.
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We describe a recent implementation of the combined GW and dynamical mean field method (GW + DMFT) for the two-dimensional Hubbard model with onsite and nearest-neighbor repulsion. We clarify the relation of the GW + DMFT scheme t...
We describe a recent implementation of the combined GW and dynamical mean field method (GW + DMFT) for the two-dimensional Hubbard model with onsite and nearest-neighbor repulsion. We clarify the relation of the GW + DMFT scheme to alternative approaches in the literature, and discuss the corresponding approximations to the free-energy functional of the model. Furthermore, we describe a numerically exact technique for the solution of the GW + DMFT equations, namely, the hybridization expansion continuous-time algorithm for impurity models with retarded interactions. We compute the low-temperature phase diagram of the half-filled extended Hubbard model, addressing the metal-insulator transition at small intersite interactions and the transition to a charge-ordered state for stronger intersite repulsions. GW + DMFT introduces a nontrivial momentum dependence into the many-body self-energy and polarization. We find that the charge fluctuations included in the present approach have a larger impact on the latter than on the former. Finally, within the GW + DMFT framework, as in extended DMFT, the intersite repulsion translates into a frequency dependence of the local effective interaction. We analyze this dependence and show how it affects the local spectral function.
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By removing one empty site between two occupied sites, we map the ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion to ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless...
By removing one empty site between two occupied sites, we map the ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion to ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions without nearest-neighbor repulsion, respectively, and ultimately in terms of the one-dimensional Fermi sea. We then introduce the intervening-particle expansion, where we write correlation functions in such ground states as a systematic sum over conditional expectations, each of which can be ultimately mapped to a one-dimensional Fermi-sea expectation. Various ground-state correlation functions are calculated for the bosonic and fermionic chains with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion, as well as for a ladder model of spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion and correlated hopping in three limiting cases. We find that the decays of these correlation functions are governed by surprising power-law exponents.
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The self-energy functional theory (SFT) is generalized to describe the real-time dynamics of correlated lattice-fermion models far from thermal equilibrium. This is achieved by starting from a reformulation of the original equilib...
The self-energy functional theory (SFT) is generalized to describe the real-time dynamics of correlated lattice-fermion models far from thermal equilibrium. This is achieved by starting from a reformulation of the original equilibrium theory in terms of double-time Green's functions on the Keldysh-Matsubara contour. With the help of a generalized Luttinger-Ward functional, we construct a functional Ω [Σ] which is stationary at the physical (nonequilibrium) self-energy Σ and which yields the grand potential of the initial thermal state Ω at the physical point. Nonperturbative approximations can be defined by specifying a reference system that serves to generate trial self-energies. These self-energies are varied by varying the reference system's one-particle parameters on the Keldysh-Matsubara contour. In the case of thermal equilibrium, this approach reduces to the conventional SFT. Contrary to the equilibrium theory, however, "unphysical" variations, i.e., variations that are different on the upper and the lower branches of the Keldysh contour, must be considered to fix the time dependence of the optimal physical parameters via the variational principle. Functional derivatives in the nonequilibrium SFT Euler equation are carried out analytically to derive conditional equations for the variational parameters that are accessible to a numerical evaluation via a time-propagation scheme. Approximations constructed by means of the nonequilibrium SFT are shown to be inherently causal, internally consistent, and to respect macroscopic conservation laws resulting from gauge symmetries of the Hamiltonian. This comprises the nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory but also dynamical-impurity and variational-cluster approximations that are specified by reference systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. In this way, nonperturbative and consistent approximations can be set up, the numerical evaluation of which is accessible to an exact-diagonalization approach.
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Dirac-Weyl fermions are massless relativistic particles with a well-defined helicity which arise in the context of high-energy physics. Here we propose a quantum simulation of these paradigmatic fermions using multicomponent ultra...
Dirac-Weyl fermions are massless relativistic particles with a well-defined helicity which arise in the context of high-energy physics. Here we propose a quantum simulation of these paradigmatic fermions using multicomponent ultracold atoms in a two-dimensional square optical lattice. We find that laser-assisted spin-dependent hopping, specifically tuned to the (2s + 1)-dimensional representations of the su(2) Lie algebra, directly leads to a regime where the emerging massless excitations correspond to Dirac-Weyl fermions with arbitrary pseudospin s. We show that this platform hosts two different phases: a semimetallic phase that occurs for half-integer s, and a metallic phase that contains a flat zero-energy band at integer s. These phases host a variety of interesting effects, such as a very rich anomalous quantum Hall effect and a remarkable multirefringent Klein tunneling. In addition, we show that these effects are directly related to the number of underlying Dirac-Weyl species and zero modes.