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    摘要 : Junction fires involve the merging of two linear fire fronts intersecting at a small anglewhich gives rise to an interaction process with fire-induced convective flows that modifythe behavior of both fires and produce very large v... 展开

    摘要 : Background: In Pedróg?o Grande on 17 June 2017, two fire fronts merged and the propagation of the fire was influenced by the interaction of these non-symmetric fire fronts. Aims: This wildfire motivated us to study a junction fir... 展开

    [期刊]   Brendan Holyland   Brett Cirulis   Trent D. Penman   Alexander I. Filkov   《Fire Safety Journal》    2024年143卷Feb.期      共8页
    摘要 : Junction fires, a type of dynamic fire behaviour, involve the merging of two active fire fronts. They have been known to result in extreme increases in rates of fire spread and intensity over short periods of time. When these phen... 展开

    摘要 : A conceptual model based on the dynamic interaction between fire, the fuel bed and the surrounding flow to explain the non-monotonic or intermittent behaviour of fires is proposed. According to the model, even in nominally permane... 展开

    [期刊]   Beekharry, Christopher C.   Zhu, Guan Z.   Magoski, Neil S.   《Brain research》    2015年1603卷      共14页
    摘要 : Electrically coupled neurons communicate through channel assemblies called gap junctions, which mediate the transfer of current from one cell to another. Electrical synapses ensure spike synchronization and reliable transmission, ... 展开

    摘要 : Background Two fire ignitions in Pedrogao Grande on 7 June 2017 had very fast due to unusual physical processes associated with the interaction between an overhead thunderstorm and the fire and the subsequent merging of the fires ... 展开

    [机翻] 硅功率控制整流器的开关特性:导通动作
    摘要 : Turn-on time is the time interval required for decreasing the forward voltage occurring across a cell to 10% of its initial value after a gate current is applied. It contains two parts: (1) delay time ¿ the period needed for th... 展开

    [机翻] 可控硅整流器:特性和额定值
    摘要 : The name silicon-controlled rectifier has been given to a new 3-terminal semiconductor device which has electrical characteristics similar to a thyratron. This device has been developed by the Semiconductor Products Department of ... 展开

    摘要 : Abstract The study focuses on the analysis of a 16th-century lime plaster sample sourced from Arab Ki Sarai, part of the Humayun tomb complex in Delhi. The lime plaster samples were initially observed under an analytical microscop... 展开

    [期刊]   Huupponen, Johanna   Lauri, Sari E.   Taira, Tomi   Molchanova, Svetlana M.   《Neuropharmacology》    2016年107卷      共9页
    摘要 : Direct electrical coupling between neurons through gap junctions is prominent during development, when synaptic connectivity is scarce, providing the additional intercellular connectivity. However, functional studies of gap juncti... 展开
