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A new high yielding guinea grass culture TNGG-5 was developed through hybridisation between Co-1 X Centenario and released as Co-2 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu. This new variety is shade tolerant, tall growing and profuse...
A new high yielding guinea grass culture TNGG-5 was developed through hybridisation between Co-1 X Centenario and released as Co-2 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu. This new variety is shade tolerant, tall growing and profusely tillering. It produces 80-100 tillers per clump and grows to a height of 275 cm. It has more number of longer and broader leaves and non lodging. It has a green fodder yield potential of 270 tonnes ha~(-1) year~(-1). The dry matter, crude protein and mineral content arehigher in the new variety than Co-1.
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The authors described features of the morphology, hydrophysical, physicochemical properties, and state of aggregation of mineral soils of the Kalinin terminal-morainic ridge being drained and their change when planted with grasses.
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Ryegrass is a highly digestible, palatable forage and is suitable for animals with high nutritional requirements, including lactating dairy cattle. Ryegrass with good soil fertility provides rapid growth with regeneration capacity...
Ryegrass is a highly digestible, palatable forage and is suitable for animals with high nutritional requirements, including lactating dairy cattle. Ryegrass with good soil fertility provides rapid growth with regeneration capacity during periods of cool temperatures and when sufficient levels of soil moisture are available. The annual ryegrass requires well-fertile aerated soils, but has a remarkable ability to adapt to a wide range of soils. For ryegrass cultivation, soil should have high water retention capacity and a pleasant edaphic environment. Annual ryegrass quickly produces large quantity of fodder and is an outstanding forage crop that fits in many production systems like intercropping with different fodder crops (Berseem, Mustard, Lucerne,(tat/Burley, etc.). Ryegrass is generally grown pure stand and the intercropping strategies have a considerable impact on the fresh yield of ryegrass. High production capacity of ryegrass makes it a popular choice for extra feed like hay and silage.
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Cenchrus setigerus is commonly known as black kolukkattai grass and is a herbaceous perennial pasture land grass. TNCS 265 is a selection from Kangayam local developed at Department of Forage Crops, Centre for Plant Breeding and G...
Cenchrus setigerus is commonly known as black kolukkattai grass and is a herbaceous perennial pasture land grass. TNCS 265 is a selection from Kangayam local developed at Department of Forage Crops, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. TNCS 265 had registered high biomass yield in Station Trials (38.9 t/ha), Multi Location Trials (50.5 t/ha) and in On Farm Trials (46.8 t/ha) which is 12.75, 21.3 and 19.7 per cent yield increase over the check CO 1, respectively. The culture TNCS 265 was promoted to All India Coordinated Research Projects on Forage Crops & Utilization trials during the year 2016 to 2018 and it was evaluated at nine locations in the South zone. Among the cultures evaluated, TNCS 265 registered a mean green fodder yield of 69.0 t/ha than the national check CAZRI-76 (54.87 t/ha) and the qualifying variety IGFRI-96-706 (57.98 t/ha) which showed an improvement of 25.76 and 19.01 per cent yield increase over the check, respectively. It ranked first in green fodder yield in all three years of evaluation, under AICRP trials in south zone. It has the crude protein content of 8.18 per cent. The fibre fractions such as Acid Detergent Fibre (%) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (%) were comparatively lesser (42.5 & 64.17 %) than the national check CAZRI-76 (45.43 & 70.4 %) indicating higher digestibility and intake of green fodder of proposed entry. It was also evident from its higher value of in vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (55.47 %) than the national check CAZRI-76 (51.93 %). Hence, considering the stable performance of TNCS 265 (Cenchrus setigerus), it was proposed and released as black kolukkattai grass CO 2 for pasture land cultivation in the south zone of India during 2019 and notified as per Gazette Notification No. S.O. 99(E). dt. 06.01.2020 for general cultivation.
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В статье приводятся данные о состоянии кормопроизводства, об основных причинах физической и химической деградации земель, це...
В статье приводятся данные о состоянии кормопроизводства, об основных причинах физической и химической деградации земель, целесообразности залужения малопродуктивных земель, выведенных из интенсивной обработки.
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The intensification of plant growing is considered in a close relation to biological factors, the most important of which is the saturation of the field and fodder crop rotations with perennial legume-grass mixtures. The productio...
The intensification of plant growing is considered in a close relation to biological factors, the most important of which is the saturation of the field and fodder crop rotations with perennial legume-grass mixtures. The production level and magnitude of nitrogen fixation by various legume-grass mixtures are shown, as well as their dependence on the age of the grasses. The bioenergetic efficiency of growing perennial grasses is determined.
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Efficient multicomponent grass mixtures of spring and winter crops were selected. Elements of the technology of their cultivation were established that ensure the stable production of fodder for the green conveyor of the Central Chernozem Zone.
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Nearly 2.5 million ha area under alkali soils is lying barren in different parts of the country, owing to high aH, excessive sodium on the exchange complex and hard pan of calcium carbonate at 60-90 cm depth. In alkali soils, crop...
Nearly 2.5 million ha area under alkali soils is lying barren in different parts of the country, owing to high aH, excessive sodium on the exchange complex and hard pan of calcium carbonate at 60-90 cm depth. In alkali soils, crops are adversally affected not only because of high sodium content but also due to poor water dynamics and low availability of plant nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium and zinc. The requirement of green fodder, drymatter and concentrate for the livestock in the country by 2000 AD has been projected as 837, 529 and 95 million tonnes, respectively. However, deficit is estimated to be in the order of 64.16 and 80.0%. There is hardly any scope for its further expansion due to increasing pressure for food and commercial crops. There seems to be a good scope to grow forages on alkali soils which otherwise are not remunerative for arable crop production. Considering problem soils including waterlogged, ravines, salt-affected soils etc. for fodder resources development, the productivity can be raised to 300-350 million tonnes of forages in the country.
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Ever increasing demand for food and fodder due to growing population and livestock necessitates the urgency to improve productivity of the fodder crops. In this context, the concept of vegetative propagation technologies serves as...
Ever increasing demand for food and fodder due to growing population and livestock necessitates the urgency to improve productivity of the fodder crops. In this context, the concept of vegetative propagation technologies serves as an important tool for higher productivity. Conventionally, crops such as sugarcane, cassava, bajra napier hybrid grass and napier grass were cultivated by stem cuttings. This depends heavily on the quality of planting material and their availability. It is a huge barrier for the cultivation of fodder grass as the quality of planting material influences the sprouting, establishment, growth, tillering and fodder yield of grasses and also the higher requirement of planting material increases the overall cost of cultivation. Therefore, a more robust approach needs to be developed to address these limitations. Normally propagation by vegetative means assumes importance when desirable biotypes need to be multiplied in a short span of time. Also a suitable method of planting andnumber of buds reduce the cost of cultivation as well as transportation. Similarly one and two budded setts are ideal for optimum germination compared to larger seed pieces. Horizontal planting of stem cuttings is the most practical approach which increased sprouting and yield. Based on this ideology this paper reviews the various aspects of influence of planting methods and number of buds by vegetative propagated sett on sprouting, growth and productivity of fodder grasses.
摘要 :
Grasses serve as the primary food source for most of the herbivorous but generally grasses are considered as weeds ofopen fields. The present study aimed to quantify and compare the mineral and proximate composition from the dry l...
Grasses serve as the primary food source for most of the herbivorous but generally grasses are considered as weeds ofopen fields. The present study aimed to quantify and compare the mineral and proximate composition from the dry leafpowder of five weedy grasses, namely Apluda mutica, Bothriochloa pertusa, Chloris barbata, Paspalidium flavidumand Stenotaphrum dimidiatum. Among the five weedy grasses, it has been found that Apluda mutica possess high fodderpotential because of its highest amount of calcium (53.60 mg/100 g), sodium (123.60 mg/100 g), crude lipid (5.48%)and caloric value (354.84 kcal/100 g) compared to other grasses. Stenotaphrum dimidiatum shows highest crudeprotein (39.97%) and highest amount of carbohydrate is reported in Paspalidium flavidum (58.87%). A reasonableamount of macro and micro nutrients, total ash, moisture content, crude protein, crude lipid, carbohydrates, crudefibre, and caloric value were also observed in other grasses respectively. The present investigation provides a scientificdata for utilisation of the weedy grass as fodder based on the nutritional and biochemical assessments.