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Introduction: Palatorugoscopy is the term used to study the rugae patterns. The word rugae came from the Greek word seam. Moreover, it relates the crisscrossing or joining or stitching of the parts of two biological structures dur...
Introduction: Palatorugoscopy is the term used to study the rugae patterns. The word rugae came from the Greek word seam. Moreover, it relates the crisscrossing or joining or stitching of the parts of two biological structures during fetal differentiation. The aim of this study is to determine the gender difference in rugae pattern with regard to length, number, shape, unification and direction in the population of Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan. Objective: The objective is to determine the gender difference in rugae pattern with regard to length, number, shape, unification and direction; to investigate the difference in division of rugae in males and females and to compare rugae pattern in males and females of different age group. Materials and Methods: This study included 100 subjects, in which 50 were males (Group A) and other 50 were females (Group B). After the formation of primary cast, all quantitative as well as qualitative characteristics of palatal rugae patterns were recorded. Mainly, two classifications were used in this study, Thomas et al. and Kapali et al. Statistical Analysis: Student t-test was used, and “P” value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A statistically significant value was found in left-sided palatal rugae patterns depending upon the size, where we found that primary rugae were more in males. On comparing the angulation of palatal rugae patterns of left-sided rugae, a statistically significant value was found among the negative angulation which was higher in male subjects. Next, while comparing the angulation of palatal rugae of right side, we found a statistically significant value among zero (perpendicular rugae), which was more in male population. On comparing the unification of right-sided rugae patterns, we found that divergent rugae were more in male subjects. Conclusion: Palatal rugae patterns act as individualistic, and are unique patterns, and are helpful in determining the human gender. Further, more studies are required on palatal rugae patterns used in forensics on large population scale.
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Bootstrap resampling (Felsenstein, 1985) is perhaps the most commonly used method for assessing the level of support for specific nodes on a phylogeny, particularly for parsimony analyses. If the number of taxa is small, either ex...
Bootstrap resampling (Felsenstein, 1985) is perhaps the most commonly used method for assessing the level of support for specific nodes on a phylogeny, particularly for parsimony analyses. If the number of taxa is small, either exhaustive enumeration of all possible trees or a branch and bound algorithm (Hendy and Penny, 1982) may be used to perform exact searches for the most parsimonious trees (MPTs) in each bootstrap replicate. Larger studies require use of partial searches (termed heuristic searches) that do not guarantee finding trees that are truly most parsimonious. Typically, at least several hundred pseudoreplicates are examined, so the total time required can easily become prohibitive as the number of taxa increases. Several different search strategies can be used to improve the chance that the best tree found will, in fact, be most parsimonious (summarized in Swofford et al., 1996); however, it is not possible to recognize the MPT even if it is found. The two primary tools used in heuristic searches are branch swapping and repeated attempts to start the branch-swap- ping process from different initial trees. Several different branch-swapping algorithms may be available, ranging from a simple nearest-neighbor-interchange (NNI) to a much more aggressive, and much more time-consuming, tree-bisect-reconnect (TBR; see Swofford et al., 1996). Repeated searches can be started from randomly chosen trees, but most of these will be quite unparsimonious, and probably a great many rounds of branch swapping will be needed to settle on a topology that cannot be improved by further swapping (a locally most parsimo nious tree; L-MPT). Instead, starting trees are usually found by a parsimony-driven stepwise-addition algorithm (e.g., Swofford et al., 1996:482). For data with substantial phylogenetic signal, these starting trees are much more parsimonious than randomly chosen trees (Chase and Cox, 1998), and so should require much less time to determine the L-MPT. When data sets include larger numbers of taxa, even the more aggressive forms of branch swapping may become impractical. For example, Soltis et al. (1997) and Rice et al. (1997) applied TBR branch swapping to data sets of several hundred taxa. In neither case did branch swapping run to completion, despite application of computer processing time most easily measured in years. For some large problems, it is possible that not only the true MPT but also even the L-MPT may never be found (although a sufficiently large number of phylogenetically informative characters may make finding the MPT practical for even very large numbers of taxa
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In this paper, we propose a new slip boundary condition in hypersonic gas flow simulations. It is derived by considering the Langmuir isotherm adsorption into the Kaniadarkis et al. model of the kinetic theory of gas. Moreover, th...
In this paper, we propose a new slip boundary condition in hypersonic gas flow simulations. It is derived by considering the Langmuir isotherm adsorption into the Kaniadarkis et al. model of the kinetic theory of gas. Moreover, the motion of the adsorbed molecules over the surface (i.e. surface diffusion) is considered for the calculation of the mean free path in new slip condition. Three aerodynamic configurations are selected for evaluating new slip condition such as (1) the sharp-leading-edge flat plate, (2) circular cylinder in cross-flow, and (3) the sharp 25 degrees-55 degrees biconic cases. Hypersonic gas flows have the Mach number ranging from 6.1 to 15.6, and the working gases are argon and nitrogen. The simulation results show that new slip condition predicts better slip velocity than the Maxwell slip condition and gives good agreement with the direct simulation Monte-Carlo data for all cases considered in the present work.
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The Monte Carlo simulation of Bonabeau, Theraulaz and Deneubourg is reinvestigated. The phase transition between an egalitarian and an hierarchical society found was due to an instability when the Past fights are not forgotten fas...
The Monte Carlo simulation of Bonabeau, Theraulaz and Deneubourg is reinvestigated. The phase transition between an egalitarian and an hierarchical society found was due to an instability when the Past fights are not forgotten fast enough. Their model is also changed to include pair-specific memories, which again favor Egalitarian societies. [References: 3]
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Tamaka Shwasa is considered to be a dreadful disease as it is yapya (hard to treat) and ashuprananashakari (destroys the life very fast) and has high prevalence in society and presents in vegas (attacks) and dyspnoea as its cardin...
Tamaka Shwasa is considered to be a dreadful disease as it is yapya (hard to treat) and ashuprananashakari (destroys the life very fast) and has high prevalence in society and presents in vegas (attacks) and dyspnoea as its cardinal symptom. Ayurveda describes detailed line of treatment for Tamaka shwasa which includes shodhana, shamana, and brihana for apunarbhava. Shamana dravyas indicated in tamaka shwasa should be kaphavatashamaka, amapachana and anulomana. Maharasona is a dravya possessing katu madhur pradhan pancharasa, teekshna-ushna guna ushnaveerya, katuvipaka and vatakaphahara. Total 30 patients of Tamaka shwasa were selected as per inclusion criteria and treated with Maharasona (Allium porrum Lambinon et al.) Kalka 3 grams twice a day before meals with water. Incidence of agnimandya and kasa was observed very much associated with shwasa and kujanadhwani as its cardinal symptom. Maharasona kalka showed significant improvement in symptoms like shwasakruchrata, agnimandya, kaphanishtheevana, jwara and peenasa. This improvement may be due to its above said gunas. Hence, from this study, it can be concluded that Maharasona is effective and can be safely used in the management of Tamaka Shwasa.
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Les patients porteurs d''un cancer des voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) sont ceux qui posent le plus souvent des problèmes d''intubation difficile: le risque est élevé de ne pas pouvoir maintenir l''oxygénation pendant les ...
Les patients porteurs d''un cancer des voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) sont ceux qui posent le plus souvent des problèmes d''intubation difficile: le risque est élevé de ne pas pouvoir maintenir l''oxygénation pendant les manœuvres d''intubation. La pratique de la fibroscopie et de la ventilation transtrachéale s''avère très utile dans ce contexte. L''utilisation d''algorithmes précis pour l''intubation et l''oxygénation guide la séquence des pratiques et permet de choisir rapidement une autre technique en cas d''échec. Grâce aux nouvelles modalités d''anesthésie (propofol en perfusion continue, sévoflurane), il est possible de réaliser ces techniques sous anesthésie générale avec ou sans ventilation spontanée.
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The transport of materials and energy between rivers and riparian zones are driven by lateral hyporheic exchange and plays a vital role in regulating the ecological health of rivers. Owing to the limitations of models and methods,...
The transport of materials and energy between rivers and riparian zones are driven by lateral hyporheic exchange and plays a vital role in regulating the ecological health of rivers. Owing to the limitations of models and methods, prior research has mainly focused on vertical hyporheic exchange in river systems. Combined with the collected riparian zone temperature and water level data, a 2D hydrothermal coupling model of the riparian zone was developed using the thermal conductivity model, and the fitting effects of the Lu et al. (2007) model and Su et al. (2016) model on temperature variations in riparian zone comparatively analyzed. Then, the dynamic variation characteristics of the riparian zone temperature and the lateral hyporheic exchange recharge pattern were investigated by the constructed models. The calibrated model could reasonably illustrate the variations in the riparian zone temperature, and the sensitivity analysis revealed that the hydraulic conductivity (K-s) is the most sensitive factor to the temperature variations.
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Introduction: Many curricula integrate radiology with anatomy courses but none of these curricula adopt integration of pathology with radiology as interdisciplinary form at the undergraduate level. The aim of the current study was...
Introduction: Many curricula integrate radiology with anatomy courses but none of these curricula adopt integration of pathology with radiology as interdisciplinary form at the undergraduate level. The aim of the current study was to identify the outcome of interdisciplinary integrated course of pathology and radiology in musculoskeletal system module (MSK)-. Methods: A comparative interventional study was conducted on 60 students representing a whole class of the third year of level V. MSK and gastrointestinal module (GIT) were selected as study and control module, respectively, as being adopted for the same level/allocated hours, enriched with many subject areas for both fields, and availability of learning resources for both. A planned interdisciplinary integrated course for MSK pathology and radiology was implemented in the pathology lab. The subject area was selected and taught for both fields in consecutive ways by pathology and radiology experts. After teaching, gross/histopathologic specimens and radiology imaging/reports were distributed over benches and the students investigated the same. Conversely, in GIT control module, both fields were delivered separately, and no interdisciplinary form of integration occurred. Students’ scores for both fields were filtered from the objective structured practical exam, quiz, and final exam. Students’ marks and satisfaction were subjected to multiple comparisons using independent student’s t -test. SPSS version 17 was used. Results: Significances were obtained between total marks of students for both modules and between radiology courses for both with P =0.0152 and 0.0199, respectively. Number of students who achieved >80% in MSK was 20 and 26 compared to 15 and 17 in GIT for pathology and radiology, respectively. Student satisfaction was high for interdisciplinary integration in MSK with significant difference obtained between MSK and GIT. Conclusion: The integration of both fields augments student performance for both. This experience must encourage curriculum committee to globalize it over all other modules.
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Kinetics of heterogeneous processes of materials is an important topic of thermal analysis field; it directly describes the dynamics of condensed matter systems, revealing "hot insights" of materials towards a better understanding...
Kinetics of heterogeneous processes of materials is an important topic of thermal analysis field; it directly describes the dynamics of condensed matter systems, revealing "hot insights" of materials towards a better understanding of their structural, functional and transition-related properties. The advanced thermal and kinetic software by standard procedure TKS-SP 2.0 was successfully employed to perform kinetic computations, by making use of an extended spectrum of procedures, methods and discrimination criteria, it produces in real-time, high-volume and accurate sets of kinetic data from thermally induced processes. The discrimination between the kinetic models and the selection of the appropriate one is explained here in an in-depth study, employing the Perez-Maqueda et al. criterion under both integral and differential procedures in combination with the Gotor et al. master plots method. Perez-Maqueda et al. criterion describes the independence of the kinetic parameters from the heating rate, while the master plots method of Gotor et al. give the fastest way to check the kinetic models just by fitting in a continuous and visual manner the normalised transformation rate of a chemical or physical process with the relation ([f(alpha)center dot g(alpha)]/[f(alpha (max))center dot g(alpha (max))])-where the adjustment of the step of the kinetic model and of the values for the conversion degree at the maximal conversion rate inside the relation is performed. A working procedure is proposed to be applied for the step-by-step evaluations, discrimination and selection of the unique kinetic triplet {E, A, f(alpha)} corresponding to a certain investigated process.
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Urbanization is a major cause of ecosystem change, and arthropods are a principal component of grassland ecosystems, which are often found in human-dominated landscapes. Although higher trophic level arthropods have been expected ...
Urbanization is a major cause of ecosystem change, and arthropods are a principal component of grassland ecosystems, which are often found in human-dominated landscapes. Although higher trophic level arthropods have been expected to be the most sensitive to urbanization, researchers are debating whether this is the case. We compared the guild structure of grassland arthropod food webs along an urban-rural gradient in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the largest metropolitan area in the world. Arthropod communities were sampled, and guild types were classified by body size and food habit. The guild structure of arthropod food webs was compared among various types of grasslands, and the effects on the guild structure of the surrounding landscape and local vegetation were analyzed. The arthropod guild structure varied along the urban-rural gradient. Large carnivores were abundant in semi-natural grassland ecosystems in the traditional rural landscape, which was at one end of the studied urban-rural gradient. In contrast, small carnivores, omnivores, and detritivores were abundant in the artificial grassland ecosystems of the urban landscape at the other end of the gradient. Because very large carnivores are vulnerable to urbanization activities, rural landscapes rich in these species should be conserved.