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    [期刊]   Mukhopadhyay, Nitis   《Methodology and computing in applied probability》    2015年17卷3期      共6页
    摘要 : In some quarters, especially beginners learning statistics and probability, one generally accepts a claim such as a chi(2)(1) random variable (rv) must be the square of a standard normal rv or a F-1,F-1 rv must be the square of a ... 展开

    [期刊]   Hiba Zeyada Muhammed   《Sankhya》    2023年85卷2期      共47页
    摘要 : The main idea of this paper is to present families of bivariate distributions that depend in their formation on adding a shape parameter to the powers of the hazard and reversed hazard functions in different manners, which would p... 展开

    摘要 : If g and G are the pdf and the cdf of a distribution symmetric around 0 then the pdf 2g(u)G(λ u) is said to define a skew distribution. In this paper, we provide a mathematical treatment of the skew distributions when g and G are... 展开

    [机翻] 卷积下对数凹度的保持
    摘要 : Log-concave random variables and their various properties play an increasingly important role in probability, statistics, and other fields. For a distribution F, denote by D-F, the set of distributions G such that the convolution ... 展开

    [机翻] 关于样本均值与方差的协方差
    [期刊]   NITIS MUKHOPADHYAY   MUN S. SON   《Communications in Statistics》    2011年40卷7/9期      共7页
    摘要 : Dodge and Rousson (1999) and Zhang (2007) gave an expression for Cov(X, S2) based upon independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations not necessarily normal. In this note, we derive the expression (Theorem 2.1) for ... 展开

    [机翻] 广义Lindley分布
    [期刊]   Saralees Nadarajah   Hassan S. Bakouch   Rasool Tahmasbi   《The Indian Journal of Statistics》    2011年73卷pt.2期      共29页
    摘要 : A new distribution is proposed for modeling lifetime data. It has better hazard rate properties than the gamma, lognormal and the Weibull distributions. A comprehensive account of the mathematical properties of the new distributio... 展开

    [机翻] 关于y-截断的注记:环境应用中生成有界分布的一种简单方法
    [期刊]   W.E. Bardsley   《Advances in Water Resources》    2007年30卷1期      共5页
    摘要 : It may sometimes be desirable to introduce bounds into probability distributions to formalise the presence of upper or lower physical limits to data to which the distribution has been applied. For example, an upper bound in raindr... 展开

    [机翻] 对Hassairi等人“隐式分布和估计”的一些评论
    [期刊]   NITIS MUKHOPADHYAY   《Communications in Statistics. A, Theory and Methods》    2006年35卷1/3期      共5页
    摘要 : An implicit distribution resembles a posterior distribution of θ in the presence of a specific prior distribution on θ. But, then it is not clear if anything additional or distinctly novel is achieved via implicit distributions ... 展开

    摘要 : Insecticide-treated nets are a key intervention for malaria prevention. While mass distribution can rapidly scale up ITN coverage, multiple channels may be needed to sustain high levels of ITN access and ownership. In Ghana’s Eas... 展开

    [期刊]   Costas Busch   Srikanta Tirthapura   《Theoretical computer science》    2010年411卷43期      共11页
    摘要 : We compare the complexities of two fundamental distributed coordination problems, distributed counting and distributed queuing, in a concurrent setting. In both distributed counting and queuing, processors in a distributed system ... 展开
