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Purpose Statistical equivalence testing is more appropriate than conventional tests of difference to assess the validity of physical activity (PA) measures. This article presents the underlying principles of equivalence testing an...
Purpose Statistical equivalence testing is more appropriate than conventional tests of difference to assess the validity of physical activity (PA) measures. This article presents the underlying principles of equivalence testing and gives three examples from PA and fitness assessment research.
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A critical review of the literature demonstrates a lack of validity among the ten most common methods for measuring the importance of attributes in behavioral sciences. The authors argue that one of the key determinants of this la...
A critical review of the literature demonstrates a lack of validity among the ten most common methods for measuring the importance of attributes in behavioral sciences. The authors argue that one of the key determinants of this lack of validity is the multi-dimensionality of attribute importance. Building on the notable work of Myers and Alpert (1968) [Myers JH, Alpert MI. Determinant buying attitudes: Meaning and measurement. J Mark 1968;32(July):13-20], they propose that different methods measure different dimensions of attribute importance and, more specifically, what methods measure which specific dimensions. A re-examination of existing research reveals convergent and nomological validity among methods that are proposed to measure the same dimensions of attribute importance and discriminant validity between methods that are proposed to measure different dimensions of attribute importance. Acknowledging the multi-dimensionality of attribute importance substantially reduces the apparent lack of validity reported in the literature and forms an important first step enabling practitioners and scholars to improve the validity of attribute-importance measurement.
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The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Physical Self Inventory (PSI) among university students. Methods: One hundred and eighty-seven females and 106 males, totally 293 univers...
The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Physical Self Inventory (PSI) among university students. Methods: One hundred and eighty-seven females and 106 males, totally 293 university students (Mean age 21.97 +/- 1.71 years) participated in this study. The Turkish version of PSI, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ), and Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) were administered to participants in a group setting. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test construct validity of PSI-Turkish version. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to see relationships between PSI-Turkish and PSDQ subscales for concurrent validity and between PSI-Turkish subscales and SPAS for convergent validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated to determine reliability. Results: CFA results provided good fit index values for the model with 24 items indicating similar factor structure with the original scale's six-factor structure. In terms of concurrent validity, it was found positive and statistically significant relationships between PSI-Turkish and PSDQ subscales ranging from 0.65 to 0.84. In addition, statistically significant and negative correlation coefficients were found between social physique anxiety and PSI-Turkish subscales, showing convergent validity. These coef- ficients ranged from -0.23 (physical strength) to -0.45 (physical attractiveness). These findings revealed that concurrent and convergent validities of the PSI-Turkish were supported. Internal consistency coefficients of the PSI-Turkish subscales ranged from 0.55 (physical attractiveness) to 0.89 (sport competence). Conclusion: It can be concluded that PSI-Turkish version is a valid and reliable instrument to measure physical self-perception. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2017; 18(6): 594-601)
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A self-report instrument assessing work-related factors among people with psychiatric disabilities would be useful when trying to match possible employment or prevocational opportunities with people's desires and capacities. The a...
A self-report instrument assessing work-related factors among people with psychiatric disabilities would be useful when trying to match possible employment or prevocational opportunities with people's desires and capacities. The aim of this study was to explore the factor structure, internal consistency, and construct and criterion validity of the Worker Role Self-Assessment (WRS) in this group as well as possible floor and ceiling effects. The participants were 283 clients from day centers for people with psychiatric disabilities and from outpatient units for people with psychosis. They completed the WRS and instruments selected to assess construct validity in terms of convergent (motivation for work and current activity level as reference variables) and discriminant validity (quality of life and self-rated health as reference variables). Two factors were identified, one tapping beliefs in a future worker role and one reflecting current capacities and routines. The internal consistency for the scale as a whole was good at 0.84. The factor reflecting a future worker role correlated as expected with the reference variables used to assess convergent and discriminant validity, whereas current capacities and routines showed a moderate association with quality of life and self-rated health, assumed to indicate discriminant validity. Criterion validity was shown in that those who had recent work experiences scored higher than the others on WRS. No floor or ceiling effects were identified. The findings indicate acceptable psychometric properties of the WRS. Further development is still warranted, however; the factor solution needs to be replicated and the construct validity should be further established.
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Acculturation refers to the extent to which an individual immigrant (or immigrant group) acquires the customs and characteristics of a new receiving society and/or retains the customs and characteristics of the person's or group's...
Acculturation refers to the extent to which an individual immigrant (or immigrant group) acquires the customs and characteristics of a new receiving society and/or retains the customs and characteristics of the person's or group's cultural heritage. Different acculturation measures are often assumed to be interchangeable, although this assumption is rarely tested empirically. The purpose of the present study was to examine the overlap between 2 commonly used measures of acculturation among individuals of Latino/Hispanic ancestry in the United States, the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans II (ARSMA-II) and the Bicultural Involvement Questionnaire-Short Version (BIQ-S). Specifically, we examined the ways in which scores from the 2 measures relate to one another, as well as similarities versus differences in the ways they predict external variables of interest (e.g., family functioning, parenting, and youth adjustment) that acculturation is known to influence. Findings indicate distinct patterns of results for the 2 measures. For instance, though the BIQ-S focuses entirely on language use and other cultural practices, the ARSMA-II more consistently relates to language variables. Further, adolescent BIQ-S cultural heritage scores related negatively to risks for and engagement in alcohol use-supporting prior findings-whereas ARSMA-II scores were unrelated to alcohol use. Given the largely nonoverlapping set of relationships of the BIQ-S and the ARSMA-II subscale scores with measures of language dominance and conflict, measures of parenting, and measures of youth outcomes, we recommend that studies utilize both of these measures to fully appraise acculturation in this population.
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This study is aimed to validate the Italian version of the dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented psychological control scale (DAPCS), a self-report questionnaire designed to assess the adolescent's perception of the two dim...
This study is aimed to validate the Italian version of the dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented psychological control scale (DAPCS), a self-report questionnaire designed to assess the adolescent's perception of the two dimensions of psychological control. In Study 1, we assessed factorial validity and reliability of the Italian version of DAPCS with a sample of adolescents. In Study 2, we examined the convergent validity of the Italian version of the DAPCS analyzing the associations between the two domains of psychological control and well-established measures related to them such as strictness/supervision, overprotection, non dependency on parents, and family functioning. Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the hypothesized two-factor solution of the DAPCS, with a 16 items' version better fitting the data, for paternal as well as for maternal ratings. High indices of internal consistency indicated that both subscales produced reliable scores. Convergent validity was confirmed by positive associations between the DAPCS' subscales and measures of strictness and negative associations between the DAPCS' subscales and measures of global family functioning, both for maternal and paternal ratings. Finally, results evidenced significant effects for adolescents' and parental gender on achievement-oriented psychological control, with mothers rated higher than fathers by males and fathers rated higher than mothers by females. Overall, the results of these studies indicated that the Italian form of the DAPCS might be a useful instrument to assess the two domain-specific types of parental psychological control among Italianspeaking adolescents.
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BACKGROUNDThe recently refined Demoralization Scale-II (DS-II) is a 16-item, self-report measure of demoralization. Its 2 factorsMeaning and Purpose and Distress and Coping Abilitydemonstrate sound internal validity, including ite...
BACKGROUNDThe recently refined Demoralization Scale-II (DS-II) is a 16-item, self-report measure of demoralization. Its 2 factorsMeaning and Purpose and Distress and Coping Abilitydemonstrate sound internal validity, including item fit, unidimensionality, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. The convergent and discriminant validity of the DS-II with various measures is reported here.
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The objective of this study is to obtain the convergent validity of a Mexican resilience scale (strength and personal safety) in Chilean adolescents. Two separate instruments were used in order to measure the same construct and to...
The objective of this study is to obtain the convergent validity of a Mexican resilience scale (strength and personal safety) in Chilean adolescents. Two separate instruments were used in order to measure the same construct and to test the relevance of the Mexican scale for using it in other contexts different from the one originally constructed for. After a review of the items by several researchers, both instruments were administered to a non-probabilistic intentional sample composed of 470 teenagers of both genders, between 15 and 18 years old from the city of Santiago de Chile. An equivalence analysis of the items was performed and the reliability analysis showed that both scales produce an Alpha higher than.70. Differences regarding gender were found in some dimensions of the Chilean and Mexican scales. Pearson correlation analysis indicates that a positive and statistically significant relationship between both instruments exists; therefore, it is concluded Mexican resilience scale is suitable for measuring the construct in adolescents from a different socio-cultural context.
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Cultural diversity in health care settings can threaten the well-being of patients, their families, and health care providers. This psychometric study evaluated the construct validity of the recently developed four-factor, 43-item...
Cultural diversity in health care settings can threaten the well-being of patients, their families, and health care providers. This psychometric study evaluated the construct validity of the recently developed four-factor, 43-item Critical Cultural Competence Scale (CCCS) which was designed to overcome the conceptual limitations of previously developed scales. The study was conducted in Canada with a random sample of 170 registered nurses. Comparisons with the Cultural Competence Assessment instrument, Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy, and Cultural Intelligence Scale provided mixed evidence of convergent validity. Modest correlations were found between the total scale scores suggesting that the CCCS is measuring a more comprehensive and conceptually distinct construct. Stronger correlations were found between the more conceptually similar subscales. Evidence for discriminant validity was also mixed. Results support use of the CCCS to measure health care providers' perceptions of their critical cultural competence though ongoing evaluation is warranted.