摘要 :
When two fires approach each other, convective and radiative heat transfer processes are greatly enhanced. The interaction between two linear fire fronts making an angle theta oi between them is of particular interest as it produc...
When two fires approach each other, convective and radiative heat transfer processes are greatly enhanced. The interaction between two linear fire fronts making an angle theta oi between them is of particular interest as it produces a very rapid advance of their intersection point with intense radiation and convection activity in the space between the fire lines. This fire is designated here as a 'jump fire' for when the value of theta oi is small, the intersection point of the fire lines can reach unusually high rate of spread values that decrease afterwards in the course of time. A very simple analytical model based on the concept of energy concentration between the fire lines is proposed to explain this behaviour, which in large-scale fires can be of great concern to personnel and property safety. Experimental tests performed at laboratory scale on a horizontal fuel bed confirmed the basic assumptions of the model and provide a framework to extend the present analysis to more general conditions, namely to explain the behaviour of real fires. Given the rapid changes in fire behaviour, 'jump fires' can be considered as a form of extreme fire behaviour.
摘要 :
Background: In Pedróg?o Grande on 17 June 2017, two fire fronts merged and the propagation of the fire was influenced by the interaction of these non-symmetric fire fronts. Aims: This wildfire motivated us to study a junction fir...
Background: In Pedróg?o Grande on 17 June 2017, two fire fronts merged and the propagation of the fire was influenced by the interaction of these non-symmetric fire fronts. Aims: This wildfire motivated us to study a junction fire with two non-symmetrical fire fronts. The analysis of the movement of the intersection point and the angle (γ) between the bisector of the fire lines and the maximum rate of spread (ROS) direction is of particular relevance. Methods: The study was carried out at Forest Fire Laboratory of the University of Coimbra in Lous? (Portugal) with laboratory experiments. Key results: We found that, for small rotation angles (δ), the non-dimensional ROS of the intersection point depends on the slope angle (α) and the initial angle between fire fronts. Conclusions: For high α, the non-dimensional ROS was highly influenced by the convection process and γ where the maximum ROS occurred, increased when δ increased. However, the radiation process was more relevant for lower α and influenced the non-dimensional ROS. For these cases, the maximum spread direction was close to that of the fire line bisector. Implications: The present work aimed to explain fire behaviour during the Pedróg?o Grande wildfire.
摘要 :
Background Two fire ignitions in Pedrogao Grande on 7 June 2017 had very fast due to unusual physical processes associated with the interaction between an overhead thunderstorm and the fire and the subsequent merging of the fires ...
Background Two fire ignitions in Pedrogao Grande on 7 June 2017 had very fast due to unusual physical processes associated with the interaction between an overhead thunderstorm and the fire and the subsequent merging of the fires as a junction fire, killing 66 persons in 2 h.Aims Using a laboratory simulation of the merging process, we explain the fire spread conditions and verify that the junction of the two fires was responsible for the very intense fire development.Methods The real fire spread was reconstructed from an extensive field survey and physical modelling tests were performed in the Fire Research Laboratory combustion tunnel using various fuels and scale modelling laws.Key results The spread and merging of the two fires in the tests agree very well with field observations, namely the periods of rate of spread (ROS) increase and decrease, peak values of ROS and area growth process using scaling laws.Conclusions Analysis of the Pedrogao Grande fire evolution and its physical simulation at laboratory scale showed the importance of the mechanisms of two fires merging in producing very important convective processes.Implications Our study showed the validity of performing the experimental analysis of complex fire spread situations provided that the similarity conditions are fulfilled.