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    [期刊]   Viegas, D. X.   Raposo, J. R.   Davim, D. A.   Rossa, C. G.   《International Journal of Wildland Fire》    2012年21卷7期      共14页
    摘要 : When two fires approach each other, convective and radiative heat transfer processes are greatly enhanced. The interaction between two linear fire fronts making an angle theta oi between them is of particular interest as it produc... 展开

    摘要 : Background: In Pedróg?o Grande on 17 June 2017, two fire fronts merged and the propagation of the fire was influenced by the interaction of these non-symmetric fire fronts. Aims: This wildfire motivated us to study a junction fir... 展开

    摘要 : Background Two fire ignitions in Pedrogao Grande on 7 June 2017 had very fast due to unusual physical processes associated with the interaction between an overhead thunderstorm and the fire and the subsequent merging of the fires ... 展开
