摘要 :
В статье предпринята попытка реализовать идею комплексной оценки молочного скота России одновременно в трех плоскостях срав...
В статье предпринята попытка реализовать идею комплексной оценки молочного скота России одновременно в трех плоскостях сравнения: между породами, в динамике их совершенствования и в региональном аспекте сформировавшихся породных популяций. Коровы голштинской породы по удою и выходу молочного жира за лактацию занимают 1-е место в Северо-Западном, Приволжском, Уральском, Сибирском, Дальневосточном и Северо-Кавказском федеральных округах. На последнем месте по молочной продуктивности во всех зонах распространения — якутский скот, горный скот Дагестана, коровы кавказской бурой и тагильской пород. За 12 лет по всем породам вырос среднесуточный удой — от 6,8% у горного скота Дагестана до 61,7% в холмогорской популяции. Интенсивная селекция всех пород на повышение молочной продуктивности сопровождалась ростом пожизненного надоя с 14,3 до 20,7 т молока на 1 корову, за исключением трех пород скота, резко сокративших количество лактационных дней: бестужевская (-1 т молока и -249 дней лактации), горный скот Дагестана (-5,5 т и -977 дней) и тагильская (-11,2 т и -1093 дня). При существенном росте суточного удоя у коров массовая доля жира и белка в молоке незначительно снизилась только у горного скота Дагестана (на 0,10 п.п.), у истобенской (на 0,06 п.п.) и красной горбатовской (на 0,03 п.п.) пород. Селекционный прогресс генетических ресурсов молочного скотоводства России, оцененный через пожизненное продуцирование коровой молочного жира и белка, имеет устойчивую динамику роста практически по всем разводимым в стране породам (99,5% поголовья),за исключением бестужевской, тагильской и горного скота Дагестана.
摘要 :
Divorce in socially monogamous species can result from different mechanisms, for example, chance events, active desertion of the partner, or the intrusion of a third individual ousting the partner. We compared the predictions asso...
Divorce in socially monogamous species can result from different mechanisms, for example, chance events, active desertion of the partner, or the intrusion of a third individual ousting the partner. We compared the predictions associated with such mechanisms with data from common guillemots (Uria aalge) breeding on the Isle of May, Scotland. The data cover the years 1982-2005 and show a yearly divorce rate of 10.2%. In most divorces (86%), one of the original partners moved to another breeding site, whereas the other bird stayed and bred with a new partner. On average, movers had a significantly lower breeding success after divorce, stayers were largely unaffected, whereas the incoming birds benefited significantly from the change. This pattern fits best the predictions of the "forced-divorce" hypothesis, suggesting that many divorces were caused by incoming birds rather than the original partners or chance events. Although we are unable to document the precise behavioral sequence that led to divorces, our interpretation is supported by observations of frequent fights over breeding-site ownership. Our data also indicate within-population diversity of divorce mechanisms: some divorces were apparently accidental, others desertion of partners and sites if the latter were of low quality. Our study finally illustrates that a negative correlation between breeding success and probability of divorce (which our data show) need not indicate the adaptiveness of divorce for the original partners. Because such a connection has often been made, adaptive divorce may in general be less common than usually assumed.
摘要 :
Salvatore Ceccarelli is a geneticist, plant breeder, innovator, mentor, and farmers' friend with over 50 years of dedicated work to agricultural research for development. His major contributions have been in the development of bre...
Salvatore Ceccarelli is a geneticist, plant breeder, innovator, mentor, and farmers' friend with over 50 years of dedicated work to agricultural research for development. His major contributions have been in the development of breeding methodologies for barley and other important crops for the livelihoods of resource poor farming community in marginal environments. After a career in academia in Italy, in 1980 Salvatore moved to ICARDA, based in Aleppo, Syria, initially as a forage breeder and later as a barley breeder and manager of the barley improvement program until he left the center over 30 years later. It was while at ICARDA that he developed and adopted a new breeding strategy, based on decentralized selection for specific adaptation, a drastic departure from the dominant philosophy in plant breeding based on wide adaptation. A further development of this strategy was the idea of PPB, initially implemented in Syria and later extended to other Middle East countries, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and more recently to Italy, accompanied by a continuous refinement in experimental techniques and statistical analysis. When Salvatore recognized the limitation of PPB to ensure a continuous flow of new material to farmers, he proposed the use of EPPB to adapt crops to their specific environment and to climate change, while providing diversity for farmers to manage. His breeding program distributed new barley material to farmers worldwide and to numerous research institutions for basic and applied research, and generated information and methodologies to establish breeding programs for difficult and stressful environments. He has published over 270 scientific articles and been invited to countless national and international events. He has collaborated with researchers and mentored breeders andtechnicians from around the world, helped establishing participatory breeding programs in several countries, supervised. 25 MSc and PhD students, and conducted courses on participatory and evolutionary plant breeding in numerous countries. In 2017, he returned to Italy and continued to work as a consultant in national and international projects, which brings that decision-making process and seed ownership back in the hands of farmers. He is currently involved in projects in Bhutan, Ethiopia, Iran, Jordan, Nepal, Uganda, and Europe.
摘要 :
The use of animal products laid the foundation for agriculture. As a result, systematic animal breeding was established early on, and regional breeds were bred. The trend of modern animal breeding shows that breeding goals and cha...
The use of animal products laid the foundation for agriculture. As a result, systematic animal breeding was established early on, and regional breeds were bred. The trend of modern animal breeding shows that breeding goals and characteristics, in addition to the individual farm goals, are above all subject to overarching aspects such as consumer wishes as well as their purchasing power and market power. New and far-reaching are topics such as sustainability, climate protection, biodiversity, animal protection and animal welfare. From an international perspective, there is intense competition between suppliers of breeding animals, semen, and embryos. German breeding products have a strong global demand. Biotechnological processes such as artificial insemination and increasingly embryo transfer also made a significant contribution to breeding progress here. Challenges arise above all from enormously high national requirements as well as high national and Europe-wide bureaucratic requirements, which lead to distortions of competition and the migration of research and progress. To maintain the global competitiveness of our services, approvals and funding for intensive research are indispensable. In addition, the world's population and the global demand for animal products are steadily increasing. This offers German companies the opportunity to assert themselves on the global market in the future, if legal and political framework conditions allow it. Adapted breeding strategies as well as a more efficient use of limited resources under environmentally and animal-friendly conditions play an important role here. Germany is permanently in strong national, European, and global competition, but can currently assert itself as a global player.
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Drying of wetlands before the completion of larval development is a major factor controlling reproductive success of amphibians breeding in temporary ponds. For some endangered taxa, such drying can severely limit population viabi...
Drying of wetlands before the completion of larval development is a major factor controlling reproductive success of amphibians breeding in temporary ponds. For some endangered taxa, such drying can severely limit population viability and species survival. One way of reducing the impact of premature drying is to add water to temporary ponds via an outside source, but data on the value of this strategy are almost nonexistent. We tested whether water from nearby wells could be used to avoid pond drying and increase reproductive success for the endangered dusky gopher frog (Rana sevosa). During a 7-week period in 2001, we added over 366,000 L of water from nearby wells to the breeding site for this frog and were able to increase and maintain water levels until a heavy natural rainfall filled the pond basin. This avoided complete larval mortality and 130 metamorphic frogs were produced, the first successful reproduction since 1998. Our study provides an important initial step in evaluating the use of well water to increase the hydroperiod of breeding ponds for anurans; however, further studies should be undertaken before this method is used as a conservation tool to avoid larval mortality of imperiled amphibians.
摘要 :
? 2022 Elsevier B.V.Plant breeding is an effective guarantee of agriculture production and food security, whereas information technologies are effective ways to promote plant variety improvement. Although breeding information tech...
? 2022 Elsevier B.V.Plant breeding is an effective guarantee of agriculture production and food security, whereas information technologies are effective ways to promote plant variety improvement. Although breeding information technologies provide a convenient and scientific means for breeding, it also leads to the problem of massive data processing with multidimensional breeding data in multiple granularities across generations. Therefore, decision support tools that help breeders extract relevant and valuable information are necessary and important. This paper introduces the decision support tools of the golden seed breeding cloud platform at three levels: (i) graphical user interfaces; (ii) statistical tools; and (iii) intelligent decision support tools. The advantages have effectively improved the breeding efficiency as well as the data management and application capabilities in more than 150 breeding institutions in China. The successful application of our system confirms the effectiveness of our work and provides data and support for future research.
摘要 :
Recent reductions in the public commitment to potato breeding in Sweden, Norway and Finland call for an evaluation of the current situation regarding the commercial basis for, and structure of, potato breeding in these countries. ...
Recent reductions in the public commitment to potato breeding in Sweden, Norway and Finland call for an evaluation of the current situation regarding the commercial basis for, and structure of, potato breeding in these countries. We here review the extent of cultivation, processing and consumption of table potato in Sweden, as well as provide an overview of the potato breeding tools and programmes in the three countries. We then discuss various strategies to provide long-term stability and increase the impact of public potato breeding, based on the similar overall conditions for potato cultivation across the Fennoscandian region. The conclusions are twofold; first, an increased long-term funding of the public potato breeding programmes is necessary to maintain a minimum level of material, and second, a coordination of the breeding activities in the Fennoscandian region would be of great benefit to all involved stakeholders and allow an enhancement of the current national breeding programmes. In addition, we propose a minimum first field year population size for potato breeding.
摘要 :
It's no secret that I had at least a modest obsession with Red Crossbills this past year. Little did I know that obsession would lead to one of my most exciting ornithological discoveries to date. On 11 April 2018,I ventured to a ...
It's no secret that I had at least a modest obsession with Red Crossbills this past year. Little did I know that obsession would lead to one of my most exciting ornithological discoveries to date. On 11 April 2018,I ventured to a new site in Bayfield County Forest about five miles south of Cornucopia (centered near 46.780692,-91.093374), lured by its black spruce-tamarack bog lying adjacent to towering white pines and sand-loving jack and red pines~a mix of conifers no crossbill could resist! The snow was deep yet crusty as I snowshoed along the border of the bog and a recent clearcut. Crossbills flew by left and right, ultimately yielding an impressive five different "types." But it quickly became apparent the story here would revolve around woodpeckers. Many trees were stripped of their bark, piles of flakes accumulating at their bases on top of the snow.
摘要 :
В статье рассмотрена динамика показателей экспорта и импорта продукции коневодства (в категории товара <<Живые лошади>>) с 2015 по 2022 г. как в аб<Живые>...
В статье рассмотрена динамика показателей экспорта и импорта продукции коневодства (в категории товара <<Живые лошади>>) с 2015 по 2022 г. как в абсолютном, так и в денежном выражении, в том числе с учетом категорий — племенных и пользовательных животных. Впервые проанализирован внешнеэкономический торговый баланс отрасли коневодства в 2019-2022 гг., дана оценка перспектив отечественного и зарубежных рынков для продукции российских коневодческих хозяйств. Установлено, что экспортные потоки восточных регионов страны, и в первую очередь Забайкальского края, Республики Тыва, Алтайского края и Республики Алтай, ориентированы преимущественно на Республику Казахстан, что ставит товарные хозяйства по производству лошадей мясного направления продуктивности Сибирского Федерального округа в зависимость от политической конъюнктуры в Средней Азии и общего состояния ветеринарного благополучия региона. Введенный в составе пакета антироссийских санкций запрет на вывоз лошадей, отнесенных к категории люксовых товаров, из Европейского союза отразился на импорте племенных и пользовательных животных, существенно ограничив возможности отечественных потребителей, ориентированных на подготовленных лошадей. На повышение спроса продукции предприятий, занимающихся разведением лошадей верховых пород, может повлиять государственная программа развития коневодства в Республике Узбекистан.