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Despite its undeniable success, classical machine learning remains a resource-intensive process. Practical computational efforts for training state-of-the-art models can now only be handled by high speed computer hardware. As this...
Despite its undeniable success, classical machine learning remains a resource-intensive process. Practical computational efforts for training state-of-the-art models can now only be handled by high speed computer hardware. As this trend is expected to continue, it should come as no surprise that an increasing number of machine learning researchers are investigating the possible advantages of quantum computing. The scientific literature on Quantum Machine Learning is now enormous, and a review of its current state that can be comprehended without a physics background is necessary. The objective of this study is to present a review of Quantum Machine Learning from the perspective of conventional techniques. Departing from giving a research path from fundamental quantum theory through Quantum Machine Learning algorithms from a computer scientist's perspective, we discuss a set of basic algorithms for Quantum Machine Learning, which are the fundamental components for Quantum Machine Learning algorithms. We implement the Quanvolutional Neural Networks (QNNs) on a quantum computer to recognize handwritten digits, and compare its performance to that of its classical counterpart, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Additionally, we implement the QSVM on the breast cancer dataset and compare it to the classical SVM. Finally, we implement the Variational Quantum Classifier (VQC) and many classical classifiers on the Iris dataset to compare their accuracies.
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Convolutional neural networks have been shown to extract features better than traditional algorithms in the fields such as image classification, object detection, and speech recognition. In parallel, a variational quantum algorith...
Convolutional neural networks have been shown to extract features better than traditional algorithms in the fields such as image classification, object detection, and speech recognition. In parallel, a variational quantum algorithm incorporating parameterized quantum circuits has higher performance on near-term quantum processors. In this paper, we propose a classification algorithm called variational convolutional neural networks (VCNN), allowing for efficient training and implementation on nearterm quantum devices. The VCNN algorithm combines the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz. We deploy the VCNN algorithm on the TensorFlow Quantum platform with the numerical simulator backends using the MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets. Experimental results show that the average accuracy of VCNN on classification tasks can reach up to 96.41%. Our algorithm has higher learning accuracy and fewer training epochs than quantum neural network algorithms. Moreover, we conclude that circuit-based models have excellent resilience to noise by numerical simulations.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus that causes lesions on the retina that affect vision. Late detection of DR can lead to irreversible blindness. The manual diagnosis process of DR retina fundu...
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus that causes lesions on the retina that affect vision. Late detection of DR can lead to irreversible blindness. The manual diagnosis process of DR retina fundus images by ophthalmologists is time consuming and costly. While, Classical Transfer learning models are extensively used for computer aided detection of DR; however, their maintenance costs limits detection performance rate. Therefore, Quantum Transfer learning is a better option to address this problem in an optimized manner. The significance of Hybrid quantum transfer learning approach includes that it performs heuristically. Thus, our proposed methodology aims to detect DR using a hybrid quantum transfer learning approach. To build our model we extract the APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection dataset from Kaggle and used inception-V3 pre-trained classical neural network for feature extraction and Variational Quantum classifier for stratification and trained our model on Penny Lane default device, IBM Qiskit BasicAer device and Google Cirq Simulator device. Both models are built based on PyTorch machine learning library. We bring about a contrast performance rate between classical and quantum models. Our proposed model achieves an accuracy of 93%-96% on the quantum hybrid model and 85% accuracy rate on the classical model. So, quantum computing can harness quantum machine learning to do work with power and efficiency that is not possible for classical computers.
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The advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices provide crucial promise for the development of quantum algorithms. Variational quantum algorithms have emerged as one of the best hopes to utilize NISQ devices. Among t...
The advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices provide crucial promise for the development of quantum algorithms. Variational quantum algorithms have emerged as one of the best hopes to utilize NISQ devices. Among these is the famous variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), where one trains a parameterized and fixed quantum circuit (or an ansatz) to accomplish the task. However, VQE also suffers from some serious challenges, which are training difficulty and accuracy reduction due to deep quantum circuit and hardware noise. Motivated by these issues, we propose a runtime and resource-efficient scheme, Monto Carlo tree (MCT) search-based quantum circuit architecture optimization, where the ansatz is built in the variable form. Our approach first models the search space with a MCT and regards it as a supernet, where we make use of layers dependence to reduce the size of the search space. Second, a two-stage scheme is proposed for the search space training, where weight sharing and warm-up strategies are employed to avoid huge computation cost. Training results are stored in nodes of the MCT for future decisions, and hierarchical node selection is presented to obtain an optimal ansatz. As a proof of principle, we carry out a series of numerical experiments for condensed matter and quantum chemistry in a quantum simulator with and without noise. Consequently, our scheme can be efficient to mitigate trainability and accuracy issues by minimizing the ansatz depth and the number of entanglement gates.
摘要 :
Computationally expensive applications, including machine learning, chemical simulations, and financial modeling, are promising candidates for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers. In these problems, one important cha...
Computationally expensive applications, including machine learning, chemical simulations, and financial modeling, are promising candidates for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers. In these problems, one important challenge is mapping a quantum circuit onto NISQ hardware while satisfying physical constraints of an underlying quantum architecture. Quantum circuit compilation (QCC) aims to generate feasible mappings such that a quantum circuit can be executed in a given hardware platform with acceptable confidence in outcomes. Physical constraints of a NISQ computer change frequently, requiring QCC process to be repeated often. When a circuit cannot directly be executed on a quantum hardware due to its physical limitations, it is necessary to modify the circuit by adding new quantum gates and auxiliary qubits, increasing its space and time complexity. An inefficient QCC may significantly increase error rate and circuit latency for even the simplest algorithms. In this article, we present artificial intelligence (AI)-based and heuristic-based methods recently reported in the literature that attempt to address these QCC challenges. We group them based on underlying techniques that they implement, such as AI algorithms including genetic algorithms, genetic programming, ant colony optimization and AI planning, and heuristics methods employing greedy algorithms, satisfiability problem solvers, dynamic, and graph optimization techniques. We discuss performance of each QCC technique and evaluate its potential limitations.
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Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), are suitable for implementation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. In this article, we expand an implicit step of VQAs: the classical ...
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), are suitable for implementation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. In this article, we expand an implicit step of VQAs: the classical precomputation subroutine, which can nontrivially use classical algorithms to simplify, transform, or specify problem instance-specific variational quantum circuits. In VQA, there is a tradeoff between quality of solution and difficulty of circuit construction and optimization. In one extreme, we find VQA for MAXCUT, which are exact, but circuit design or variational optimization is NP-hard. At the other extreme are low-depth VQA, such as the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), with tractable circuit construction and optimization but poor approximation ratios. Combining these two, we define the Spanning Tree QAOA to solve MAXCUT, which uses an ansatz whose structure is derived from an approximate classical solution and achieves the same performance guarantee as the classical algorithm and, hence, can outperform QAOA at low depth. In general, we propose integrating these classical precomputation subroutines into VQA to improve heuristic or guaranteed performance.
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We study the implementation of quantum channels with quantum computerswhile minimizing the experimental cost, measured in terms of the number of controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates required (single-qubit gates are free). We consider three...
We study the implementation of quantum channels with quantum computerswhile minimizing the experimental cost, measured in terms of the number of controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates required (single-qubit gates are free). We consider three different models. In the first, the quantum circuit model (QCM), we consider sequences of single-qubit and CNOT gates and allow qubits to be traced out at the end of the gate sequence. In the second (RandomQCM), we also allow external classical randomness. In the third (MeasuredQCM) we also allow measurements followed by operations that are classically controlled on the outcomes. We prove lower bounds on the number of CNOT gates required and give near-optimal decompositions in almost all cases. Our main result is a MeasuredQCM circuit for any channel from m qubits to n qubits that uses at most one ancilla and has a low CNOT count. We give explicit examples for small numbers of qubits that provide the lowest known CNOT counts.
摘要 :
The noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices that have just emerged in recent years provide an opportunity for the physical realization of quantum circuits. As the first step of mapping quantum circuits to these devices, qu...
The noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices that have just emerged in recent years provide an opportunity for the physical realization of quantum circuits. As the first step of mapping quantum circuits to these devices, qubit allocation imposes a great impact on the number of additional quantum operations required throughout the mapping. The global optimization of qubit allocation is NP-hard, but since many current NISQ devices have very few qubits, it is possible to solve this problem exactly. In this paper, we propose an exact approach for qubit allocation, which takes advantage of the branch and bound algorithm as the basic framework. In order to further prune the considerably huge state space, three techniques have been proposed and integrated into the exact approach, including an optimized lower bound for quadratic assignment problem, prioritization of logical qubits, and branch pruning by structural symmetry of physical qubits. Moreover, based on the multiple optimal solutions obtained by the exact approach, we give an error-aware qubit allocation method. For problems that are too large to be solved by the exact approach, we also give a heuristic qubit allocation approach with polynomial time complexity. Experimental evaluations show that the exact approach proposed in this paper is feasible for the qubit allocation of current NISQ architectures. For all benchmarks considered, this exact approach can find multiple optimal solutions to the qubit allocation problem on IBM Melbourne, a 16-qubit NISQ architecture, in no more than 20 min. It can serve as a evaluation baseline of any heuristic approach. Experimental evaluations also show that the proposed heuristic approach is near-optimal in terms of routing cost. Both the exact approach and the heuristic approach can be integrated into existing quantum circuit mapping approaches.
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? 2023Quantum neural network (QNN) is a neural network model based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The advantages of faster computing speed, higher memory capacity, smaller network size and elimination of catastrophic amne...
? 2023Quantum neural network (QNN) is a neural network model based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The advantages of faster computing speed, higher memory capacity, smaller network size and elimination of catastrophic amnesia make it a new idea to solve the problem of training massive data that is difficult for classical neural networks. However, the quantum circuit of QNN are artificially designed with high circuit complexity and low precision in classification tasks. In this paper, a neural architecture search method EQNAS is proposed to improve QNN. First, initializing the quantum population after image quantum encoding. The next step is observing the quantum population and evaluating the fitness. The last is updating the quantum population. Quantum rotation gate update, quantum circuit construction and entirety interference crossover are specific operations. The last two steps need to be carried out iteratively until a satisfactory fitness is achieved. After a lot of experiments on the searched quantum neural networks, the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm proposed in this paper are proved, and the searched QNN is obviously better than the original algorithm. The classification accuracy on the mnist dataset and the warship dataset not only increased by 5.31% and 4.52%, respectively, but also reduced the parameters by 21.88% and 31.25% respectively. Code will be available at https://gitee.com/Pcyslist/models/tree/master/research/cv/EQNAS, and https://github.com/Pcyslist/EQNAS.
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We propose a two step variational principle to describe helical structures in nature. The first one is governed by an energy action which is a linear function in both curvature and torsion allowing to describe nonclosed structures...
We propose a two step variational principle to describe helical structures in nature. The first one is governed by an energy action which is a linear function in both curvature and torsion allowing to describe nonclosed structures including elliptical, spherical, and conical helices. These appear as rhumb lines in right cylinders constructed over plane curves. The model is completed with a conformal alternative which, in particular, gives a description of closed structures. The energy action is linear in the curvatures when computed in a conformal spherical metric. Now, helices appear as making a constant angle with a Villarceau flow and so they are loxodromes in surfaces which are stereographic projections of Hopf tubes, in particular, anchor rings, revolution tori, and Dupin cyclides. The model satisfies the requirements of simplicity and beauty as reflected in the three main principles that head its construction: least action, topological, and quantization. According to the latter, the main entities and quantities associated with the model should not be multiplied unnecessarily but they are quantized. In this sense, a quantization principle, a la Dirac, is obtained for closed structures and also for the critical levels of energy.