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    [机翻] 有色测量噪声系统的分布式最优融合稳态Kalman滤波器
    [期刊]   Sun, SL   Deng, ZL   《International journal of systems science》    2005年36卷3期      共6页
    摘要 : Based on the optimal fusion criterion weighted by matrices in the linear minimum variance sense, an optimal information fusion steady- state Kalman filter is given for the discrete time- invariant linear stochastic control system ... 展开
    关键词 : TRACK FUSION  

    [机翻] 一种高效的基于簇的无线传感器网络跟踪机制
    摘要 : This paper proposes mechanisms to efficiently address critical tasks in the operation of cluster-based target tracking, namely: (1) measurement integration, (2) inclusion/exclusion in the cluster, and (3) cluster head rotation. Th... 展开

    [机翻] 再入段弹道目标跟踪的高斯混合近似Chernoff融合
    [期刊]   Lu, Kelin   Zhou, Rui   Zhang, Jie   《Aerospace science and technology》    2017年61卷Feb.期      共8页
    摘要 : A track-to-track fusion method to combine local estimates modeled with Gaussian mixture model is proposed for tracking a re-entry ballistic vehicle. An arbitrary power of a Gaussian mixture distribution is approximated with Gaussi... 展开

    [机翻] 分布式多传感器多目标多属性环境下的模糊航迹关联与航迹融合方法
    [期刊]   Ashraf M. Aziz   《Signal processing》    2007年87卷6期      共19页
    摘要 : A great deal of attention is currently focused on multisensor data fusion. Multisensor data fusion combines data from multiple sensor systems to achieve improved performance and provide more inferences than could be achieved using... 展开

    [机翻] 目标跟踪中的多传感器数据融合方法综述
    [期刊]   Smith, D.   Singh, S.   《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》    2006年18卷      共15页
    摘要 : The tracking of objects using distributed multiple sensors is an important field of work in the application areas of autonomous robotics, military applications, and mobile systems. In this survey, we review a number of computation... 展开

    [机翻] 通过在多个场景平面上定位来跟踪多个遮挡的人
    摘要 : Occlusion and lack of visibility in crowded and cluttered scenes make it difficult to track individual people correctly and consistently, particularly in a single view. We present a multi-view approach to solving this problem. In ... 展开
    关键词 : Sensor fusion   Tracking  

    [机翻] 目标存在时的航迹融合
    摘要 : Local tracking in clutter initialises and updates true and false tracks. Local false track discrimination uses a track quality measure to confirm most of the true tracks, and to terminate most of the false tracks. Confirmed tracks... 展开

    摘要 : The paper proposes a method to detect failures in object tracking. Detection is done with the help of two types of errors, namely jump and stop errors. Jump errors occur when an abrupt change in object's motion is observed, wherea... 展开

    [机翻] 面向统一跟踪框架的共生跟踪器集成
    摘要 : Tracking people and objects is a fundamental stage toward many video surveillance systems, for which various trackers have been specifically designed in the past decade. However, it comes to a consensus that there is not any speci... 展开

    摘要 : Driver assistance systems have increasingly relied on more sensors for new functions. As advanced driver assistance system continue to improve towards automated driving, new methods are required for processing the data in an effic... 展开
