摘要 :
This paper proposes a novel algorithm for estimating the fractal dimension of sea synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The algorithm is based on the variation method, and it is suitably designed for the analysis of sea SAR image...
This paper proposes a novel algorithm for estimating the fractal dimension of sea synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The algorithm is based on the variation method, and it is suitably designed for the analysis of sea SAR images. The SAR image fractal dimension is a feature that provides a measure of the image roughness. Such a feature can play an important role in the classification process for recognizing the presence of anomalies on the sea surface. The innovation aspects of this paper are listed as follows: 1) an extension of the variation method, which was proposed for the fractal analysis of one-dimensional signals, to the case of two-dimensional (2-D) functions; 2) a numerical formulation of the variation method, which is suitable for processing 2-D discrete signals; and 3) an optimization of the algorithm for sea SAR image analysis. The algorithm is tested and validated both on simulated and real ERS-1/2 Precision Image sea SAR images and compared with the classical estimation algorithm based on spectral analysis.
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Continuity of the European Remote Sensing Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS SAR) archive by means of Envisat Advanced SAR (ASAR) data acquired from March 2002 has introduced the problem of the coherent combination of images ...
Continuity of the European Remote Sensing Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS SAR) archive by means of Envisat Advanced SAR (ASAR) data acquired from March 2002 has introduced the problem of the coherent combination of images coming from sensors with slightly different frequencies. The spectral shift principle states that in case of extended distributed targets, the frequency shift is equivalent to a change of looking angle. In this paper, the same principle is exploited to analyze the behavior of permanent scatterers (PSs) with an extension that is smaller than the ground resolution cell. The conditions under which the PSs identified by ERS can be continued by Envisat are then theoretically determined and experimentally validated. Moreover, this analysis shows that acquisitions characterized by different frequencies can be used to identify the slant-range position of scatterers with high subcell accuracy (tens of centimeters). From the processing side, a very precise images coregistration step is required to get the results described in this paper.
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Recently, a novel design scheme of low-earth-orbit spaceborne mini-synthetic aperture radar (MiniSAR) system is proposed to exploit the integrated transceiver to collect the azimuth periodic block sampling data by using alternated...
Recently, a novel design scheme of low-earth-orbit spaceborne mini-synthetic aperture radar (MiniSAR) system is proposed to exploit the integrated transceiver to collect the azimuth periodic block sampling data by using alternated transmitting and receiving operations. Because such collected data are downsampled, the images recovered by the typical matched filtering (MF)-based methods have the problems of obvious azimuth ambiguities, ghosts, and energy dispersion. To find a suitable method for such data, with the help of sparse signal processing technique, we first introduce sparse synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging with l(1)-norm regularization-based approximated observation method to recover the large-scale considered scene. To further improve the imaging performance, a novel approximated observation unambiguous sparse SAR imaging method via l(2,1)-norm is proposed. Compared with l(1)-norm-based method, the recovered image by the proposed one achieves better imaging quality with reduced azimuth ambiguities and ghosts. Experimental results on simulated and real data validate the proposed method.
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We present a new interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) processing approach that capitalizes on the precise orbit tracking that is available with modern radar satellites. Our method uses an accurate orbit information alo...
We present a new interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) processing approach that capitalizes on the precise orbit tracking that is available with modern radar satellites. Our method uses an accurate orbit information along with motion-compensation techniques to propagate the radar echoes to positions along a noninertial virtual orbit frame in which the location and focusing equations are particularly simple, so that images are focused without requiring autofocus techniques and are computed efficiently. Motion compensation requires two additional focus correction phase terms that are implemented in the frequency domain. If the images from an interferometric pair or stack are all computed along the same reference orbit, flat-Earth topographic correction is not needed, and image coregistration is simplified, obviating many difficulties that are often encountered in InSAR processing. We process several data sets collected by the ALOS PALSAR instrument and find that the geodetic accuracy of the radar images is 10–20 m, with up to 20 m of additional image distortion needed to align 100 km $times$ 100 km scenes with reference digital elevation models. We validated the accuracy by using both known radar corner reflector locations and by the registration of the interferograms with digital maps. The topography-corrected interferograms are free from all geometric phase terms, and they clearly show the geophysical observables of crustal deformation, atmospheric phase, and ionospheric phase.
摘要 :
TerraSAR-X is a versatile synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite with active phased array antenna technology and represents the backbone of the German national radar Earth observation mission. With its large variety of differen...
TerraSAR-X is a versatile synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite with active phased array antenna technology and represents the backbone of the German national radar Earth observation mission. With its large variety of different SAR imaging modes and its high operational flexibility, TerraSAR-X ideally serves the scientific community and users from the industrial sector and governmental institutions. The innovative satellite system design combines the rich experience from past German and European SAR space missions like X-SAR, SRTM, ERS 1 and 2, and Envisat combined with state-of-the-art Earth observation bus technology as used, e.g., on the CHAMP and GRACE satellites.
摘要 :
The capability of a radar imaging system to stay undetected while gathering data is one of the most desired for military reconnaissance systems. This is particularly difficult to achieve for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that ha...
The capability of a radar imaging system to stay undetected while gathering data is one of the most desired for military reconnaissance systems. This is particularly difficult to achieve for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that have to emit electromagnetic energy all the time during the operation and to move along a strictly defined route. Therefore the idea of a passive imaging system although encountering many constraints seems to be very interesting. The possibilities of a passive synthetic aperture radar system working with different types of emitters of opportunity are described in the paper. Impact of signal characteristics on image quality and geometry issues are discussed among others. Results of computer simulations of such a system implementing different imaging algorithms as well as the results of the experiment performed with passive SAR system model are presented.
摘要 :
The capability of a radar imaging system to stay undetected while gathering data is one of the most desired for military reconnaissance systems. This is particularly difficult to achieve for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that ha...
The capability of a radar imaging system to stay undetected while gathering data is one of the most desired for military reconnaissance systems. This is particularly difficult to achieve for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that have to emit electromagnetic energy all the time during the operation and to move along a strictly defined route. Therefore the idea of a passive imaging system although encountering many constraints seems to be very interesting. The possibilities of a passive synthetic aperture radar system working with different types of emitters of opportunity are described in the paper. Impact of signal characteristics on image quality and geometry issues are discussed among others. Results of computer simulations of such a system implementing different imaging algorithms as well as the results of the experiment performed with passive SAR system model are presented.
摘要 :
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raw signal simulation is a useful tool for SAR system design, mission planning, processing algorithm testing, and inversion algorithm design. A two-dimensional (2-D) Fourier domain SAR raw signal sim...
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raw signal simulation is a useful tool for SAR system design, mission planning, processing algorithm testing, and inversion algorithm design. A two-dimensional (2-D) Fourier domain SAR raw signal simulator, exploiting the efficiency of fast Fourier transform algorithms, has been presented some years ago and is able to generate the raw signal corresponding to extended scenes. However, it cannot account for the effects of sensor trajectory deviations with respect to the nominal straight-line path. This paper explores the possibility of extending the efficient Fourier domain simulation approach to the case of sensor trajectory deviations, which is more realistic for airborne SAR systems. We first of all obtain a general and compact Fourier domain formulation of the SAR raw signal in the presence of arbitrary trajectory deviations, and show that in this general case no efficient simulation scheme can be devised. However, we demonstrate that, if a narrow beam and slow trajectory deviation assumption is made, a full 2-D Fourier domain simulation can be used. This approach can be applied only to some SAR systems and/or trajectory deviations, but it has the advantage that processing time is practically not increased with respect to the nominal trajectory case. The validity limits of the approach are analytically evaluated. Some simulation results are finally presented in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed simulation scheme. In another paper, which is the second part of this work, it will be shown that the narrow beam–slow deviation assumption can be relaxed, at the expense of computation efficiency, if a one-dimensional azimuth Fourier domain processing followed by a range time-domain integration is used.
摘要 :
In a previous paper, a two-dimensional Fourier domain synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raw signal simulator that exploits the efficiency of fast Fourier transform algorithms was presented. It accounts for the effects of sensor traje...
In a previous paper, a two-dimensional Fourier domain synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raw signal simulator that exploits the efficiency of fast Fourier transform algorithms was presented. It accounts for the effects of sensor trajectory deviations and is able to generate the raw signal corresponding to extended scenes in a few seconds. However, a narrow-beam–slow-deviation assumption is made; hence, the approach can be applied only to some SAR systems and/or trajectory deviations. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we show that the narrow-beam–slow-deviation assumption can be relaxed, at the expense of computation efficiency, if use is made of one-dimensional azimuth Fourier domain processing followed by range time-domain integration. The latter approach only requires some reasonable assumptions on the sensor motion and on the SAR system features; hence, it can be used for airborne SAR systems, and turns out to be still much more efficient than the time-domain one; hence, extended scenes can still be considered. Validity limits of the approach are also analytically evaluated, and several simulation results are finally presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed simulation scheme.
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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images reveal the surface imprints of atmospheric occluded fronts. An occluded front is characterized as a low-wind zone located between and within two zones of higher winds blowing in the opposite d...
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images reveal the surface imprints of atmospheric occluded fronts. An occluded front is characterized as a low-wind zone located between and within two zones of higher winds blowing in the opposite directions on the left and right sides of the occluded front. A group of four SAR images reveal that the width of an individual occluded frontal zone and the wind magnitudes outside fronts vary greatly from case to case. In this paper, we performed a case study to analyze an occluded front observed by an Environmental Satellite (Envisat) Advanced SAR and ASCAT scatterometer along the west coast of Canada on November 24, 2011. The two-way interactive, triply nested grid (9-3-1 km) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was utilized to simulate the evolution of the occluded front. The occluded front moved toward the east during a 24-h model simulation, and the movement between 18:00 and 21:00 UTC matched the occluded front positions derived from the concurrently collected surface weather maps; from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric National Weather Service archives. The WRF-simulated low-wind zone associated with the occluded front and ocean surface wind speed match well with the SAR and scatterometer wind retrievals. High wind outside the front zone became weaker during the front evolution, whereas the width of the occluded frontal zone was contracted laterally. Analysis of the WRF model derived potential temperature field suggests that the occlusion process occurred below the 800-mb level. The structure of the occluded front studied here not only follows the conventional conceptual model and also supports the findings of a novel wrap-up conceptual model for an atmospheric frontal occlusion process.