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    [期刊]   Liu, Lan-Cui   Wu, Gang   《Natural Hazards》    2015年75卷Suppl.2期      共12页
    摘要 : USA and China are the two largest energy-consuming countries, and energy supply vulnerability is a prior topic on energy policy. Then, we develop energy supply vulnerability assessment index including the sustainability, the stabi... 展开

    [机翻] 克罗地亚共和国能源战略实施建议
    [期刊]   Daria Karasalihovic Sedlar   Lidia Hrncevic   Igor Dekanic   《Energy》    2011年36卷7期      共16页
    摘要 : The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Croatia was adopted by the Croatian Parliament in 2009 for the period until 2020 in order to harmonize national energy goals with goals and time framework of strategic documents of the Europe... 展开

    [期刊]   Ashebir Dingeto Hailu   《AIMS Energy》    2022年10卷1期      共15页
    摘要 : Ethiopia, one of the countries in the Horn of Africa, has an abundance of hydroelectric resource potential that can meet the country's energy demand. However, this energy resource has been underutilized, and the country has one of... 展开

    [期刊]     《OECD observer》    2008年267期      共1页
    摘要 : Every country strives for energy efficiency,but assessing it is not an easy task. Since1971, the OECD's energy supply perunit of GDP has fallen sharply due to changesin manufacturing output, consumerbehaviour, shifts to electricit... 展开
    关键词 : energy   efficiency   energy supply  

    [机翻] 农村医疗设施的混合可再生能源供应:一种优质医疗服务的方法
    摘要 : The lack of modern electricity supply has been a major impediment to proper functioning of the healthcare centers in the rural areas, contributing to high maternal and child mortality rates in a country. Therefore, this study focu... 展开

    [机翻] 旅游度假区能源供应潜力的量化研究
    [期刊]   Cuozhong Zheng   Yuzhen Lu   Ke Li   Yuefen Gao   《Energy Engineering》    2018年115卷6期      共13页
    摘要 : Tourism resorts are usually located in beautiful spots, and the building energy system cannot affect the environment or aesthetics of the location. Therefore, the energy supply system of the tourism resort buildings group is diffe... 展开

    [机翻] 18世纪至今巴黎及其能源供应区的能源消耗
    [期刊]   Eunhye Kim   Sabine Barles   《Regional Environmental Change》    2012年12卷2期      共16页
    摘要 : Since the eighteenth century and the industrial revolution, cities have experienced great changes in their metabolism, and particularly in their energy consumption: transitions from one energy source to another, growing per capita... 展开

    [机翻] 巴基斯坦常规和非常规能源现状评估
    [期刊]   Zeeshan Alam Nayyar   Nayyer Alam Zaigham   Abdul Qadeer   《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》    2014年31卷Mar.期      共11页
    摘要 : It has become the universal fact that the energy is one of the key factors for the smooth and faster upgradation of the socio-economic activities in any country. In Pakistan's history of over 60 years, the country presently is fac... 展开

    摘要 : Today, economic development and development are extremely important. With the increasing need for energy in both the world and Turkish economy, the importance of ensuring the sustainability of the energy resources used and the sec... 展开

    摘要 : The current energy system is subject to a profound change: A system, designed to cater to energy needs by supplying fossil fuels is now expected to shift to integrate ever larger amounts of renewable energies to achieve overall a ... 展开
