摘要 :
На Cloud системи в яких вирiшуються завдання реального часу накла-даються додатковi вимоги на алгоритми планування i масштабуван...
На Cloud системи в яких вирiшуються завдання реального часу накла-даються додатковi вимоги на алгоритми планування i масштабування.За-пропоновано модифiкацiю алгоритму планування A*iалгоритму масшта-бування для виконання вимог реального часу.Використання балансуван-ня навантаження дозволя? маршрутизувати вхiднi запити на вiльнi ресур-си системи.Для пiдвищення гнучкостi запропоновано ввести для кожного рiвня прiоритету значення максимального та мiнiмального рiвня заванта-ження,згiдно з яким проводиться видiлення i звiльнення ресурсiв.Зале-жно вiд поточного завантаження ресурсiв системи i порогових значень про-водиться змiна кiлькостi вiртуальних машин.Алгоритм дозволя? врахову-вати час установки ново? машини i перенесення на не? завдання,оскiльки цеможе бути сутт?вим в умовах реального часу.Створено модель системи реальногочасу,експерименти на якiй показали гнучкiсть запропонованого алгоритму.
摘要 :
The use of multiple personalized mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) is on the increase. As such, users expect to access several network-based services across their n-devices. Previous studies proposed Ubiquitous Cloud ...
The use of multiple personalized mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) is on the increase. As such, users expect to access several network-based services across their n-devices. Previous studies proposed Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (UCC) where a single user or service consumer is facilitated to access multiple services from n-devices. However, seamless synchronization of data between the multiple devices can be hindered by intermittent loss of connectivity in mobile wireless networks due to user mobility. Another source of latency is non-scalable architectures that tend to be overburdened during peak loads. This work proposes a cloud-based application middleware, called Mobile Ubiquitous Brokerage as a Service (MUBaaS), which enables n-devices of a user to access multiple cloud services end-points in soft-real time. This is achieved by proposing distributed brokers that coordinates the transactions of the user while taking load balancing into account. Pilot evaluations of the proposed architecture prove real-time application synchronization with reasonable scalability.
摘要 :
As mobile computing has been developed for decades, a new model for mobile computing, namely, mobile cloud computing, emerges resulting from the marriage of powerful yet affordable mobile devices and cloud computing. In this paper...
As mobile computing has been developed for decades, a new model for mobile computing, namely, mobile cloud computing, emerges resulting from the marriage of powerful yet affordable mobile devices and cloud computing. In this paper we survey existing mobile cloud computing applications, as well as speculate future generation mobile cloud computing applications. We provide insights for the enabling technologies and challenges that lie ahead for us to move forward from mobile computing to mobile cloud computing for building the next generation mobile cloud applications. For each of the challenges, we provide a survey of existing solutions, identify research gaps, and suggest future research areas.
摘要 :
Mobile Cloud Computing, is the new future of both mobile and cloud computing which has become one of the industries' most popular and dynamic research area. As Mobile Cloud Computing is still at the early stage of development, it ...
Mobile Cloud Computing, is the new future of both mobile and cloud computing which has become one of the industries' most popular and dynamic research area. As Mobile Cloud Computing is still at the early stage of development, it is important to grasp a thorough understanding of the technology in order to point out the direction of future research. This paper presents a detailed study on the background of Mobile Cloud Computing, characteristics, architecture, challenges and solutions and open research topics. A brief account on the background of Mobile Cloud Computing is presented ranging from mobile computing to cloud computing, followed by a discussion on characteristics, the features and infrastructure of mobile cloud computing is analysed. In the rest of the paper , the challenges of mobile cloud computing are analysed. summary of different research projects relevant to this area is given, and promising future research directions are explained in detail.
摘要 :
Despite the cloud computing being a new approach to computing service delivery or just a kind of unstandardized distributed systems or maybe a high level of IT outsourcing, cloud computing is expected to become the most common com...
Despite the cloud computing being a new approach to computing service delivery or just a kind of unstandardized distributed systems or maybe a high level of IT outsourcing, cloud computing is expected to become the most common computing language in the next decades. There are many challenges that slow the adoption of cloud computing. In this paper, we discuss some cloud computing adaptation challenges from the perspectives of cloud service providers and clients in terms of standards, security, legislation, performance, and service cost.
摘要 :
Mobile Cloud Computing, is the new future of both mobile and cloud computing which has become one of the industries' most popular and dynamic research area. As Mobile Cloud Computing is still at the early stage of development, it ...
Mobile Cloud Computing, is the new future of both mobile and cloud computing which has become one of the industries' most popular and dynamic research area. As Mobile Cloud Computing is still at the early stage of development, it is important to grasp a thorough understanding of the technology in order to point out the direction of future research. This paper presents a detailed study on the background of Mobile Cloud Computing, characteristics, architecture, challenges and solutions and open research topics. A brief account on the background of Mobile Cloud Computing is presented ranging from mobile computing to cloud computing, followed by a discussion on characteristics, the features and infrastructure of mobile cloud computing is analysed. In the rest of the paper, the challenges of mobile cloud computing are analysed, summary of different research projects relevant to this area is given, and promising future research directions are explained in detail.
摘要 :
Cloud computing has presented to us another point of view to take a gander at the current asset - sharing issue, cloud computing can be applied to advanced library assets to further develop data sharing abilities, further develop ...
Cloud computing has presented to us another point of view to take a gander at the current asset - sharing issue, cloud computing can be applied to advanced library assets to further develop data sharing abilities, further develop asset use. This paper portrays how cloud computing assists with accomplishing more effective utilization of IT equipment and programming ventures and give a way to speed up the appropriation of advancement. The study gives an overview of cloud computing and how it might be combined with library administrations in the online environment.
摘要 :
By moving service provisioning from the cloud to the edge, edge computing becomes a promising solution in the era of IoT to meet the delay requirements of IoT applications, enhance the scalability and energy efficiency of lightwei...
By moving service provisioning from the cloud to the edge, edge computing becomes a promising solution in the era of IoT to meet the delay requirements of IoT applications, enhance the scalability and energy efficiency of lightweight IoT devices, provide contextual information processing, and mitigate the traffic burdens of the backbone network. However, as an emerging field of study, edge computing is still in its infancy and faces many challenges in its implementation and standardization. In this article, we study an implementation of edge computing, which exploits transparent computing to build scalable IoT platforms. Specifically, we first propose a transparent computing based IoT architecture, and clearly identify its advantages and associated challenges. Then, we present a case study to clearly show how to build scalable lightweight wearables with the proposed architecture. Some future directions are finally pointed out to foster continued research efforts.
摘要 :
Cloud computing is one of the most trendy terminologies. Cloud providers aim to satisfy clients' requirements for computing resources such as services, applications, networks, storage and servers. They offer the possibility of lea...
Cloud computing is one of the most trendy terminologies. Cloud providers aim to satisfy clients' requirements for computing resources such as services, applications, networks, storage and servers. They offer the possibility of leasing these resources rather than buying them. Many popular companies, such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft, began to enhance their services and apply the technology of cloud computing to provide cloud environment for their customers. Although there are lots of advantages in using a cloud-based system, some issues must be handled before organisations and individuals have the trust to deploy their systems in cloud computing. Security, privacy, power efficiency, compliance and integrity are among those important issues. In this paper, we focus on cloud computing along with its deployment and delivery models. A comparison between cloud computing with other computing models is presented, this is in addition to a survey on different major security issues, challenges and risks which currently pose threats to the cloud industry. Moreover, we discuss cloud security requirements and their importance for deployment and delivery models. Finally, we present cloud computing security future trends and research openings.
摘要 :
In the past few years, cloud computing has evolved to be a major trend for all levels of computer users and organizations. This article compares the suitability of cloud computing software for a library setting among some availabl...
In the past few years, cloud computing has evolved to be a major trend for all levels of computer users and organizations. This article compares the suitability of cloud computing software for a library setting among some available cloud service providers. The paper first introduces cloud computing with respect to its definition, types, and services. The focus is then shifted to what cloud computing might mean to libraries. The paper also explores the potential cloud based operating system providers, productivity suite providers, mailing service providers, and storage, cataloging, and calendar service providers.