摘要 :
The flexible geometry configuration of the bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has many advantages. However, it causes serious measurement error in the bistatic SAR system, which degrades the quality of the SAR images and the ...
The flexible geometry configuration of the bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has many advantages. However, it causes serious measurement error in the bistatic SAR system, which degrades the quality of the SAR images and the precision of the digital elevation model (DEM) obtained using stereoscopy bistatic SAR. In this paper, the influence of the scene height estimation error, trigger delay, transmitter position measurement error, receiver position measurement error, and transmission line length measurement error are analyzed. These analyses are very useful in bistatic SAR system design. The scene height estimation error, trigger delay, transmitter position measurement error, and synchronization receiver position measurement error affect both the quality of the images and the precision of the DEM obtained by stereoscopy bistatic SAR slightly. The echo receiver position measurement error and transmission line length measurement error affect the quality of the imaging only slightly, but seriously affect the precision of the DEM obtained by stereoscopy bistatic SAR. Luckily, their measurement precision can be quite satisfactory. Simulations and real bistatic experimental results verify the proposed theoretical analysis.
摘要 :
Bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) uses a separated transmitter and receiver flying on different platforms to achieve benefits like exploitation of additional information contained in the bistatic reflectivity of targets, red...
Bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) uses a separated transmitter and receiver flying on different platforms to achieve benefits like exploitation of additional information contained in the bistatic reflectivity of targets, reduced vulnerability for military applications, forward-looking SAR imaging, or increased radar cross section. Besides technical problems such as synchronization of the oscillators, involved adjustment of transmit pulse versus receive gate timing, antenna pointing, flight coordination, and motion compensation, the development of a bistatic focusing algorithm is still in progress and not sufficiently solved. As a step to a numerically efficient processor, this paper presents a bistatic range migration algorithm for the translationally invariant case, where transmitter and receiver have equal velocity vectors. In this paper, the algorithm was successfully applied to simulated and real bistatic data. The real bistatic data have been acquired with the Forschungsgesellschaft fÜr Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (FGAN)''s X-band SAR systems, namely the Airborne Experimental Radar II and the Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar, in October 2003.
摘要 :
We report about the first X-band spaceborne–airborne bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) experiment, conducted early November 2007, using the German satellite TerraSAR-X as transmitter and the German Aerospace Center's (DLR)...
We report about the first X-band spaceborne–airborne bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) experiment, conducted early November 2007, using the German satellite TerraSAR-X as transmitter and the German Aerospace Center's (DLR) new airborne radar system F-SAR as receiver. The importance of the experiment resides in both its pioneering character and its potential to serve as a test bed for the validation of nonstationary bistatic acquisitions, novel calibration and synchronization algorithms, and advanced imaging techniques. Due to the independent operation of the transmitter and receiver, an accurate synchronization procedure was needed during processing to make high-resolution imaging feasible. Precise phase-preserving bistatic focusing can only be achieved if time and phase synchronization exist. The synchronization approach, based on the evaluation of the range histories of several reference targets, was verified through a separate analysis of the range and Doppler contributions. After successful synchronization, nonstationary focusing was performed using a bistatic backprojection algorithm. During the campaign, stand-alone TerraSAR-X monostatic as well as interoperated TerraSAR-X/F-SAR bistatic data sets were recorded. As expected, the bistatic image shows a space-variant behavior in spatial resolution and in signal-to-noise ratio. Due to the selected configuration, the bistatic image outperforms its monostatic counterpart in almost the complete imaged scene. A detailed comparison between monostatic and bistatic images is given, illustrating the complementarity of both measurements in terms of backscatter and Doppler information. The results are of fundamental importance for the development of future nonsynchronized bistatic SAR systems.
摘要 :
Monitoring large built structures, landslides, volcanoes, or glaciers implies relative height measurements and line-of-sight (LOS) displacement measurements, which are typically performed with monostatic spaceborne synthetic apert...
Monitoring large built structures, landslides, volcanoes, or glaciers implies relative height measurements and line-of-sight (LOS) displacement measurements, which are typically performed with monostatic spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors. In this case, for each satellite that illuminates a given location, we can usually exploit only the information available from one ascending/descending orbit, and if the satellite uses multiple subswaths, the information is obtained only from one subswath per orbit. A bistatic configuration with spaceborne transmitter and fixed ground-based (GB) receiver opens the possibility to exploit the information available from more than one orbit and one subswath per orbit. Additionally, such a configuration offers new perspectives for target tracking and characterization (e.g., multiple LOSs and bistatic scattering signatures). This article presents an opportunistic C-band bistatic SAR differential interferometry architecture that uses a multichannel GB stationary receiver and a separate transmitter, which can be either the Sentinel-1A/B satellite, used opportunistically, or a specially designed GB sliding transmitter. The combination of the operation modes based on spaceborne and GB transmitter allows monitoring a small critical area of interest with many acquisitions triggered by the GB transmitter and surveying of the whole surrounding area with a small number of acquisitions corresponding to the satellites passes. The hardware platforms are presented along with the bistatic interferometric processing flow, and the potential of the proposed architecture is assessed in the context of monitoring large built structures.
摘要 :
The spatial separation of the transmitter and the receiver in bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) enables a variety of data acquisition geometries to achieve benefits like the increased information content of bistatic SAR data...
The spatial separation of the transmitter and the receiver in bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) enables a variety of data acquisition geometries to achieve benefits like the increased information content of bistatic SAR data. In the case of hybrid bistatic SAR constellations where the transmitter is spaceborne and the receiver is onboard an aircraft, one has to deal with a huge discrepancy between platform velocities. This paper presents bistatic spaceborne/airborne SAR experiments, where the radar satellite TerraSAR-X is used as a transmitter and the airborne SAR sensor Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar (PAMIR) of the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques (FHR) is used as a receiver. Both sensors are equipped with phased-array antennas, which offer the possibility of beam steering and could be used for the first time for the “double sliding spotlight mode.” In this mode, the space- and airborne sensors operate with different sliding factors (ratio between footprint and platform velocity). The performance of two different experiments is analyzed, and the novel double sliding spotlight mode is presented. This paper describes the experimental setups, the synchronization system, and the data acquisition. The image results were processed by a modified backprojection algorithm and a frequency-domain algorithm. The analysis of the final bistatic images comprises the spatial resolution and the scattering behavior of selected objects. Parts of the bistatic SAR images are compared with the corresponding monostatic images of PAMIR and TerraSAR-X. It will be shown that hybrid bistatic SAR is a worthwhile and helpful addition to current monostatic SAR.
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The work presented in this paper describes the signal processing of raw data measured by the HITCHHIKER bistatic radar system which is the final step toward open publication of the raw radar data acquired in the hybrid (spaceborne...
The work presented in this paper describes the signal processing of raw data measured by the HITCHHIKER bistatic radar system which is the final step toward open publication of the raw radar data acquired in the hybrid (spaceborne/stationary) experiments in cooperation with the TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X system. During the preprocessing, the data stored by the sensor are transformed to a generic dataset which can be described by a generalized signal model. Therefore, the synchronization of transmitter and receiver, the position preprocessing, and the pulse compression is performed in this step. Furthermore, the preprocessed radar data are focused in spatial domain yielding synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images in bistatic radar coordinates. Finally, the structure and format of the datasets are described along with the procedure to request them.
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This new autofocus method is based on multilateration by ranging to small target areas at independent directions on the ground. Range-clipped Doppler low-filtered profiles around target points are used to compute local images usin...
This new autofocus method is based on multilateration by ranging to small target areas at independent directions on the ground. Range-clipped Doppler low-filtered profiles around target points are used to compute local images using frequency-domain polar format algorithm. Images obtained from adjacent subapertures are registered, and the displacements yield elevation, trajectory, or clock drift (bistatic case) errors. To alleviate the insensitivity of map drift to error fluctuation faster than subaperture duration, the algorithm is reiterated with coarse-to-fine resolution, yielding high to low frequency errors. This allowed true bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) autofocus (without monostatic image), autofocus in circular SAR on remote areas, and, as a side product, our first successful air-to-air inverse SAR high-resolution imaging.
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This letter discusses the implementation of SABRINA, Synthetic Aperture radar Bistatic Receiver for Interferometric Applications. The ground resolution of a fixed-receiver bistatic system is studied, showing that it is comparable ...
This letter discusses the implementation of SABRINA, Synthetic Aperture radar Bistatic Receiver for Interferometric Applications. The ground resolution of a fixed-receiver bistatic system is studied, showing that it is comparable to that of a monostatic system. Due to the short distance from target to receiver, large sensitivity is obtained. The noncooperative nature of the bistatic system forces a conservative data-acquisition strategy based on continuously sampling the scattered signal during a temporal window around the predicted satellite overpass time. Also, to be able to synchronize the system in time and in frequency, sampling of a direct signal obtained through an antenna pointed at the satellite is required. Besides the signal processing required to phase-lock the received signal, the bistatic synthetic aperture radar processing needs to take into account the azimuth-dependent phase history. First focused images obtained with the SABRINA–ENVISAT combination are discussed.
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Bistatic synthetic aperture radar with geostationary illuminator (GeoBiSAR) has its own characteristics in terms of geometrical configuration. In this letter, we treat the Earth's surface as an ellipsoid surface and consider the c...
Bistatic synthetic aperture radar with geostationary illuminator (GeoBiSAR) has its own characteristics in terms of geometrical configuration. In this letter, we treat the Earth's surface as an ellipsoid surface and consider the case of large coherent integration angle and then combine them with the existing methods to determine three key elements describing 2-D resolution for GeoBiSAR and give the generalized resolution calculation formulas for GeoBiSAR. Simulation results verify the validity of the resolution calculation formulas and the related conclusions.
摘要 :
In this paper, bistatic interferometry using fixed-receiver configurations is addressed both theoretically and experimentally. The analytical expressions for interferometric phase and height sensitivity are derived, and a full in...
In this paper, bistatic interferometry using fixed-receiver configurations is addressed both theoretically and experimentally. The analytical expressions for interferometric phase and height sensitivity are derived, and a full interferometric processing chain for digital elevation model (DEM) generation is presented. The derived expressions are general, and they can be applied to two possible acquisition geometries: backscattering and forward scattering. The theoretical developments are complemented with experimental results done with the bistatic receiver Synthetic Aperture radar Bistatic Receiver for INterferometric Applications. The obtained DEMs are compared with a DEM from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and a digital terrain model from the Institut Cartografic de Catalunya. The comparison allows one to validate the results and demonstrate to which particular features of the scene that the bistatic radar is sensitive.