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    [期刊]   A. A. Badmus   A. J. Afolayan   《Dynamic Chiropractic》    2010年4卷16期      共4页
    摘要 : The foliar micromorphology ofArctotis arctotoides(L.f.) O. Hoffm. a medicinal plant in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa was investigated using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The leaf surfaces of the plant were char... 展开

    [期刊]   A. A. Badmus   A. J. Afolayan   《Journal of Medicinal Plants Research》    2010年4卷16期      共5页
    摘要 : The foliar micromorphology of?Arctotis arctotoides?(L.f.) O. Hoffm. a medicinal plant in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa was investigated using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The leaf surfaces of the plant were ch... 展开

    [期刊]   Abimbola Badmus   Anthony Afolayan   《African Journal of Biotechnology》    2012年11卷47期      共6页
    摘要 : Aqueous?shoot and root extracts of?Arctotis?arctotoides?were tested for their allelopathic properties on cabbage, carrot, tomato and spinach seed germination and seedling growth. The addition of the two extracts at 8 and 10 mg ml-... 展开

    [期刊]   Afolayan A.J   Jimoh F.O   Sofidiya M.O   Koduru S   Lewu F.B   《Pharmaceutical Biology》    2007年45卷6期      共8页
    摘要 : The antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the acetone, methanol, and water extracts from the root of Arctotis arctotoides (L.f.) O. Hoffm (Asteraceae) were assessed in an effort to validate the medicinal potential of the subte... 展开

    [机翻] 南非多汁卡鲁九种菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科菊
    [期刊]   Robert J. McKenzie   Nigel P. Barker   《Novon》    2010年20卷3期      共5页
    摘要 : In preparation for the treatment of Arctotis L. (Asteraceae) in the upcoming Conspectus of the Trans-Cape Succulent Karoo Flora of South Africa, the typification of names and synonymy for nine Arctotis species that occur within th... 展开

    摘要 : Ethnopharmacological relevance: Arctotis arctotoides (Asteraceae) is part of the genus Arctotis. Arctotis is an African genus of approximately 70 species that occur widely in the African continent with diverse medicinal values. Th... 展开

    [期刊]   Mckenzie, Robert J.   《Willdenowia》    2018年48卷1期      共21页
    摘要 : In preparation for the treatment of Arctotis L. (Asteraceae) in the e-Flora of South Africa project, the correct names, typifications and synonymies are clarified for 24 Arctotis species and two varieties indigenous to the Western... 展开

    [期刊]   McKenzie, Robert J.   《Taxon》    2013年62卷4期      共2页
    摘要 : A lectotype is designated for the name Venidium subacaule DC. based on a specimen in Candolle's Prodromus Herbarium, which replaces the neotype previously designated for this name. As a result of the revised typification, V subaca... 展开

    [机翻] 菊科菊科菊科菊科菊科植物的形态及其分类学意义
    摘要 : Subtribe Arctotidinae comprises an estimated 80-90 species classified in five genera. Taxonomic relationships within the subtribe are poorly understood and the taxonomy of Arctotis is notably confused. Cypselar morphology provides... 展开
