[会议]Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers2015 34th Chinese Control Conference  Huang Xianlin, Gao Xiao-Zhi, Pang Hongjun, Zhang Weidong

摘要: For the purpose of solving the multi-objective reentry trajectory optimization problem with multiple path and terminal constraints for a hypersonic reentry-gliding vehicle, the energy-like dynamic equations are introduced by origi... 展开

作者 Huang Xianlin   Gao Xiao-Zhi   Pang Hongjun   Zhang Weidong  
文集名称 2015 34th Chinese Control Conference
出版年 2015
出版社 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
会议名称 Chinese Control Conference  
开始页/总页数 2350 / 7
会议日期/会议地点 20150728-30 / Hangzhou 会议年/会议届次 2015 / 34th
中图分类号 TP273  
关键词 NLP problem   PSO algorithm   energy-like dynamic equations   multi-objective trajectory optimization  
馆藏号 N2015111000144968