摘要 : We report a comprehensive study of magnetotransport properties, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and density functional theory (DFT) calculations on self-flux grown LaAuSb_2 single crystals. Resistivity and Hall ... 展开
作者 | Xueliang Wu Zhixiang Hu David Graf Yu Liu Chaoyue Deng Huixia Fu Asish K. Kundu Tonica Valla Cedomir Petrovic Aifeng Wang |
作者单位 | |
期刊名称 | 《Physical review.B.Condensed matter and materials physics 》 |
页码/总页数 | 245156.1-245156.11 / 11 |
语种/中图分类号 | 英语 / O4 |
DOI | 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.245156 |
馆藏号 | O-174 |