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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 A hybrid reliability assessment method based on health index construction and reliability modeling for rolling bearing Yuan‐Jian Yang, Chengyuan Ma, Gui‐Hua Liu... 4,131
2 Gear fault diagnosis based on small channel convolutional neural network under multiscale fusion attention mechanism Xuejiao Du, Bowen Liu, Jingbo Gai... 4,147
3 Advancing software reliability with time series insights: A non‐autoregressive ANN approach Shiv Kumar Sharma, Rohit Kumar Rana 4,166
4 Textual data for electricity load forecasting David Obst, Sandra Claudel, Jairo Cugliari... 4,187
5 Sensitivity analysis for sets: Application to pollutant concentration maps Noé Fellmann, M. Pasquier, C. Blanchet‐Scalliet... 4,209
6 Deep learning the Hurst parameter of linear fractional processes and assessing its reliability Dániel Boros, Bálint Csanády, Iván Ivkovic... 4,228
7 Weibull mixture estimation based on censored data with applications to clustering in reliability engineering Florian Lamalle, Vincent Feuillard, Anne Sabourin... 4,247
8 A novel reliability analysis approach for multi‐component systems with stochastic dependency and functional relationships Karim Atashgar, Majid Abbasi, Mostafa Khazaee... 4,262
9 Multimode high‐dimensional time series clustering and monitoring for wind turbine SCADA data Luo Yang, Kaibo Wang, Jie Zhou 4,285
10 Implementation of compound optimal design in progressive first‐failure censored data Vaibhav N. Dhameliya, Raj Kamal Maurya, Ritwik Bhattacharya 4,307