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1 α-Bi2(MoO4)3 nanorods decorated with two-dimensional g-C3N4 nanosheets for efficient degradation of doxycycline under visible light illumination V.Vasanthakumar, Murad Alsawalha, Thamer Alomayri 1
2 Carbon dioxide solubility in Deep Eutectic Solvents: Modelling using Cubic Plus Association and Peng-Robinson equations of state Fernanda Paludetto Pelaquim, Raphaela Gabri Bitencourt, Antonio Marinho Barbosa Neto 14
3 Advances in continuous flow aerobic granular sludge: A review Jun Liu, Dong Xu, Jun Li 27
4 Two-step surface functionalization/alignment strategy to improve CO2/N2 separation from mixed matrix membranes based on PEBAX and graphene oxide Mojtaba Mehdinia Lichaei, Farhang Pazani, Abdolreza Aroujalian 36
5 Enhanced adsorption of malachite green on hydroxyl functionalized coal: Behaviors and mechanisms Jing Zhang, Yanling Zhao, Siqi Wu 48
6 Oxidative degradation of bisphenol A in municipal wastewater reverse osmosis concentrate(ROC)using ferrate(VI)/hydrogen peroxide Fitri Widhiastuti, Linhua Fan, Jorge Paz-Ferreiro 58
7 Pyrolysis of low-value waste miscanthus grass: Physicochemical characterization,pyrolysis kinetics,and characterization of pyrolytic end products Ranjeet Kumar Mishra, Arun Kumar, Monika 68
8 Resilience assessment framework for fast response process systems Bhushan Pawar, Mitchell Huffman, Faisal Khan 82
9 Particle emissions from a marine diesel engine burning two kinds of sulphur diesel oils with an EGR & scrubber system: Size,number & mass Zhanguang Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Jinpeng Guo 94
10 The effect of different in situ chemical oxidation(ISCO)technologies on the survival of indigenous microbes and the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Ku-Fan Chen 105