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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Comparison of ultrahigh and standard resolution photon-counting CT angiography of the femoral arteries in a continuously perfused in vitro model Philipp Gruschwitz, Viktor Hartung, Henner Huflage... 1
2 Brainstem anatomy with 7-T MRI: in vivo assessment and ex vivo comparison Graziella Donatelli, Paolo Cecchi, Aron Emmi... 1
3 Variation in cartilage T2 and T2* mapping of the wrist: a comparison between 3- and 7-T MRI Rafael Heiss, Eva L. Balbach, Maximilian Hinsen... 1
4 Corpus callosum in children with neurodevelopmental delay: MRI standard qualitative assessment versus automatic quantitative analysis Natacha Mandine, Baptiste Morel, Elsa Tavernier... 1
5 Variability of transient elastography-based spleen stiffness performed at 100?Hz Angelo Armandi, Talal Merizian, Merle Marie Werner... 1
6 Longitudinal assessment of cardiac parameters through MRI in breast cancer patients treated with anti-HER2 therapy Sainan Cheng, Jianwei Wang, Yawen Wang... 1
7 Stent appearance in a novel silicon-based photon-counting CT prototype: ex vivo phantom study in head-to-head comparison with conventional energy-integrating CT Emma Verelst, Nico Buls, Johan De Mey... 1
8 Ovarian cancer beyond imaging: integration of AI and multiomics biomarkers Sepideh Hatamikia, Ramona Woitek, Stephanie Nougaret... 1
9 Optimized flow compensation for contrast-enhanced T1-weighted Wave-CAIPI 3D MPRAGE imaging of the brain Azadeh Tabari, Min Lang, Komal Awan... 1
10 Strategies for calculating contrast media dose for chest CT Mette Karen Henning, Safora Johansen, Catherine Gunn... 1