  • 《EMBO Journal》 2002年3卷5期

摘要 : Yra1p is an essential and conserved mRNA export factor in yeast. Strikingly, removal of the intron from YRA1 causes a dominant-negative growth phenotype and a concomitant inhibition of mRNA export. However, both defects are neutra... 展开

作者 Rodriguez-Navarro S   Strasser K   Hurt E  
期刊名称 《EMBO Journal》
总页数 5
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q7  
关键词 Messenger-rna export   Constitutive transport element   Hnrnp-like   proteins   Human tap protein   Nuclear export   Binding   Complex   Mex67p   Interacts   Homolog  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0000672