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1 Genetic analysis of introgression lines of Oryza rufipogon for improvement of low phosphorous tolerance in Indica rice Basavaraj P. S., Gireesh C., Bharamappanavara Muralidhara... 135
2 Elevated CO_2 and Nitrogen dose affect grain ionome, grain morphology and associated gene expression in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Sinto A., Sathee Lekshmy, Singh Dalveer... 143
3 Productivity-based assessment of tolerance to high plant density stress in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred lines and their single cross hybrids Sarkar Aditi, Sandhu Surinder, Pal Lalit... 153
4 Heterotic grouping of Indian baby corn lines based on combining ability Kumar Pardeep, Longmei Ningthai, Jat B. S.... 161
5 Relationship and genetic diversity analysis of Brassica juncea and U tringle species using intron polymorphic markers Chaudhary Rajat, Yashpal, Pardeshi Priya... 177
6 Study on heat stress indices and their correlation with yield in Indian mustard genotypes under diverse conditions Chugh Priya, Sharma Pushpa, Sharma Rajni... 186
7 Elucidating genetic diversity and association mapping to identify SSR markers linked to 100 seed weight in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Jha Uday Chand, Jha Rintu, Thakro Virevol... 193
8 Identification of superior parental lines based on BLUP breeding values in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Sood Salej, Bhardwaj Vinay, Kaushik SK... 200
9 Stability analysis of yield and yield related traits in ricebean [Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi] Philanim W. S., Kumar Amit, Shittegar Nivedita... 208
10 Expression analysis of defense response genes upon Sigatoka infection in Musa paradisiaca cultivar Kachkal Borah Sudarshana, Saikia Banashree, Bora Dipsikha... 217